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    The Great Depression

    The longest deepest downturn in history of the United States and the modern industrial economy. It was caused my many things like the stock market crash, bank failures, and inflation.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crashed and sent Wall Street into panic and wiped many investors. Some causes of this are inflation, bank loans, overproduction, and high interest rates.
  • The Dust Bowls

    The Mid west was experiencing blowing dust in the air. These dust bowls were happening as a result of drought conditions and poor farming practices.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    Hoover signed this act against the advice of leading economist who petitioned against the law. It raised taxes on imports in a effort to protect businesses sand farmers by reducing foreign competition.
  • Revenue Act of 1932

    The Revenue Act 1932 increased the top income tax rate to 63%. They believed that this would restore confidence and reduce the federal deficit, but instead made the depression worse.
  • FDR's New Deal Speech

    Franklin D Roosevelt gives his "New Deal" speech that included information of safeguards on the banking industry and efforts on re-inflating the economy.
  • Inauguration Day

    On this day, Roosevelt used his first inaugural speech to shape his plan for the Great Depression. This plan was known as the New Deal
  • Fireside Chats

    President Roosevelt began his series of broadcasts from his home where he kept the people informed and updated on the Great Depression.
  • Hitler and Mussolini

    Hitler and Mussolini had opposing political parties. They both said that they could fix the economy, but wanted more power, so they started taking over other countries. They became allies because they knew that together it would make it harder for other countries to fight against them.
  • Social Security Act of 1935

    FDR signed this law to insure against unemployment. It benefits old-age retirees. It it collected in the form of a payroll tax at a total rate of 7.65%
  • FDR Reelected

    Roosevelt won the highest share of the popular vote and electoral vote against Alf Landon. Factors for winning this election are the New Deal, economic recovery, political realignment, weak republican opposition, and Roosevelts charismatic leadership.
  • Economic Growth

    Roosevelt asked Congress to authorize $3.75 billion for spending to stimulate the sagging economy. Unemployment was still high and was predicted to stay high.
  • Declaring war on Germany

    Two days after Germany invaded Poland, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany Hitler failed to respond to the British demands to leave Poland. Later on that same day, France also declared war.
  • Lend Lease Act

    The Lend Lease Act was a system that allowed the US to lend or lease war supplies to any nation who would defend the US. This did not violate the nations position of neutrality with Europe.
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa which was the invasion of the SU. He aimed to destroy its armies and capture their economic resources and enslave its population. This was the largest German military operation of WWII.
  • The Atlantic Charter

    This was a join declaration that was released by Roosevelt and Churchill. It was a statement that set out American and British goals for the world after the end of WWII. They wanted no territorial gain in war, to respect free trade, and respect the right for people to choose their governments.
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    World War II

    The biggest deadliest war in history that involved 30 countries. It was two opposing military alliances: the Allied and the Axis. Some causes would include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles, the worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, and the failure of the League of Nations.
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    Battle of Bataan

    This was a battle between the US and the Philippine Commonwealth against Japan. It represented the most intense phase of Japanese invasion. This was the first major land battle for the Americans and eventually, the US surrendered to Japanese troops.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    This was a battle fought by Allied and Japanese aircraft against four different groups of warships. It was a series of naval engagements off the north-east coast of Australia. The US fleet turned back a Japanese invasion force that had been heading for strategic Port Moresby in New Guinea. About 543 men were killed or wounded.
  • Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

    This was a major battle that took place during World War II in the Eastern front. Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
  • End of 163-day Battle

    After the last of the German Sixth Army forces surrenders, the Soviet Union had announces the end of the 163- Battle of Stalingrad. The Soviet Union won against the German offensive. This put Hitler and the Axis power on the defensive and boosted Russian confidence.
  • Allied forces land in France

    Under the command of US General Dwight, more than 150,000 allied soldiers land on the beaches of Normandy, France which then enter Paris on August. They liberate most of France by the end of August. It brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies. This was the largest invasion in military history.
  • Election of 1944

    Democrat President FDR won against Republican Thomas Dewey. FDR won with 432 electoral vote compared to Dewy with 99.
  • Yalta Conference

    Also known as the Crimean Conference, it was held in a Russian resort town. FDR, Churchill, and Stalin attended this conference. In this, the Soviets had pressed for heavy postwar reparations from Germany, half would go to the Soviet Union
  • Start of the Battle of Berlin

    As the Soviet Red Army forces attacked towards Berlin from the east, the final assault on Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich began. The Soviets were merciless because of the brutality of German forces early in the war.
  • Death of Adolf Hitler

    After it became clear that Germany would lose the Battle of Berlin. He died by suicide via a gunshot to the head. His death led to the ending of World War II in Europe.
  • Surrender of Germany

    American, British, and French troops advanced from the west and the Germans had no choice but to surrender their forces. It was an unconditional surrender that was signed in northeastern France.
  • Atomic bomb in Hiroshima

    During the WWII, the US dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. It was a gun-type atomic bomb that fired one piece of uranium 235 triggering an explosion. The drop of the bomb resulted in about 140,000 deaths.