Peel's Time Line

  • Broke my Leg.

    Broke my Leg.
    On 5/21/02 I broke my leg. I was very young, and a lot of my friends were playing tag on the playground, and I didn’t want to be ‘it’ so I went to fast and broke my leg.
  • Period: to

    My Time Line For Mr. Buza's Classroom.

  • Got my First Pair of Classes.

    Got my First Pair of Classes.
    My mom and I were at the eye place, getting new classes for my mom. Then she decides to get me an eye exam, and then I found out I had really bad eyes, and I still do to this day.
  • My Cousin was Born.

    My Cousin was Born.
    My little cousin Preslie was born. She is 7 years old now. She's the cutest little child ever. I almost see her everyday. We both play little kids games, but I enjoy every minute of it.
  • My First Year of Volleyball.

    My First Year of Volleyball.
    This is the year I started volleyball, I was so excited. My mother was the coach for my team. That made it even more awesome.
  • Moved to A Different House.

    Moved to A Different House.
    My mom and dad bought a new house. I was so happy, because I would finally get my own bedroom, instead of sharing one with my big sister.
  • My First Pet.

    My First Pet.
    My grandma had bought me my very own pet, it was a lizard. I took good care of it. I had named it Gecko; It was the best present of my life.
  • The Death of my Uncle Lynn.

    The Death of my Uncle Lynn.
    My Uncle Lynn would always come over to visit use. He was the world’s funniest man, He would take me fishing, and hunting, it was the best time of my life. Sadly I remember everything that day. Ever sense he died, it seemed like my whole family died as well.
  • Got Bit by a Rabbit.

    Got Bit by a Rabbit.
    My best friend and I where over my neighbors house and I wanted to pet the baby bunnies, so I reached my hand inside their cage. I didn’t think anything of it, but right when I was about to pet them the mama rabbit ran and bit my arm.
  • Dad and Mom Bought me a 4Wheeler.

    Dad and Mom Bought me a 4Wheeler.
    I got my very first four wheeler, boy was I happy than ever. I would ride it almost every day. My dad and I also made a trail back in our woods, so I could ride it through there.
  • Michigan Adventures with Bryce.

    Michigan Adventures with Bryce.
    One of my best friends Bryce ask me if I wanted to go to Michigan Adventures with him, and his family, I had agreed and went with him. I had a blast with everyone there.
  • Mom and Dad Split Up.

    Mom and Dad Split Up.
    This is the year my parents split up, there still not with each other. I had it really cared about it only because I knew that a lot of family’s went through it, so I wasn’t going to make it a big deal.
  • I Quit Volleyball.

    I Quit Volleyball.
    I didn’t have a taste for volleyball anymore. So I figured that I would quit, everyone was shocked, but I just didn’t have a passion for it anymore.
  • I Starterd Softball.

    I Starterd Softball.
    I had started softball; It was really fun for me. I did well for my first year playing. I was really happy I found a sport I liked.
  • I Quit Softball.

    I Quit Softball.
    I had Quit softball not that long sense I started. I quit because someone stole my glove, and no one would buy me a new one.
  • Started to Date my Boyfriend.

    Started to Date my Boyfriend.
    This is when Mark O'Connor asks me to be his girlfriend, and I had said yes. We're still dating to this day. &I'm happier than ever.
  • Gauges.

    This day I got my first gauges. I had always wanted them, but both my parents at that time both said the same thing, NO! but I bought the size 10 and put them in. The pain is like no other. I had contenuing doing this for monthes, avenuley I got the size 0's. My dad had found out, and made me take them out. Later on he let me out them back in. Now I have the size 6. Not that big but it's better than nothing.
  • Jumped my 4Wheeler.

    Jumped my 4Wheeler.
    That day was the first and only time I had jumped my 4wheeler, because after I had jumped it, well you can just say that my 4wheeler never worked the same after that.
  • First Day of High School.

    First Day of High School.
    I didn’t really care for this all that much, I guess I got used to sleeping in all the time, and not seeing so many people every day. Now that I'm in school I feel good, because I know I'm going to do great on my school work.