American Imperialism

By Neryb
  • US purchases Alaska

    US secretary State of William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.
  • Publication of the Lome letter

    Cuban revolutionaries got the letter from the mail and sent it to New York Journal, unflattering remarks about Mckinley helped fuel this country's aggressive, warlike foreign policy.
  • Spanish American War

    A war was an armed problem between Spain and the U.S. there was an explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, following the U.S. an intervention for the Cuban War of Independence.
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    Major battle of the Spanish American war.
  • US Annexes Hawaii

    The US finally annexed Hawaii, the Hawaiian Islands were established culture and had a long history of self governance when Captain James C. was the very first to set foot on Hawaii.
  • USS Maine sinks

    A navy ship that sank in the Havana Harbor.
  • Platt Amendment

    The Platt Amendment played a big role for the U.S. and Cuba and the Caribbean, not letting Cuba's right to make treaties with other nations and restricting Cuba in the conduct of foreign policy and commercial relations.
  • Hay Herran Treaty

    An agreement with the U.S and Panama.
  • Panama Canal is completed

    Completed at a cost of $350 million, most expensive project in U.S history at that point.
  • Battle of Manilla

    A major battle of the Philippine campaign during the Second War.It was fought by the U.S and Phillippines againt japonese troops, it was the capital city of the Philippines.
  • Alaska becomes a State

    After the purchase Alaska became a state.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii was linked to Alaska and they both became States.