
American's Beliefs and Characteristics

  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    href='http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/mayflowercompactdef.htm' >citation </a><a The Mayflower Compact is a very important document, signed on November 21, 1620. 41 men, who were pilgrims agreed to sign the Mayflower Compact, which agreed to make peace between the two groups, who were being carried by the Mayflower. It agreed that they would follow the temporary government’s rules. This is a social contract.
  • Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention

    Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention
    href='http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/patrickhenrydef.htm' >Citation</a> Patrick Henry is best recognized for his speech, which ended with the famous saying, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” His speech was to ask the citizens of Virginia to arm and protect them because The Great Britain had put too many restrictions on the
    American citizens. This is Freedom.
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
    Citation http://www.ushistory.org/paine/commonsense/ Thomas Paine published a pamphlet “Common Sense”, which went into detail about the need for independence. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776.
    government and the royal monarchy. This is Equality and Equity.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Citation http://kids.laws.com/declaration-of-independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important American documents. It explains why the colonies separated themselves from Great Britain. It took an estimated 17 days, to
    complete the Declaration of Independence. This is Freedom.
  • Constitution of the United States of America

    Constitution of the United States of America
    The Constitution of the United States of America is a law, which all other laws that are made, come from. Basically, the United States came together and created a document, by which the citizens of America would follow. This is a social contract.
  • Opening of Ellis Island

    Opening of Ellis Island
    Ellis Island is a federal immigration facility. Millions of immigrants visited that station. It opened on January 1, 1892. This is The
    American Dream.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v.  Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson is a Supreme Court case, which took place in the U.S. It gave the government permission to pass laws of racial segregation. The Brown v. Board of Education overthrew the law in 1954. This Equality and Equity.
  • The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (Scopes Monkey Trial)

    The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (Scopes Monkey Trial)
    CitationScopes Monkey Trial began on July 10, 1925. They were against John Thomas Scopes for believing and wanting to teach evolution. Evolution was banned to be taught in public schools. This is Civil Disobedience.
    , by the government.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech

    Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech
    Roosevelt gave a speech on the four different types of freedom. These four kinds of freedom are,
    freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of want and freedom. This is a Social Contract.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    In Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the US Navy. The Japanese dropped bombs on the defenseless, American soldiers. This attack is what led the United States into
    World War II. This is patriotism.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Citation<a href='https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=brown+v+board+education+date&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8' >Citation</a>
    Brown v. Board of Education is the law, which overthrew Plessy v. Ferguson, which is the racial segregation of public places. They overthrew the law on May 17, 1954 in Topeka, Kansa. Desegregation took awhile, but it did eventually happen. This is Equality and Equity.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    CitationCitation The Little Rock Nine were a group of 9 African American students, who participated in the desegregation of their school, Little Rock Central High School. This took place in Little Rock, Arkansas.
    This is Civil Disobedience.
  • 9/11

    On September 11th, 2001, Islamic terrorists took control of four commercial airplanes and flew into the Pentagon. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, and the last one crashed in a field, thanks to all the passengers on the flight, who were able to get back control of the plane. This is Patriotism.
  • President Obama’s First Inaugural Address

    President Obama’s First Inaugural Address
    President Obama made his First Inaugural Address on January 20, 2009. President Obama promise to bring new politics to the United State’s capital. This is The American Dream.