
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    Based on my childhood experience i had developed internal working model toward the nature of men in general. I never thought about this but when i think more about it, i'm like this because my father basically choose his 2nd wife over his own children. So, this contributed to my uneasy feeling of uncertainty or fearful of being judged or negletcted when i hang out with my male friends. This feeling contributed by the cause of missing trust coming from a man who was supposed to be my #1 man.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    The major life event would be leaving home to college because this is when i depicted my childhood struggle with anxiety. I have been self distracting from it and denial phase throughout my HS years till recently. I came with acceptance and knew this is what i needed so i reached to receive social support and counseling services is where i came to my acceptance and reframe things to cope with my anxiety. This is one of few major life changing that i encountered in my life.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    I experienced the transition from conformist to individualistic due to attending college. When i was in high school i was proceeding with daily life as if I'm actually a conformist with others & wasn't aware. Until then i left home to college, thats when i was triggered. I realized i had anxiety for long time, emerged in yoga, & spirituality. Where i look myself as a vital individual & only person that can make myself happy by doing things what i love.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    Right now, I consider myself as a young adult and on the road to be an adult which is about three years later. This date is appropriate based on my social age because i still don't have a full job, place of my own, car, and whereas social expectations of role of an adult. But by three years later is when i visualize myself completed with masters arts, have a job with place and car of my own, and meet the criteria of social expectations of roles of an adult.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    Since, our resistance system towards the free radicals from entering our body decreases as we age which why our oxidative damage increases. That's why i- the mad scientist came up with essential oil pills. Essential oil comes with antioxidants and it contains many benefits for our health. If we take essential oil pills everyday from birth, our system will develop a radiation which reduces the theory of aging and prevents from diseases from entering our body as we age and live healthier style.
  • 2.2- Genetic Limits

    The significance of exercise was clearly shown with the telomeres length. For those people who wants to live longer due to the relation between aging, telomeres length, and dividing of embryos cells based on replicative senescence. They will need to perform approximately 30 mins of exercise daily like yoga or more starting at young age. While, for those people with chronic illness will need to take an unique shots annually to maintain telomeres length and perform various type of exercises daily.
  • 2.3- My current healthy lifestyle

    Thanks to this survey, i know my lifestyle; it is not exactly healthy and that needs to change! I refrained myself from soda, sweets, but i don't eat fruit and vegetables each day or exercise daily. However, i can see that i am making improvements everyday which is not bad for a college student. I love performing yoga but i don't do it daily due to schedule. That's something i will need to change and find a time to exercise daily like yoga and eat healthier which matches my blood type.
  • 2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    The potential consequences of my current lifestyle might be risk factor for cancer rather than obesity, sedentary lifestyle, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s. I know one member in my family died from breast cancer so it is a possibility that i have a family history with cancer, i also don’t consume a lot of fruits/vegetables 2-3 times a day, and i don’t use sunscreen consistently which is concerning with my pale skin. What helped the most is yoga, young age, average healthy diet.
  • 3.1 Crystallized intelligence

    The textbook mentioned that crystallized intelligence began to decline at 70s which i disagree so i expect my capacity will begin to decline at late 80s. I believe the instrumental living activities of daily living will be difficult with the gradual decline of crystallized intelligence because it depends on the educational and experience what we acquired over the years and later which helps with daily living such as taxes, paying bills, find specific food at store, & more daily little things.
  • 3.2 procedural memory

    Procedural memory includes declarative and nondeclarative if they are effected when i begin to age, let's say approximately 80s. Which means my ability to recognize events or recall the past memories and skill in memory and retention will decline gradually which impacts my activities of daily living (ADL) because it depends on how i take care of myself such as walking, eating, riding a bike, how to recognize that i need to go on toilet, and more simple daily living activities will be intervened
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    In the guiz said my general attachment style is preoccupied which makes sense to me because i don't easily connect with strangers & i usually like to take some time to warm up. Not just that, i can be selective with my friends meaning I'm careful to who i'm opening up with. But when i do, i am in the secure base such as have breakdowns in the front of them, reaching out for support, & be completely self around them knowing that they aren't here to judge me also push me out of my comfort zone.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    I am very into spirituality and believes strongly in faith. You can say i wasn't like this when i was in adolescence stage especially i don't come from religious family. My mom is a spiritual person so i acquired it from her. I'm in conjunctive faith stage because I'm acquiring the balance in self such as mental, health, and spirituality. I don't expect a lot of changes throughout adulthood but increased awareness and move up into next stage or enhance more areas in same stage.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    I'm in my 20s so currently in the emerging adulthood transition. So, i'm becoming an independent adult because the challenges what i am going through is five features as other young people tend go through similar experience. We are at the age to discover more about ourselves, identity, possibilities, instability, and self-focused.I am figuring out what i want to do with my life, myself, meaning of life, career, and so forth. These are my challenges and i cope with it by increasing self-awareness
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    Yes, i noticed my personality traits pretty much corresponds to the types that fits me. I scored high on holland code personality testing is social & the lowest is realistic which makes entirely sense. In textbook said the traits are cooperative, understanding, helpful, sociable, & ethical which fits my personality. In the Holland definition about social is like to associate with people &
    It is consistent cause i wanted to pursue in mental health counselor for a while now.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    I'll be in establishment stage about in 5 years which means i'll be in my 25s. I imagine at that time i'd be already settling down in mental health counseling field and making improvements in my strengths and developing new skills. I might can advance in a job such making some promotions in this field or later might establish a small and private counseling business (just a thought!) This stage is when i will be balancing out with family of my own and expanding in my career by promotions etc.
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    I plan to have children at one point in my life so i hope to experience this transition at typical age like late 20s to 30s when I'm settled down. I expect to experience the struggle of financial stability, clear out the gender roles, the parenting style, equal parternship, & balance out between children myself & partner. I beg to differ, dual-earner families struggle? Because I'm raised by single mom, from what i experienced i'm likely to hold tasks equally & balance out to be a better half.
  • 6.4-conscientious stage

    One story shared from my classmate about her uncle that he recognized the individualistic difference between him and others due to his deafness and more health issues like diabetes which prevents him from receiving jobs. He didn't seek approval or assurance from others toward his deafness and diabetes, he applied some jobs and went into school in his late 40s. He continued doing what causes his happiness! This showed his values in responsibility, long term goals, and achievement.
  • 6.3- Ego Integrity versus despair

    One of my classmate's video shared about her grandfather & he explained that he likes where he is right now and wouldn't want to go back in the past. This shows that he is in the stage of Integrity versus despair; this stage tend to appear in elders at 65+. He is currently in integrity stage where he is happy with everything & grabbing every opportunities like traveling countries with his grandson & went on bungee jump!
    I want to be like that; be happy with the present when i am at that age!
  • 8.1 The End

    Allyson Ida-Mae Bortoletto, 79, in Vail, Colorado passed away in her home surrounded with loved ones. Ms. Bortoletto was born on July, 25, 1996 in Silver Spring, Maryland to her parents. She graduated from Maryland School for the Deaf, Gallaudet University with Bachelor arts in Psychology, & Master arts in Mental Health Counseling. She enjoyed helping people, yoga, positive energy, spirituality, reading books, & nature. She is survived by brother, friends, husband, three children, grandchildren.