Abortion at it's stages

  • Abortion, beginning as a law

    Advocates legalizing abortion for reasons including the mental or physical health of the mother, pregnancy due to rape and incest, and fetal deformity.
  • Why it was first legalized

    Allowing abortion in cases of permanent mental or physical disability of either the child or mother or in cases of rape or incest.
  • Efforts to pass

    As pro-abortion efforts continue and more state right-to-life organizations form, it becomes clear that there is a need for a national organization to coordinate the flow of information among the states.
  • Abortion allowed for any reason

    The U.S. Supreme Court rules on its first case involving abortion in United States, upholding a District of Columbia law permitting abortion only to preserve a woman’s life or “health.” However, the Court makes it clear that by “health” it means “psychological and physical well-being,” effectively allowing abortion for any reason.
  • No conditions

    In the first trimester, a state could enact virtually no regulation. In the second trimester, the state could enact some regulation, but only for the purpose of protecting maternal “health.” In the third trimester, after viability, a state could ostensibly “proscribe” abortion, provided it made exceptions to preserve the life and “health” of the woman seeking abortion.
  • Should it have been passed?

    The U.S. Senate conducts a “test vote” on the Human Life Amendment.
  • Protecting un-born children (Pro-Life)

    A major pro-life book is released. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the National Abortion Rights Action League co-founder who renounced the pro-abortion movement, publishes Aborting America, which exposes the lies used by abortion supporters in their quest to overturn legislation protecting unborn children.
  • Minors must have parents notified

    The law requires an abortionist to notify the parents of a minor girl who is still living at home as her parent’s dependent when an abortion is scheduled.
  • Now we should regulate this

    The Senate Judiciary Committee approves the Hatch Amendment, which would give the states and Congress joint authority to regulate abortion.
  • We shouldn't fund murder

    The Reagan Administration announces the “Mexico City Policy,” denying funds to foreign organizations that “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”
  • The Pro-Choice People are Upset of course

    Pro-abortion supporters hold a rally in Washington, D.C. Although the media reported attendance at 300,000, a Park Police captain told congressmen he would have estimated between 75,000 and 85,000.
  • Now, a democrat in office

    Bush Administration threatens to veto legislation that would require federal funding of research that encourages or depends on abortion, including transplantation of tissue harvested from aborted babies.
  • The last Political change to Abortion

    Spencer Abraham (R-Mi.) introduces the Child Custody Protection Act into the U.S. Senate, which would make it illegal for adults to transport minors across state lines for an abortion if that action would circumvent the parental involvement law of a state.