Alphabet Soup Agencies of the New Deal

  • Period: to

    FDRs Presidency

  • EBA

    Emergency Banking Act created a National Bank Holiday from March 9-13, 1933. This Act gave the federal government the authority to shut down inefficient banks and restructure others. The overall purpose of the act was to stop bank runs from occuring across the United States.
  • FCA

    Farm Credit Administration was created to relieve farmers who were going into forclosure on thier land.
  • CCC

    Civilian Conservation Corps put unmarried and unskilled men to work during the Depression. This organization aimed to put men ages 18-24 from relief families to work.
  • FERA

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration's main purpose was to get work for unemployed unskilled laborers during the 1930s. The federal government gave money to states to put thier people back to work. The idea was that it was more psychologically fulfilling than recieving a welfare check.
  • AAA

    Agricultural Adjustment Act provided subsidies to farmers to stop growing excess crops and kill off livestock. The purpose of the AAA was to create demand for crops and livestock that were in surplus.
  • TVA

    Tennessee Valley Authority modernized the agrarian regions around the Tennessee Valley. This program built dams which produced electricity which lit up the surrounding areas.
  • SEC

  • FDIC

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation gives strength to the nations banks by backing the populations monetary deposits. The FDIC is still guranteeing bank deposits for the United States.
  • PWA

    Public Works Administration was a large scale public works construction agency. This was created by the National Industrial Recovery Act. This organization was responsible for building schools, bridges, dams, roads, and other public facilites. The program was shut down in 1943.
  • CWA

    Civil Works Administration gave temporary relief for unskilled workers through the winter of 1933-1934. The agency built roads, bridges, and other public facilites and employed roughly 4 million people.
  • FHA

    Federal Housing Act was created to insure loans for mortgages and regulate interest rates.Today, the FHA has insured over 34 million mortgages.
  • SSA

    Social Security Administration was created to help retired, disabled, and survivor's benefits to Americans. Social Security continues to provide retirement funds to Americans. However, the Baby Boom generation is sucking it dry.
  • USHA

    United States Housing Authority is responsible for creating low-income housing during the Great Depression.