7.2 Timetoast

  • Period: to

    The Unions

    The Unions had the lowest members during the 1930s
  • The Recession

    The recession starts. The government does not do anything about it
  • The Stock Market

    The stock market crashes
  • Period: to


    In the US banks fail
  • Period: to


    The unemployment rate increases
  • Period: to

    The Crash

    The start and end of the stock crash
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    The US econ1929omy fails and unemployment grows
  • Neutrality Acts

    The US passes acts to prevent it shelf from bring in Europe's war during the 1930's
  • Veterans get free checks

    22,000 veterans march to the capital for there WW1 bonus check
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The Nazis exterminate the Jews
  • Debt

    The US debt rose to 265%
  • Social Security Act

    The first welfare acts in the US
  • Second New Deals

    FDR helping the American people get jobs (1935- 1936)
  • The Republic Steel Strike

    Protesters rally, the outcome was ten union workers died.
  • The begging

    WW2 begins
  • Fall of France

    Germany attacks France and beats them
  • Germany get in to big trouble

    Germany attacks the USSR
  • Barbarossa

    The USSR invites Germany
  • The first 2 Atomic Bomb

    The Us drops the first nuclear war head in Japan, twice
  • "A sleeping Giant"

    The US is attacked by the Empire of Japan
  • Operation Torch

    A US and British lead invasion of Northern Africa
  • Period: to

    Battle for Stalingrad

    Germany attacks Stanlingrad
  • Normandy Landing

    An Allied lead invasion to realese Europe from Nazi Germany
  • The US goes goes to the rescue

    The US invades Europe
  • D-Day

    156,000 thousand Allied forces invade Europe in Normandy
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The US attack on the Japaneses that pretty knew there are going to beat them
  • The Death of a Leader

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt died intracerebral hemorrhage
  • The end

    WW2 ends
  • The New Leader

    Harry S. Truman becomes the new president of the US