World War Two Timeline

By channon
  • Battle for Britain

    Battle for Britain – Aug. to Oct., 1940
  • FDR approves “shoot on sight”

    FDR approves “shoot on sight”
    Germany had been attacking US Ships
    In the early 1940’s FDR retaliated by shoot on site Tactic
    (when you see an enemy you shoot)
    Congress amended the Neutrality Act
    Belligerents (ready to fight hostile)
    Merchant Vessel- trading Boats.
    Were being sunken so they were allowed to be armed to defend themselves
  • Japan joins Axis

    Japan joins Axis Japan joins Italy and Germany in the tripartite Pact to stop the U.S from attacking them.
    Japan joins the Axis
    axis powers during ww2 (Italy Germany Japan)
  • Hitler breaks Non-Aggression agreement – June 22, 1941

    Hitler breaks Non-Aggression agreement

    Non Agression agreement was stated that The Soviet union and Germany would not fight eachother and would take over Poland
    It was Broken when Hitler decided to Try and take the Ukraine
  • Pearl Harbor attacked

    Pearl Harbor attacked – 7 December 1941
  • Japanese ambassadors arrive in Washinton, DC

    Japanese ambassadors arrive in Washington DC Formal Rejection
    On the 7th Nomura and Kurusu were supposed to deliver the formal rejection to Hull(Us) This rejection was supposed to be delivered 20 mins before the attack on Pearl Harbor When the Japanese finally delivered the note to hull he was already aware of the attack and went through the motions of reading the note then swiftly showed them the door.
    President Roosevelt "“a date in which we live in infamy”
  • Germany and Italy declare war on US

    Germany and Italy declare war on US – Dec 11, 1941
  • MacArthur promises to return - February 1942

    MacArthur promises to return -
    General macarthur is driven out of the Philipines by the Japanese and his famous quote "i shall return"
  • Bataan death march

    Bataan death march - April 1942
  • Battle of Coral Sea – 7-8 May 1942

    Battle of Coral Sea
    May of 1942 the battle of the coral sea was a Japanese invasion of New guinea
    They sunk the aircraft carrier Lexington(US Ship) but the Japanese feet turned back despite suffering fewer losses This is the end of Japanese Advance to Australia
    A month later Admiral yamamoto led his fleet against Midway Island, expecting to destroy admiral Chester Nimitz three remaining carriers. Coral sea was to Australia
  • Battle of Midway – 7 June 1942

    Battle of Midway
    Midway was a battle to take Hawaii
    This stops the Japanese advance toward Hawaii

    The battleship Yorktown was sunk by a torpedo after it was bombed by enemy planes. Japan suffered its first major naval defeat.
    The two enemies that were fighting were the Marine raiders of the usa and the imperial army of japan.
  • Guadalcanal - August 7, 1942 and February 9, 1943

    Guadalcanal -**Battle of Guadalcanal (first us offensive)
    With all these victories by island hopping the USA could advance into Japan
    The Japs defended the strongholds such as rabaul on New Brittan Island
    Island Hopping “hit’em where they aint” Go to isands where there is little protection.
    **Admiral Halsey worked with Gen MacArthur
    Arsenal of democracy
    Describes the united states military power and its ability to supply other nations with military equipment to protect themselves.
  • General Eisenhower and his forces land in North Africa

    Under the command of General Eisenhower,American troops landed in north Africa in order to help the british.
    protects the oil from the axis powers(Japan Germany Italy)
    They were trying to push German field Marshal Erwin Rommel and his Afrika korps off the continent
    Famous German General
    We secure North Africa Eisenhower’s Subordinates teamed up with the British to drive Germans out of Sicily in the summer of 1943.This triggered the surrender of Italy.italy joined the allied cause against Germany
  • Vichy France begins

    Vichy France begins*- Nov 11, 1942
  • End of Battle of Stalingrad

    End of Battle of Stalingrad – feb 2 1943
  • Sicily falls

    Sicily falls – 3 Sept 1943
  • Rome falls – June 5, 1944

    Rome falls
  • D-Day – June 6, 1944

  • Kamikaze attacks begin

    Kamikaze attacks begin – October 17, 1944
  • MacArthur returns – October 20, 1944

    MacArthur returns – October 20, 1944
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge – 16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945
  • US flag raised on Mt. Suribachi

    US flag raised on Mt. Suribachi –

    February 23, 1945
  • U-boats sink merchant vessels

    U-boats sink merchant vessels

  • Truman becomes president

    Truman becomes president
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide – On April 30, 1945
  • V-E Day – 8 May 1945

    V-E Day – 8 May 1945
  • Okinawa taken

    Okinawa taken – July 2, 1945
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima – August 6, 1945
  • Nagasaki – August 9, 1945

    Nagasaki – August 9, 1945
  • V- J Day

    V- J Day – August 15, 1945
  • formal surrender of Japan 2 September 1945

    formal surrender of Japan 2 September 1945
  • Cold War

    the cold war started in this year
    Cold war 1945-1952
    Shortly after WW2 the cold war happened, it was an Arms Race between The United States and USSR.
    (to each according to his needs From each according to his ability)
    Reasons for Cold War
    Different beliefs in the way the gov. should be run.
    (Communist International-Comintern
    They wanted the whole world to be communist. )-Started by lenin
    President Harry Truman was pres during this time
  • Period: to

    cod war 1946-1952

    Communism vs. Capitalism

    Post war Germany The country was divided into four zones (American, British, French and Soviet) governed by the four powers of occupation. Berlin, which geographically lay in the Soviet Zone, was divided into four sectors.
    Berlin crisis Soviets gave west an Ultimatum demanding the withdrawal of the western forces. 1st ultimatum
    6 Months to withdraw from Berlin or a blockade will be set up.The “Western forces” refuse to withdraw and thus a blockade was formed.
  • info cold war

    Pres Truman and the other allied forces send a Massive airlift that delivered supplies to Berlin.
    Planes land every 3 mins we did this for 11 months.
    Berlin Airlift outcome World opinion turned against Stalin
    Germans ill-will turn to Stalin
    Two republics created
    Federal Republic of West Germany
    German democratic republic of East Germany
    NATO Formed North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    Countered by the Warsaw pact (communist countries)including East Germany(Soviet part of Germany)