Alternative timeline (American Revolution)

  • The american revolution has begun

    George washington and his troops set of for freedom! Battling Great Britain for their independence.
  • Britian sabotaged America

    King george the ||| had sent 700 troops to steal the supplies of the american troops, originally they were able to stop that but in this timeline they were unable to prevent this, leading to the revolution ending before they could even make a move
  • The revolution cancled

    without the supplies the americans are unable to fight the British, leaving them to not even be able to start the revolution at all
  • British forces kidnapped american leaders in charge of the revolution for questioning

    king George had sent troops to capture the leaders in charge of the american revolution such as george washington and benjamin franklin,harming and using them as a warning to what were to come if anyone had tried to start another revolution.
  • America stayed as british territory

    since there was no revolution america had stayed as british territory
  • French revoultion begins

    now just because the american revolution didn't happen doesn't mean that the french revolution won't. French troops set of to gain independence.
  • Period: to

    The french revolution

    The british and the french fight as french tries to gain independence
  • The French fight the British

    the french revolution has finally begun, they fight the british but since the british still has control of america they send in "american" and british troops to fight off the french leading to a massive disadvantage for the french
  • The british wins again...

    due to the british having an massive army with plenty of weapons they were able to win the battle, stopping the french from getting their independence
  • French loses and remains british territory

    Due to the british's massive army with having america remaining their territory it was more than easy to defeat the french, having french remain british territory.
  • Britain being the largest country in the world

    having all their land britain in the largest country in the world gaining back its old saying "the sun never sets in great britain"