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My Focus Week

  • Starting Focus Week

    Starting Focus Week
    I went in my focus group and we begun our new new focus, global connections. The teacher explained what we were going to do for the rest of the week. We then told everyone our cultures.
  • second day of focus week

    second day of focus week
    We brought an item that represents our culture and presented it to the class. We then did a lot of sheets that had a lot of questions about our culture.
  • Third Day Of Focus Week

    Third Day Of Focus Week
    We went to the city. The first thing we did was go to an aboriginal art centre and we learnt about the aboriginal culture. We also learnt the weapons that the aboriginals used to protect themselves. We then had lunch and after that we walked along the Yarra and an aboriginal lady taught us what each place was a long time ago. For example where we were sitting was where the first ship landed in Australia, a long time ago.
  • Fourth Day Of Focus Week

    Fourth Day Of Focus Week
    We watched a really good movie about two people travelling the world. Then we made our timelines out of the courntries we got to choose from.
  • Last Day Of Focus Week

    Last Day Of Focus Week
    Today we are going to present our timelines to the class. We are then going to watch Thats Entertainment performance and its the last day of global connections.