America 1921- 1941

  • First Flight

    First airline flight from New York to Paris
  • Roosevelt Becomes Governor

    Franklin D Roosevelt becomes governor of New York
  • Stock Market Crash

    the beginning of the Great Depression
  • Smooth-Hawley Tariff

  • Unites States Joins World War 2

  • Creation of Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  • Period: to


    Huge drought in Texas and the Dakotas causing problems for farmers
  • Glass Steagall Baking Act

  • Japan Leaves League of Nations

  • Share the Wealth Program

    government would take assets from wealthy and give it to the porr
  • National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

    rights for worker and unions to bargain what they would like for wages and hours
  • Social Security Act

    establishing pension for old age, unemployment, insurance and economical aid
  • Period: to

    Border Blockades

    California, Florida, Colorado, established border blockades to prevent more people from coming in during economical hardship
  • "Black" Monday

  • Fair Labor Standard Act

    national minimum wages established
  • Evian Conference in Europe

    Allies came together to discuss how to handle the Jewish refugees
  • U.S. Stops Trade with Japan

  • Fair Employment Practice in Defense Industries Act

    end radical discrimination in federal government and defense industry
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor