Adolescent Literacy Timeline

  • Fourth grade. Reading is lame

    Fourth grade. Reading is lame
    At 9 years old, I hated to read. I was not a strong reader. I read very slowly and the other kids often made comments about how long it took me to read.
  • The City of Ember

    The City of Ember
    in 4th grade. all 4 classes got together everyday and our teachers took turns reading "The City of Ember" to us.
  • Sideways Stories from Wayside School

    Sideways Stories from Wayside School
    In fifth grade I found this book in my teachers library. I read the whole series that year.
  • Hatchet

    A student teacher for my 5th grade class read Hatchet to aloud to the class. I really loved the story and it sticks out fondly in my memory.
  • Reading groups

    I don't remember what we did or what we talked about, but I remember reading groups with Mrs. Manella.
  • Sign language

    As a kid my mom put me in ASL classes. In 5th grade I got a chance to show off what I knew to my reading group.
  • Book bags

    Using of book of our choosing, Mrs. Manella supplied us with a grocery bag and templates for all 4 sides. I read the book "The Secrete Garden". We wrote summaries, drew pictures, and wrote book reviews. Are bags were then used to bag groceries at the Domincs by our school.
  • Mrs. Thompson

    In 6th grade my English teacher was Mr. Thompson. He was a very cute, young teacher who many of the girls, including myself had a crush on. I worked very hard on all of his assignments and got my first A in an English class.
  • 6th grade: Cool handwriting

    I started wanting to have cooler handwriting, so I would dot my 'i's with hearts, and practiced drawing letters in different ways. Some of the habits stuck. I still use a straight line to make my 'e'.
  • Computer at home

    Going into 6th grade, my Dad decided we needed a computer in the home for me to do homework on. He set up a desk space for in the flex-room to work at.
  • Instructions project

    In 6th grade we had to write an informational paper about a topic of our choosing. Then we had to do a presentation about our topic. I did mine about hamsters. As my prop I brought my own hamster to school.
  • Barns and Noble

    Barns and Noble
    In middle school, the cool place to go hangout with friends was Spring Hill Mall. My parents would drop me off a the Barns and Noble that was attached to the mall. We would look at books and magazines while we waited for everyone to show up.
  • Twilight

    Twilight becomes a sensation with teens while I was in 7th grade. This is the series that got me into reading. I would often read well past my bedtime to finish the series.
  • Scrap booking club

    Scrap booking club
    In seventh grade, me and a few friends joined the middle school scrap booking club. It was run by the school librarian. This is how I made my connections to help out in the library.
  • Cassie

    Cassie and I became friends in 7th grade. We read a lot of the same books. Cassie was a much faster reader than I was, so I would stay up late to try and catch up to her ,without her knowing I was struggling.
  • Period: to

    Library Helper

    During lunch once a week, I helped out in the library. I check in and out books to students, shelved books, etc.
  • 8th grade English

    Everyday we came in and our teacher had a word of the day and a phrase of the day. We recorded them in our journal and then practiced using them. We had an open note quiz over them a few times as year to make sure we were keeping up with them.
  • Mom goes back to school

    My mom decided to go back to school to get her nursing assistant certificate. We would work on homework together after school.
  • Dundee Library Reading Program

    During the summer between 8th-9th grade I volunteered for my local library with their summer program for elementary age kids. I signed kids up for the program and then gave out prizes when they hit different goals.
  • The Hunger Games

    The Hunger Games
    My high school has a summer reading book for each year. Summer after 8th grade I read The Hunger Games. I remembered crying all over my book when Rue died. I was so excited for high school because I hadn't even walked into the school and we were already reading great books.