Anne frank

Anne Frank

  • Born

    Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents are Otto Frank and Edith Holländer.
  • Move to Amsterdam

    Move to Amsterdam
    Frank Family decides to move to Holland, Amsterdam to escape the growing persecution in Germany (
  • Birthday

    Anne receives a diary for her 13th birthday. It had been saved for the secret annex. She recorded her feelings and observations while hiding. There were vivid descriptions of what happened in that annex while hiding (
  • Hiding

    Margot Frank got a letter telling her to move back to Germany for a work camp. But, the Frank family had to go into hiding. They hid in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank's business. It was located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam (
  • getting Roomates

    getting Roomates
    The Frank family let the Van Pels family hide with them in the Secret Annex soon after they started hiding. On November 16, 1942, they also welcomed their dentist Fritz Pfeffer, who Anne named the pseudonym Albert Dussel for her diary (
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    The Red Army (Soviet Union) was surrendered by German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus and his Sixth Army. German was an unbeatable army, until The Red Army, as well as other people in occupied territories, regained strength, hope, and victory (
  • Jews leave Amsterdam

    Jews leave Amsterdam
    With the order of Rauter, head of the German SS and the police, about 750 Jews compiled to the military police building near Muiderpoort train station in Amsterdam. With that order, no Jews could stay in Amsterdam, unless they had a postponement. Some arrived in Westerbork, while many where sent to Sobibor extermination camp, where they were gassed eight days later (
  • Jews in hiding are discovered

    Jews in hiding are discovered
    Police showed up at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. They found the bookcase and people who were in hiding. Johannes Kleiman and Victor Kugler were placed in a detention center inn Amstelveenseweg. Edith, Margot, Anne, and Auguste stayed in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Otto, Hermann, Peter and Fritz had to walk to camp Auschwitz I, The police searched the secret Annex, where they discovered Anne's diary papers; Miep held onto the diary until after the war (
  • Anne and Margot's outcomes

    Anne and Margot's outcomes
    Anne and sister Margot Frank were transferred from their original camp Auschwitz to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in a crowded train, leaving their mother behind in Auschwitz. Anne met up with girls she knew from school in Amserdam, but soon later the camp deteriorated. The camp was filthy dirty, crawling with vermin, and there was little food for the prisoners. Many prisoners were ill along with Anne and Margot her contracted spotted typhus and died in February 1945.
  • Anne's Diary

    Anne's Diary
    Anne's wish came true on the 25th when her diary, and now book, was published. It was well popular in the Netherlands. They sold the first Dutch edition was sold soon after, and in December 1947 the second book was published. Since there was only a six month gap of the two Dutch copies being published, you can see the impact this book has had on many lives (