
The Agony of the Reconstruction

  • Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan

    Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan
    The plan was a series of acts that nullified the president's initiatives and organized the South a new way.
    Title: http://rockhillamericanhistoryas.blogspot.com
  • Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln

    Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln
    The Bill required that 50% of the voting population take an oath of loyalty before the restoration could begin.
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative
    Johnson appointed North Carolina and some other states governors, who were mostly southern politicians who opposed the Southern's seccesion
  • Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan

    Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan
    Instead of backing Johnson, Congress established a joint commitee to review the Reconstruction policy.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill

    Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill
    When Johnson vetoed this Bill, which passed Congress with great Republican support, the disagreement became to huge to forgive.
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto

    Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto
    The Civil Rights Act guaranteed freedmen equal benefits of all laws amhist.ist.unomaha.edu
  • Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

    Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment
    It gave the federal government in charge of equal rights to all Americans
  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections

    Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections
    because the Northern voters were angry about the southern inflexibility and the president's antics.
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto
    it placed the South under rule of the army by organizing the union into 5 military districts
  • Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote

    Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote
    because seven Republican senators broke with their party and voted for discharge.
  • Southern blacks vote and serve in constitutional conventions

    Southern blacks vote and serve in constitutional conventions
    Although not enough southern whites were willing to accept this.
  • Grant wins in presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    Grant wins in presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour
    He won with the help of the Republican-dominated southern states.
  • Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment granting African Americans the right to vote

    Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment granting African Americans the right to vote
    It's a Republican efforts to make equal rights for blacks.
  • Congress passes Klu Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the south

    Congress passes Klu Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the south
    Called the Force acts, made interference with voting rights a federal crime.
  • Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, canidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrates

    Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, canidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrates
    A heavy black turnout enabled the Republicans to hold onto many southern states
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    Financial panic plunges nation into depression
    Which showed that the Republican's state aid to private enterprise failed miserably.
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

    Congress passes Specie Resumption Act
    Which provided for a limited reduction of greenbacks leading to full resumption of specie payments.
  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed
    When the puplic learned that federal revenue officials had conspired with distillers to defraud the government of millions of dollars in liquor taxes.
  • Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden
    Because of the Compromise of 1877.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention on the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments

    Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention on the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments
    It also ended the election and gave the presidency to Hayes