Washington crossing delaware

American History 1st Semester Review by Rachel McCurley & George Kerr

  • Tammany Hall

    Tammany Hall
    New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789 as the Tammany Society. It was the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics and helping immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise up in American politics from the 1790s to the 1960s.
  • Militarism

    The belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
  • Industrialism

    Industrialism began shortly after the Civil War. It was an effect of the mass amounts of natural resources. The first invention of the Industrial Revolution was the Bessemer Steel Converter.
  • Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

    Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
    Teddy was the 26th president of the united states. He was known for his very enthusiastic personality , leadership, and wide range of interests. He was a leader of the republican party in the progressive era.
  • Social Darwinsim

    Social Darwinsim
    Term commonly used for theories of society that emerged in England and the United States in the 1870s, seeking to apply the principles of Darwinian evolution to sociology and politics.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    19th century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the continent. It was used by Democrat-Republicans in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico.
  • Upton Sincair

    Upton Sincair
    Upton was an American author and a one time candidate for governor who wrote close to 100 books. He is most famous for a book he wroter called The Jungle. It exposed conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry which caused the public to raise concern about healthy meat. With ths book in 1906 started the pure food and drug act.
  • The Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era
    The Progressive Era was a time of political and social reform when multiple events that benefitted society ocuured. Most notably were the 4 Amendments passed in the era, including the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. Began in the 1890s
  • Robber Barons

    Robber Barons
    A term in the 19th century used as a powerful businessmen. By the 1890s the term was used to attack any businessman who used questionable practices to become wealthy. It combines the sense of criminal ("robber") and illegitimate aristocracy ("baron").
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Conflict between Spain and the United States. American attacks on Spain's Pacific possessions led to involvement in the Philippine Revolution and ultimately to the Philippine-American War.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire. To help the United States look like a world power, they started to take over smaller countries, starting with the annexation of Hawaii.
  • Muckraker

    Muckraker is a close term used to describe a journalist who wrote for large popular magazines. They were very influential until world war 1 when through a combination of advertising boycotts, dirty tricks and patriotism, the movement, associated with the Progressive Era in the United States, came to an end.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States. He led the nation through World War 1. He was elected March 15,1913
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was archduke of the Austro- Hungarian Empire. He was assassinated June 28, 1914.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Zimmerman Telegram was a diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States. The proposal was found by the Birtish before it reached Mexico. The telegram angere America and led in part to the US Declaration of War,
  • Allied Powers

    Allied Powers
    Allies are people, groups, or nations that have joined together in an association for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose, whether or not explicit agreement has been worked out between them.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The United States entered World War 1 in 1917 in retaliation to the uncontrolled submarine warfare of Germany and the Zimmermann Telegram. The war ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The other Central Powers on the German side of World War I were dealt with in separate treaties.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Bribery incident that took place in the United States in 1922–23, during the administration of President Warren G. Harding. Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall leased Navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome and two other locations to private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition, is the legal act of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation and the sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The term can also apply to the periods in the histories of the countries during which the prohibition of alcohol was enforced.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
    An act, sponsored by United States Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley, and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels.