Aldous Huxley’s

  • movie theater

    French brothers Joseph and Louis Lumiere invent movie projectors and open the first movie theater.
  • radio message, first ever

    Physicist Sir Oliver Lodge sends the first ever message by radio wave in Oxford, England.
  • birth

    Aldous Huxley was born into a prominent intellectual family in Godalming, England
  • vacuum is invented

    The first electric vacuum cleaner is developed.
  • The first car

    American industrialist and engineer Henry Ford launches the Ford Model T, the world's first truly affordable car.
  • early life

    He retained enough eyesight to read with difficulty, and he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford
  • writing life

    He published his first book in 1916 and worked on the periodical Athenaeum from 1919 to 1921. Thereafter he devoted himself largely to his own writing and spent much of his time in Italy until the late 1930s, when he settled in California.
  • TV is created

    John Logie Baird develops mechanical television.
  • Period: to

    beginning of his career

    Huxley established himself as a major author with his first two published novels, Crome Yellow (1921) and Antic Hay (1923); these are witty and malicious satires on the pretensions of the English literary and intellectual coteries of his day. Those Barren Leaves (1925) and Point Counter Point (1928) are works in a similar vein.
  • refrigerator

    The electric refrigerator is invented.
  • brave new world

    marked a turning point in Huxley’s career: like his earlier work, it is a fundamentally satiric novel, but it also vividly expresses Huxley’s distrust of 20th-century trends in both politics and technology. The novel presents a nightmarish vision of a future society in which psychological conditioning forms the basis for a scientifically determined and immutable caste system that, in turn, obliterates the individual and grants all control to the World State.
  • future computer

    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the transistor, which allows electronic equipment to made much smaller and leads to the modern computer revolution.
  • computer graphics are made

    Ivan Sutherland develops Sketchpad, one of the first computer-aided design programs.
  • death

    On his deathbed, unable to speak owing to advanced laryngeal cancer, Huxley made a written request to his wife Laura for "LSD, 100 µg, intramuscular.