Evolución Histórica de las Telecomunicaciones

  • Period: to

    Evolución Histórica de las Telecomunicaciones

  • Alessando Volta: first electrical cell.

    Alessando Volta: first electrical cell.
    Italy, 1745/1827
    Volta studied the generation of electricity by chemical action and in 1777 he invented the first electrical cell, the precursor of the electrical battery which was for many years the principle power supply for telecommunications.
  • Samuel Morse: electric telegraph.

    Samuel Morse: electric telegraph.
    United States, 1791/1872
    He was the inventor of the electromagnetic recording telegraph and the developer of the code of dots and dashes known as the Morse Code.
    It was in 1944 whey Morse transmitted his first message from Washington D.C. to Baltimore, a distance of some 60 km. Although telegraphy has now largely been replaced by more modern telecommunication services, Morse's original concept is still in use and the Morse Code still remains a universal standard for sending messages.
  • Founding of the International Telegraph Union.

    In Paris by 20 European countries with the adoption of first ITU Convention. First Telegraph Regulations put in place.
  • First Telegraph Conference.

    In Viena. Decision to establish the headquarters of the Union in Bern.
  • Publication of the Telegraph Journal begins.

    Renamed Telecommunication Journal in 1934, it is now published under the name ITU News
  • Alexander Graham Bell: telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell: telephone
    Scotland, 1847/Nova Scotia, 1922
    Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention of the telephone. "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you". These words, pronounced by Alexander Graham Bell on 10 March 1876, in Boston, United States, formed the first intelligible sentence to be transmitted over the telephone. Although a number of other inventors had proposed systems for the electrical transmission of sounds over distance, Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for his invention.
  • Alexander Bell´s prediction

    Alexander Bell´s prediction
    "It is conceivable that cables of telephone wires could be laid underground or suspended overhead communicating by branch wires with shops, factories etc., uniting them through the main cable with a central office where the wires could be connected as desired establishing direct communications between any two places in the city. Although this is impracticable at the present moment will, I firmly believe, in the future, be the outcome of the introduction of the telephone to the public"
  • Berlin — Telegraph Conference.

    First provisions for international telephone service
  • First signals transmitted by radio-relay system

  • Heinrich Hertz: electromagnetic waves

    Heinrich Hertz: electromagnetic waves
    Germany, 1857/1894
    Heinrich Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves in 1887-1888 at the University of Karlsruhe, confirming the theory of James Clark Maxwell who had predicted their existence. Hertz's discovery is the basis for radio technology and for the later development of broadcasting and television.
  • Emile Baudot: telegraph

    Emile Baudot: telegraph
    France, 1845/1903
    He dedicated his life to the development of a fast-printing telegraph. After successively improved versions, he demonstrated at the International Exhibition of Electronics a perfected model which could transmit six simultaneous messages. The Baudot system was used throughout the world for terrestrial and undersea links for over 70 years.
  • Guglielmo Marconi: radio patent.

    Guglielmo Marconi: radio patent.
    Born: Bologna, Italy, 25 April 1874
    Died: Rome, 20 July 1937 As a student, Guglielmo Marconi was particularly interested in magnetism and the application of Hertzian waves. On 2 June 1896 he applied for his first patent concerning radio. A highly practical and enterprising man, Marconi was quick to commercialize his discoveries and, in July 1897 he founded in London the first company for wireless telegraphy.
  • N.Tesla: electrical energy emitting station

    N.Tesla: electrical energy emitting station
    Croatia, 1856/New York 1943
    He worked on alternating currents and high frequency radio waves. He demonstrated the transmission of electrical energy without wires and, in 1899, constructed an emitting station in the state of Colorado, (United States) from which he was able to receive 1,000 km away clear radio signals. He invented a system of inductive coupling between two circuits. He was granted over 100 patents.
  • Guglielmo Marconi: radio message

    Guglielmo Marconi: radio message
    Marconi managed to transmit by radio a message across the English Channel and, in 1901, he sent signals across the Atlantic Ocean from Cornwall, England to Signal Hill, Newfoundland. By 1907 a transatlantic wireless service had been established.
  • First radio transmissions of the human voice

  • Worldwide adoption of the SOS emergency distress signal

  • Berlin. Plenipotentiary Conference

    International Radiotelegraph Conference
  • First Radiotelegraph Convention.

  • First trials of broadcasting (voice and music)

    using radiotelephony
  • Guglielmo Marconi: Nobel Prize

    Guglielmo Marconi: Nobel Prize
    He awared the Nobel Prize of physics
  • Birth of sound-broadcasting.

    In the improvised studios of the Marconi company.
  • Creation of the CCIF

    International Telephone Consultative Committee
  • Marconi: skywave transmission

    Marconi: skywave transmission
    In 1924 he discovered skywave transmission which enabled him to offer a world-wide communication service. Throughout his life, Marconi dedicated himself to the expansion of wireless telegraphy and and a total of nearly 800 patents were awarded either to him or the companies he directed.
  • Creation of the CCIT

    International Telegraph Consultative Committee.
  • Creation of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR)

    Washington — Radiotelegraph Conference (Plenipotentiary).
  • Madrid — Plenipotentiary Conference.

    Telegraph and RadiotelegraphTelegraph and Radiotelegraph Conventions are merged to form single International Telecommunication Convention. The organization changes its name from International Telegraph Union to International Telecommunication Union
  • The transistor was invented

    The transistor was invented
    The transistor was invented in 1947 by three physicists, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley working at the Bell Laboratories in the United States. Transistors can detect, amplify and rectify currents and switch them on and off. They are small, cheap and use very little energy. These properties have made it possible to develop electronic switching of communications. Without them there would be no satellite communications. Transistors have made possible modern computers, pocket cal
  • S.Korolev: rockets in the USSR

    S.Korolev: rockets in the USSR
    USSR, 1906/ USSR 1966
    From 1947, he directed the design of rockets in the USSR which led to the launch of Sputnik-1, the first artificial earth satellite, on 4 October 1957. He was responsible for directing the development of many more recent rockets. Rocket technology is essential for the launching of artificial earth satellites which play a very important part in modern telecommunications.
  • Creation of the IFRB

    International Frequency Registration Board
  • Atlantic City — Plenipotentiary Conference.

    On 15 November 1947, an agreement between ITU and the newly created United Nations was approved by the UN General Assembly and became applicable, on a provisional basis, from that date.
  • ITU headquarters transferred to Geneva.

  • ITU becomes UN specialized agency

    The agreement recognizing the International Telecommunication Union as a UN specialized agency formally entered into force on 1 January 1949.
  • Buenos Aires — Plenipotentiary Conference.

    ITU commences its programme of technical cooperation
  • CCIF and CCIT are merged to form CCITT

    Geneva — CCIF and CCIT are merged to form CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
  • Sputnik-1, first artificial satellite.

    Sputnik-1, first artificial satellite.
    Twelve years before the first artificial earth satellite Sputnik-1 was launched by the USSR, Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) proposed in an article published in Wireless World in 1945, the use of geostationary satellites for world-wide radio coverage. These have since become a very significant part of the world's communication systems. Clarke's other inventions include the use of satellite platforms for earth observation, and the manoeuvrable solar sail for low-acceleration interplanetary flight.
  • Revision of the radio regulations

    The Radio Regulations are entirely revised by the Geneva Administrative Radio Conference, for the first time.
  • Syncom-1: first telecommunication satellite

    Launch of the world’s first telecommunication satellite, Syncom-1, in geostationary orbit.
  • First World Space Radiocommunication Conference

  • Centenary of the Union (ITU).

    Culminating in a commemorative ceremony in Paris
  • Montreux Plenipotentiary Conference.

  • Telecom 71

    ITU launches its first world telecommunication exhibition and forum
  • Málaga. Plenipotentiary Conference

    In Torremolinos,
  • Nairobi. Plenipotentiary Conference.

    The Independent Commission for Worldwide Telecommunications Development is established.
  • World Communications Year

    UN-declared World Communications Year with ITU as the lead agency
  • Asia Telecom 85

    ITU’s first regional telecommunication exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Popov: electromagnetic waves transmission

    Popov: electromagnetic waves transmission
    USSR,1859\USSR 1906
    Aleksander Popov was a lecturer in physics and he experimented with ways of detecting the electromagnetic waves by a receiver. His experiments were demonstrated on 7 May 1895. The report concluded that the aim "is to show that it is theoretically possible to transmit signals over a certain distance without the use of conductors, in other words, after the fashion of visual telegraphy but with the aid of electrical radiations".
  • Africa Telecom 86

    ITU’s first regional telecommunication exhibition in the Africa region.
  • HF Broadcasting Conference.

    In Geneva. Revision of the use of high-frequency bands allocated to the broadcasting service and adoption of technical standards and procedures for single-sideband radio services
  • Americas Telecom 88 Geneva

    ITU’s first regional telecommunication exhibition in the Americas region. World Radio Conference on the use of geostationary-satellite orbit (ORB-88). Adoption of plan providing equitable rights of access to the geostationary-satellite orbit. Completion of a comprehensive world satellite direct broadcasting plan.
  • Nice — Plenipotentiary Conference.

    Creation of the High Level Committee to carry out an in-depth review of the structure and functioning of the Union
  • Strowger: automatic telephone exchange .

    Strowger: automatic telephone exchange .
    NY, 1839 /1902
    Almon B. Strowger, a funeral undertaker, Strowger suspected that, by design or by error, local telephone operators deviated his business calls to rival firms. He therefore had the idea of switching telephone calls automatically and his work on this idea led to the installation of the first commercial automatic exchange in the world at La Porte (Indiana) in the United States.
  • 125th anniversary of ITU

  • Geneva — Additional Plenipotentiary Conference

    This Conference adopts structural reforms following the recommendations of the High Level Committee. Creation of three Sectors (Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development) which integrate the functions carried out by the former IFRB, CCIR, CCITT and BDT
  • Helsinki — First World Telecommunication Standardization Conference.

    First World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-93) and Assembly (RA-93), held in Geneva
  • Buenos Aires — First World Telecommunication Development Conference

  • Kyoto — Plenipotentiary Conference

  • First World Telecommunication Policy Forum

    In Geneva, on Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) systems. Adoption of the first international standard for universal international freephone numbers (UIFN)
  • Telecom Interactive 97

    Establishment of the GMPCS MoU and adoption of the first set of arrangements for transborder use of GMPCS terminals Adoption in Geneva of the First Memorandum of Understanding to restructure the Internet ITU’s first interactive media exhibition and forum.
  • Minneapolis — Plenipotentiary Conference

    Introduces single category of Sector membership according wider rights and obligations to private sector members. Decision to hold a World Summit on the Information Society taken. First Emergency Telecommunications Convention adopted in Tampere, Finland
  • ITU becomes founding member of the ICANN PSO.

    ITU becomes founding member of the Protocol Supporting Organization of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN PSO)
  • Universal Personal Telecommunication Number allocate

    Opening the way to global number portability.
  • New York. United Nations General Assembly.

    The United Nations General Assembly endorses the organization of the World Summit on the Information Society
  • 1st phase: World Summit on the Information Society

    Which, for the first time, achieved a common understanding of the key principles on which to build the emerging Information Society
  • 2nd phase: World Summit on the Information Society

    Which recommitted to the principles of a people-centred, development-oriented and inclusive information society and adopted a roadmap for bringing the benefits of ICT to all the world’s inhabitants
  • World Information Society Award

    Presented to Prof. Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and President Wade of Senegal.
  • Doha — 4th World Telecommunication Conference

  • Antalya — Plenipotentiary Conference

  • Geneva — World Radiocommunication Conference

  • World Information Society Award

    Presented to H.E. Dr Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, First Lady of the Dominican Republic; Professor Dr Mark I. Krivocheev; and the Mozilla Corporation
  • World Telecommunication and Information Society Award

    Presented to H.E. Mrs Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt; Ms Andrea Saks; and the DAISY Consortium
  • Johannesburg - World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly

  • World Telecommunication and Information Society Award

    Presented to H.E. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; Mr. Robert G. Conway, CEO, GSM Association; and Ms. Deborah Taylor Tate former US FCC Commissioner
  • Lisbon - Fourth World Telecommunication Policy Forum