
  • Deficit Spending by gov. and economic reform

    Deficit Spending by gov. and economic reform
    France is in major debt due to deficit spending and is borrowing money from other countries. It gets so bad that half of their income goes to paying the debt. King Louis XVI brings in Jacques Necker, finance expert, as a advisor. He urges the king to cut out money spending to certain things. When he proposed to taxing the first and second estates they made the king dismis him.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates-General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates-General
    France was in a big debt and needed as much help as it could get. King louis XVI called in the estates general(first in 175 years) in order to get his help. He convened(insisted reform) and made it that every person had a vote instead of just each estate. This lead to the Tennis Court Oath in which the three estates agreed to never seperate until a constitution is formed.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    This event started with an assembly of people who were against the king's ideas and got him to accept their oath to fix what was wrong. Royal troops were surrounding Paris and rumors spread saying that the king would have the assembly dissolved. So the 800 parisians gathered demanded the weapons and gun powder the believed was stored their and when the commander refused the mob broke through killing the commander and five gaurds but did not find any weapons or gun powder.
  • Rights of Man

    Rights of Man
    The rights of man is when the National assembly formed a document, Decleratiojn of the Rights of Man. This was alike to the united states Decleration Of Independence. It stated that men should have all equal rights(John Locke's idea).
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

  • Women's March

    Women's March
    This is when women marched from paris to versaillies. They were mad at queen Antoinette's lavish living. When they arrived at the palace the crowd of women stormed the royal palace and got to King Louis and Queen Maria Antoinette and brought them back to paris.
  • Church

    This is when the National Assembly put the catholic church under state control with the civil constitution of the clergy. This made the bishops and the preist become elected salaried officials. The bishops and priests became very angry at this and refused to do as the constitution said.
  • Constitution

    The constitution made the the National Assembly set up a limited monarchy instead of an absolute monarch. The New legislative assembly had the power to make laws, collect taxes, and decide issues. They also replaced the old provinces with 83 equal sized ones. This ensured the equality before law.
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    Whe the escape of Louis XVI failed it brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. Then in August the king of Prussia and the Emporer of Austria, Marie Antoinette's brother, issued the declaration of Pilnitz. In the document, two monarchs threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy. The declaration may have been a bluff but the revolutionaries took it as a threat and prepared themselves for war.
  • Radicals declare war

    Radicals declare war
    The events that led to the war all started with many sans-culottes, working class men and women, demanding a republic instead of a monarch. Within time the radicals held the upper hand in the the legislative assembly. Then in april the war of words between french revolutionaries and european monarchs moved onto the battlefield. The Legislative Assembly declared war on first Austria, then Prussia, Britain, and other states eagerto spread the revolution and destroy tyranny abroad.
  • Monarchy abolished 1

    Monarchy abolished 1
    This all started when people thought that the king was in league with the enemies. on August 10, 1792 a crowd stromed into the royal palace and slaughtered the king's guards. The family fled and just gpt away. A month later citizens attaked prisons that held nobles/priests accused of political offenses and about 1,200 were killed.By then the radicals took control. They called for an election for a new legislative body, national convention.They met in september and it was more extreme then usual.
  • Monarchy Abolished 2

    At that meeting they voted to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic, the French Republic. Deputies drew up a new consttution and the Jacobins, who controlled the convention, set out to erase all traces of the old order. They then seized all the land from the nobles and abolished titlesof nobility.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror's leader was Maximilien Robespierre. The reign of terror was a time when if anyone was to commit a crime they were killed. Robespierre believed that the terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution because "the first maxim ought to be lead by means of reason and the enemies of people by terror".Those who resisted the revolution were punished. About 300,000 arrested, 17,000 executed, and more were packed into hideous prisons where death from disease was common.
  • Third Stage of Revolution

    Third Stage of Revolution
    The third stage of the revolution began right after Robespierre was executed. The moderates produced another constitution in 1795.In the election of 1797 the supporters of a consitutional monarchy won the majority of the seats in the legislative. Then as chaos threatened politicians turned to a man by the name of Napolean Bonaparte, a a popular military hero.They wanted to use him to advance in their own goals but before long he outwitted them all to become ruler of France.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    Revolution gave the French people a sense of nationalism, a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's coutry. The effect of this was that the people attended civic festivals clebrating the nation and their revolution.