The Agony of Reconstruction

  • Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan.

    The reconstruction plan declared that a state could be taken back into the Union when 10% of voters declared allegiance to the United States. They could reintegrate as long as the citizens from that state agreed to abide by the emancipation.
  • Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln

    The Wade-Davis bill was proposed to reconstruct the South. Lincoln vetoed because he belived it was unconstitutional to succeed in the first place, therefore the south never actually succeeded. The bill was later killed with a "pocket veto" by Lincoln and was never resurrected Davis Bill2.jpg
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Johnson's Reconstruction Polocy made some radicals angry. The majority of the Republicans decided to give the plan a chance. Johnson also called for governors to help pay the Confederate debt and to help pass the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • Congress Refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan

    Congress established a joint comittee, run by Senator William Pitt Fessenden. This joint committee was in charge of reviewing Johnson's Reconstruction policy and was to set further conditons for the succeeded states to be re-admittance into the Union.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill

    Proposed by Lincoln, this bill extended the life of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill. This Bureau punished senators and other peoples who denied blacks "civil rights." Johnson vetoed because he believed it would not be "consistent with the public welfare."
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto

    The Civil Rights Act won two-thirds majority vote which over powered Johnsons veto. This was the first time Congress had overridden a presidential veto. Johnson was then put at odds with the majority of the congress against him.
  • Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was writen to establish who had citizenship in the United States. The was writen right after the civil war and was mainly pertaining to blacks and minorities.
  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections

    By increasing their majority on the fall elections, they now had enough of congress on their side to create an anti-Johnson house. This was significant for getting bills in Republican favor passed. Pages/Politics/Images/Republican-Logo.jpg
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    The Reconstruction Act was set into stone in order to rebuild the southern economent and establish a set of anti-slavery laws. Johnson vetoed this act because he feared that the people that opposed the bill would be coerced into accepting the bill due to the United States military that was enforcing the Act.
  • Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote

    Johnson was impeached because of a conflict between power within the government. His conviction was directly related to the fact that he opposed the Fourteenth Amendment. Johnson was conicted because many people felt that he exceeded his power and betrayed the Fourteenth Amendment
  • Southern blacks vote and serve in constitutional conventions

    This was a significant change from the time before the Civil War. Before, blacks were denied almost all rights and now they could vote and decide who was going to be elected into office to make decisions for the government.
  • Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    This was the first election of the Reconstruction period. Horatio gave Grant a run for his money in the popular vote but was shut down by the electoral college.
  • Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment, granting African Americans the right to vote

    This was the last of the Reconstruction Acts. Congressed passed the Fifteenth Amendment to end discrimination against citzens voting based on race or other conditions.
  • Congress passes the Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South

    Due to the radical acts of violence commited by the KKK congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Acts to help establish security for black voters in the South. The hopes of this act were to attain more black voters and rid of terrorism commited by the KKK.
  • Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats

    Horace is the Founder of the Liberal Republican party. Horace announced himself as part of the Democratic party and ran because he felt that slavery was dead and that the federal troops needed to be pulled out of the South. horacegreely explore PA history.jpg
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    Years before a national banking system had been developed. The crash of this banking system along with Philidelphia's and many other banking systems led to severe inflation and a depression. This depression would last until 1879
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

    This act was passed because of the massive debt that occured from the Civil War when the government issued Greenbacks. This Act stated that you could trade your paper currency in for gold begining in 1879.
  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    The "Whiskey Ring" was a group of government officials using tax dollars to siphoning off millions of dollars on whiskey. In 1875 hundreds of distilaries and personnels were siezed and arrested.
  • Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Although Tilden had popular vote, Hayes won the vote in the electoral college with the needed 185 votes. He only beat Tilden by 1 electoral vote. The election was so disputed because it was so close and Tilden won the pupular vote and still was not elected into office.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments

    The compromiose of 1877 was issued in order to settle the election of 1876. It stated that Hayes would take office as president as long as federal troops would be removed from the South. Rise and Fall of the Civil Rights Movement _files/droppedImage_1.jpg