Alice's Federation timeline

By alices
  • The First Conlony

    The First Conlony
    The first colony, New South Wales it was ruled by Brittish Govement!
  • Six Colonys

    Six Colonys
    Six self-govening colonys are established with forms of parilamentry govening.
  • States forming

    States forming
    These are some dates when states became states 1855- NSW, VIC, TAS. 1856- SA 1859- QLD 1890- WA
  • Six Colonys

    Six Colonys
    Referdunts on the constitution held in all six colonys!
  • Inaugartion of commewealth

    Inaugartion of commewealth
    Inaugartion of commenwealth Australia. 29-30 March first federal election held according to state electoral laws. 9th May opeaning of the first commonwealth parliment in Victora state parliment building. Melbourne
  • Big Franchise!

    Commonwealth franchise act and Commonwealth electoral act passed.
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    Federal Election held under commonwealth electoral act.
  • Constitutional Convention.

    Constitutional Convention.
    Constitutional convention held to discuss issues about whether Australia should become a republic.
  • Vote Day has finilly came!

    Vote Day has finilly came!
    Referendum held to vote to on the prposal that Australia became a republic. A majority of the people said "NO".
  • The twenty first centeray!

    The twenty first centeray!
    Centary of federation! YEAH