African-American Timeline

  • A promised land?

    A promised land?
    The first 20 Africans are brought to America to become (SESLAV) ___________________________ . Millions more will follow and (SERLVAY)___________________________ is accepted in the US constitution.
  • A peculiar institution

    A peculiar institution
    By now, all of the northern states have __________________ (LOBASHEID) slavery (a process that started in Vermont in 1777), but the "peculiar institution*" is still central to the (ENCOOSMIE) __________________ of 11 southern states. *Peculiar institution (of slavery): la pratique de l'esclavage. Expression qui désignait l'esclavage en tant que pratique caractéristique des États sudistes américains avant la Guerre de Sécession.
  • The Great Emancipator

    The Great Emancipator
    Abraham Lincoln, an (TOSNIIABOLTI)__________________ is elected president. Eleven southern states (in favour of slavery) secede from the USA to form the Confederate States of America. This leads to Civil War .
  • A bitter victory

    A bitter victory
    The Civil War ends with the North victorious and the US constitution is amended* to ban* slavery and guarantee equal rights and the vote to blacks. 4 millions slaves are freed by the 13th (AMEDNTMEN) __________________ . However, though they are no longer slaves they are still __________________ (DICSIRMIANTED) against. The Ku Klux Klan, a white (SUPCARTMSEI) __________________ group, is formed. *to modify
    *to ban: to prohibit
  • "Equal protections of the laws"

    "Equal protections of the laws"
    Passed by the Senate on June 8th, 1866, and approved two years later, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants (CNIITZSHIPE) __________________ to all persons born or naturalized in the United States —including former slaves— and guarantees all citizens “equal protection of the laws.”
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment
    Passed by Congress on February 26th, 1869, and ratified on February 3rd, 1870, the 15th amendment granted African American men the right to ________________ (OVET).
  • The Jim Crow Laws

    The Jim Crow Laws
    Southerners refuse to mix with black people. So former slave states introduce local laws __________________ (SERGEGIANTG) blacks and restricting their (FEDOEMRS) __________________ . They are called “Jim Crow” or “(NREGO) __________________” laws. They deprive African-Americans of their civil rights (like the right to vote). These laws defined blacks as second-class citizens or non-citizens.
  • Separate but equal?

    Separate but equal?
    The Supreme Court* declares that (RALCAI) __________________ segregation is legal, saying that races can be "separate but equal". There are signs everywhere saying "whites only", "coloured", "negroes". *Supreme court: elle comprend 9 membres, dont le Chief Justice. Les juges sont nommés à vie par le Président, après accord du Sénat. Ils s'assurent de la constitutionnalité des lois adoptées par le Congrès américain.
  • N.A.A.C.P.

    Black leaders found the National Association for the (ADVNTEMCEEN) __________________ of (COLREOD)__________________ People.
  • Gone with the Wind

    Gone with the Wind
    In June 2020, HBO Max removes the 1939 hit film Gone With the Wind from its catalog. Indeed, it has long been criticized for its racist (STETEERSYPO)__________________ , glorifying the horrors of slavery in the American South.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The NAACP wins a landmark case* in the Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education, which declares segregated schooling to be (UNOTSTCNAONTIUIL) __________________ . *landmark case: affaire qui fait jurisprudence
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks is __________________ (SERRATED) for not giving up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. A year-long (BOTOCYT) __________________ of the Montgomery bus company follows, led by Martin Luther King. He is influenced by Gandhi's non-violent methods. A year later, the buses are desegregated on December 21st 1956.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges
    Ruby Bridges becomes the first black (STETUND) __________________ to integrate a formerly* segregated white school. *formerly: previously
  • A famous speech

    A famous speech
    Martin Luther King delivers his famous speech, "I have a ________________ (READM) " on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    A decade of (PRETOST) __________________ culminates in the Civil Rights Act, protecting citizens against (DCIIRTNMIINSAO) __________________ on the basis of race, religion or sex.
  • The Voting Rights Act

    The Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act _______________ (OULTAWS)* the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many southern states after the Civil War, including literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting. It wasn't until then that Black women were in-practice able to exercise their right to vote. *: interdire, proscrire, rendre hors la loi
  • The Black Panthers

    The Black Panthers
    The Black Power movement, exemplified by the Black Panther political party*, rejects non-(IOVEELNC)__________________ in the (STLRGUGE) __________________ for true racial equality. *Black Panther Party: parti politique afro-américain, dont le but d'origine était de patrouiller dans les quartiers pour protéger les résidents des bavures policières. Il était pour le port des armes par les Noirs américains. Le BPP a également créé de nombreux programmes d'aides communautaires pour les noirs.
  • A tragedy

    A tragedy
    Martin Luther King is __________________ (SASSASIANEDT) in Memphis, Tennessee. Rioting* breaks out* in more than 100 cities. *Rioting: violent disorder
    *To break out: explode
  • Rodney King

    Rodney King
    Los Angeles erupts* into violence when four policemen are _________________ (AQUICDETT) after savagely beating a black man, Rodney King. By the end of the rioting, 55 people are dead and 2,300 injured. *To erupt: to explode
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama becomes the (TIFSR) __________________ African American to be elected president.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    The Black Lives Matter movement is born in response to the frequent (ALTFA) __________________ shooting of (UNMDAER) __________________ blacks by police and white civilians*. *Civilians: non-military persons
  • George Floyd

    George Floyd
    Minneapolis police __________________ (LIKL) George Floyd, an unarmed black man, provoking the biggest wave of (EMONTSORISTAND) __________________since 1968.