Unit 4+5 Timeline

  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    The election ended up with a tie betwee Burr and Jefferson. The problem was they were both from the same party. So their was an election between the two, and Hamilton decided he didn't like both of them. He didn't like Jefferson but he hated Burr, so Jefferson one. http://history1800s.about.com/od/leaders/a/electionof1800.htm
  • Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision

    This case started the checks and balances of the branches of government, The reason for this was people didn't agree with how the judicial branch worked the case.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    America bought the French claimed territory of Louisiana + the cancellation of debts for 15 million dollars.
  • Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean

    Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent ended the war of 1812 between America and Great Britian.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President (1st Term)

    In the 1828 election between the two former rivals, Jackson and Adams, Jackson came out on top. The opponents often criticized each other. A week before the inaugeration of Jackson's wife died supposedly from the criticism.