The Life of Matthew Helms

  • Matthew Helms born.

    Matthew Helms born.
    I was born on Aug 23, 2001 at 5:05pm. I was 19 1/2 inches long and weighted 7 pound. My family was very happy to see me.
  • My sister was born.

    My sister was born.
    My sister Ainsley was born on Feb. 25th 2004 at 10:58am. She weighted 6 pounds 13 oz. and was 19 inches long. I was so happy to have someone to play with.
  • Ava came home.

    Ava came home.
    Ava came to live with us on May 15th 2006. She was born in Maine. She flew on an airplane from Maine to Columbia. My daddy brought her to my preschool that day. I was very happy.