
Ancient India 2300BC to 500AD

By ty6034
  • 2300 BCE

    Harappan Civilization

    Harappan Civilization
    The Harappa's lived in the Indus River Valley. They came up with India's first known writing system. No one knows how their civilization ended maybe invaders or natural causes.
  • 1500 BCE


    Sanskrit was the most important language of ancient India. It was the only language they used at first. Sanskrit records tell us a lot of important information about the Aryans.
  • 1500 BCE


    Religion was important to the Aryans. Their religion was based on four Vedas that had sacred texts inside. The Vedas had religious rituals, secret rituals that certain people could do, and told how to do sacrifices.
  • 1250 BCE

    Hinduism Develops

    Hinduism Develops
    People from central Asia brought religious ideas to India that made Hinduism. It is the largest religion in India today. They believed the souls are born and reborn many times in a new body every time. If you are reborn from good karma you would be in a high level on the caste system, if your reborn with bad karma you are on a lower caste level.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aryan Invation

    Aryan Invation
    The Aryans where skilled warriors. They took control of the entire Indus valley to the Ganges river valley. We learned a lot about Aryan society from the Vedas.
  • 1000 BCE

    Mahabharata and Ramayana

    Mahabharata and Ramayana
    Mahabharata is one of the worlds longest sacred text. Its about two familes that struggles to take control over a kingdom. Ramayana was written before Mahabharata. It is about a prince named Rama. He was the ideal prince cause he rescued his wife Sita. He was the deity Vishnu in human form.
  • 520 BCE

    Siddhartha and Buddism

    Siddhartha and Buddism
    Siddhartha was a prince who grew up in luxury. He was unhappy and felt like something was missing in his life. He started fasting and meditating. After seven weeks of deep meditation he figured out that humans suffer from, wanting to much. He was known as the Buddha
  • 500 BCE

    Jains React to Hinduism

    Jains React to Hinduism
    Jainism was based on teachings by a man named Mahavirar. The Jains tried to live by four rules, injure no life, tell the truth, do not steal, own no property. They did not believe in violence.
  • 400 BCE

    Hindu-Arabic numerals

    Hindu-Arabic numerals
    The Gupta scholars made up elements of our modern math system. The numbers we use now are called Hindu-Arabic numerals. They were created by Indian scholars and brought to Europe by Arabs.
  • 320 BCE

    Mauryan Empire

    Mauryan Empire
    Chandragupta Maurya took control on the entire northern part of India. He ruled is empire with the help of a government. He had spies, an army, war elephants, and chariots. Chandragupta decided to become a Jainist monk. He passed his throne to his son Asoka. Asoka became the strongest ruler of all Mauryan emperors. He watched armies fight the bloodiest battles an took over most of India. He decided to convert to Buddhism and never started war agan.
  • 300 BCE

    Gupta Society (Rulers promote Hinduism)

    Gupta Society (Rulers promote Hinduism)
    The first Gupta emperor was Chandragupta l. He was Hindu so Hinduism became India's major religion. The Gupta king built Hindu temples. The Gupta kings believed the social ordr of te Hindu caste system would make them stronger. The of women was to marry and have children, all marrages were arragned by parents.
  • 251 BCE

    A Split Within Buddhism

    A Split Within Buddhism
    When Buddhism spread to Asia it started to change. The Buddist could not agree on their belifs and practices. They had to split the religion in two major branches. Theravada tried to follow the Buddha's exact teachings of how they are suppose to be.
  • 200 BCE

    Buddhism Spreads

    Buddhism Spreads
    The Buddha spread Buddhism through all of India. After Siddharta died, one of the most powerful kings Asoka became Buddhist. He sent missonaires all over Asia to sread the religion.
  • 100 BCE

    Ajanta (Buddhist Temple)

    Ajanta (Buddhist Temple)
    The mst famous temple is at Ajanta. It was like a cave with paintings ndsculptures on the walls. They are covered with carvings of he gods that they worshipped.
  • 100 BCE


    Ancient Indians were skilled in medical science They made medicine from plants and minerals. They can pertect people against diseases. They injected a person with a small dose of a virus to help them build a defense to the disease which is called inoculation.