New Technologies since 1953

By maya123
  • Airbag patent granted

    Airbag patent granted
    Advantage: When people get into car accidents there will be something that helps them not get as injured. Disadvantage: The airbag could also cause injuries.
  • Automatic Sliding Door invented

    Automatic Sliding Door invented
    Advantage: Less of a hassle. Disadvantage: May break and or not work properly.
  • The first Atomically generated power is used in the US

    The first Atomically generated power is used in the US
    Advantage: The costs for operating a nuclear reactor is relatively low. Disadvantage: There are problems of safely disposing nuclear waste.
  • The Microchip co-invented by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments

    The Microchip co-invented by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments
    Advantage: Doesn't take up much space for devices, such as computers. Disadvantage: Can be expensive.
  • Xerox launches the first commercial copier

    Xerox launches the first commercial copier
    Advantage: Duplicate documnets faster. Disadvantage: Copiers can be expensive.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Advantage: Easy to install and helps to operate a computer easier. Disadvantage: Needs a flat surface to use or else it won't work properly.
  • Compact Disc invented by James Russel

    Compact Disc invented by James Russel
    Advantage: Portable and easy to use. No need to carry around a radio with you to listen to music anymore. Disadvantage: Can get pricey at times. The disc may not work if it is scratched, so you need to take proper care of it.
  • Skylab, which was the US's first space station was launched

    Skylab, which was the US's first space station was launched
    Advantage: Being able to explore more of space. Disadvantage: Very costly to make. Also, going on space missions can be dangerous for human beings.
  • Post-it Note invented

    Post-it Note invented
    Advantage: Very useful for reminders. Can be virtually be stuck onto any surface. Disadvantage: The adhesive doesn't last long. The size of the post-it note also can be too small.
  • The Weather Channel first aired

    The Weather Channel first aired
    Advantage: Knowing what the weather will be like in your area. Disadvantage: The weatherman can be wrong about the forecast.
  • Microsoft Word is first released

    Microsoft Word is first released
    Advantage: Makes writing papers easier. The program is also very user friendly. Disadvantage: The program can crash or not function properly.
  • The First in-car Satellite Navigation System is sold by Pioneer

    The First in-car Satellite Navigation System is sold by Pioneer
    Advantage: Makes navigating a whole lot easier. No need to carry around maps with you ervrywhere, and it is portable and easy to use. Disadvantage: There could be inaccuricies in the system.
  • ebay is established

    ebay is established
    Advantage: Easier way to buy or sell items online. Disadvantage: You don't get to see the product you want to buy like you would in a store. The item you buy will most likely not arrive to you on the same day you ordered it.
  • Google is invented

    Google is invented
    Advantage: Being able to find information quicker. Disadvantage: Gives you unrelated pieces of information.
  • iPod first unveiled

    iPod first unveiled
    Advantage: Has pretty good music quality. Disadvantage: The battery life may decrease over time.