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Ancient Civilizations

  • 100

    Man First Stood

    Man First Stood
    two million years ago Homo Erectus were the first early men to start walking upright. This is the start of mankind as we know now
  • 323

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    in 336 BC Alexander the Great ruled over Macedon and became one of hisotrys greatest conquerors s he ruled 90% of the known world at the time in only 8 years.
  • 450

    The First Writings

    The First Writings
    in 450 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia the first recordings of writing were introduced in one of the first cities in the world. This writing was called Cuniform and used in different languages also.
  • 467

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    in 467 CE Rome became overuled by barbarians who helped attack and loot rome for all of its wealth and goods. This was the fall of the Roman Empire
  • 507

    Democracy is Born

    Democracy is Born
    in 507 BC Democracy was first developed in Ancient Greece it was originally called demokratia, or “rule by the people.” coined by the Athenian leader Cleisthenes
  • Apr 21, 753

    Rome was Found

    Rome was Found
    in 753 BC the city of Rome was found by Romulus who was said to have been nursed by a wolf alongside his brother Remus. The founding of Rome was the start of a great Empire
  • Jan 1, 776

    First Olympics

    First Olympics
    During 776 BC in Olympia, Greece the first Olympics were held which only men were allowed to watch. Events included wrestling, running, and boxing
  • Mar 15, 1044

    Assassination of Julius Caeser

    Assassination of Julius Caeser
    in 44 BC Emperor Julius Caeser was stabbed 37 times by his fellow Senate members for being a horrible dictator.
  • Dec 25, 1096

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    in 1096 to 1209 people went on Crusades to spread the word of Jesus and Christianity. When people didn't accept their faith things would turn violent as they would pillage and force Christianity onto the area.
  • Aug 3, 1194

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    from 1194 BC to 1184 BC the Achaeans (Greeks) waged war agains t the city of Troy after Paris of Troy took the King of Spartas wife
  • Feb 6, 1200

    Gothic Architect

    Gothic Architect
    From 1200 to 1500 Gothic architect took over Europe in the new age of cathedrals and buildings, replacing thr Romanesque style. It influenced beautiful building that people from all over travel to see to this day
  • Aug 14, 1479

    Queen Hatshepsut

    Queen Hatshepsut
    from 1479 BC to 1458 BC Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt as the first great women in history. While in power she dressed as a male and had to give up the throne to her son Thutmoses the 3rd
  • Eye for an Eye

    Eye for an Eye
    King Hammurabi (1792 BC- 1750 BC) made the basic legal code "an eye for an eye" which mean you take something of mine i take something of yours which is still used today
  • Justinian Code

    Justinian Code
    Emperor Justinian came up with one of our basic code of law "innocent until proven guilty' in 528 CE which we still use today
  • Fertile Crescent

    Fertile Crescent
    from 3500 BC to 395 CE the ancient Mesopotamian civilization thrived and grew as they used the rivers to help furthur their society through farming and other needs.