american revolution

  • navigation act

    laws passed by England to control the read by colinys
  • the treaty of pairs of 1763

    the document the ended the war between brighten a France over Ohio river vally. it ended flinch power in north Americana
  • writs of Assistance

    colonists smuggling good because of the taxes but then the writs of Assistance said they could be sirched
  • protest the stamp act

    they protested there being taxes on the stamps untill there are no more
  • quartering acts of 1765

    10000 British solders come to the Collinys and stay in costlinesses houses with out there ok
  • first continental congress

    was the first congress. voted to stop all trade with briten
  • start of the revolution war

    the British and colonist had there "first battle" no one knows who shot first. 8 colinest down.
  • olive branch petition

    the colinest tried to make peace but the king declined there offer and proseded to get ready for war