Alexander the Great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of Alexander

    Birth of Alexander
    Alexander was born around July 19/20, 356 B.C. the son of King Philip II of Macedon and Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus I of Epirus. He was half Macedonian
  • 340 BCE


    While father Philip went off to fight rebels, Alexander was made regent in Macedonia. During Alexander's regency, the Maedi of northern Macedonia revolted. Alexander put down the revolt and renamed their city Alexandropolis.
  • 338 BCE

    Battle of Chaeronea

    Battle of Chaeronea
    Fought near the city of Chaeronea, between the Macedonians led by Philip II of Macedon and an alliance of some of city-states led by Athens and Thebes. The battle was the culmination of Philip's final campaigns and resulted in a decisive victory for the Macedonians
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia

    Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia
    His father Philip was assassinated, and Alexander became ruler of Macedonia.
  • 334 BCE

    Battle of The Granicus

    Battle of The Granicus
    Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor, including a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes.
  • 333 BCE

    Battle at Issus

    Battle at Issus
    Between the Hellenic League led by Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Empire, led by Darius III, in the second great battle of Alexander's conquest of Asia. The invading Macedonian troops defeated Persia
  • 331 BCE


    Alexanders founds the city of Alexandria during his conquest of the Achaemenid Empire, becoming one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
  • 330 BCE

    Burning of Persepolis

    Burning of Persepolis
    Sacks and burns Persepolis; trial and execution of Philotas; assassination of Parmenion
  • 329 BCE

    Crosses Hindu Kush

    Crosses Hindu Kush
    Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush from Gandara to Bactria in order to pursue the Persian leader Bessus.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander Marries

    Alexander Marries
    Alexander marries Roxane and begins march to India
  • 326 BCE

    Battle of river Hydaspes

    Battle of river Hydaspes
    Alexander wins Battle of river Hydaspes against Porus; Bucephalus dies
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander Marries Again

    Alexander Marries Again
    Alexnader marries Stateira and Parysatis at Susa; Troops mutiny at Opis; Hephaestion dies;
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Death of Alexander
    Alexander the Great died in Babylon aged 32, having conquered an empire stretching from modern Albania to eastern Pakistan. One explanation is a lethal dose of a toxic substance that pervaded the corpse and slowed the rate of decomposition. This suggests that Alexander was poisoned,