3.5 Fetal Development_Mcconnell

  • Month 1( Conception )

    The fetus at 2 weeks is around the size of the head of a pin and the egg has also attached to the uterus at this point. The first month of development is very critical for brain and spinal cord development. This is also the time that the internal organs and the circulatory system begin to form. This is also the point that the fetal heart will begin beating.
  • Month 2

    As the second month begins, the fetus is now around 6mm in length. This is the time that the bones begin to form. Facial features are starting to take shape including eyes, ears and the limbs. The sexual organs begin to develop. The baby will have little to no movement.
  • Month 3

    The baby's size is approximately 1 inch long or 25mm. The baby's nostrils, lips, and eyelids form. The buds of the baby's 20 teeth form. The fingers and toes almost finish forming. All organs are present, but the organs are still immature. The baby will have some movement.
  • Month 4

    The baby's size is about 3 inches long or 7.6 cm and it weighs 1 ounce. The baby is able to suck his thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move in the womb. The baby's facial features also become clear. All organs continue to develop.
  • Month 5

    The baby's size is now 6 1/2- 7 inches or 16-18 cm and weighs 4-5 ounces. The hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and teeth continue to develop. The baby's organs are still developing. The baby has also become more active.
  • Month 6

    The baby's size is now 8-10 inches long and weighs 8-12 ounces. Fat deposits under the baby's skin makes him/her appear wrinkled. The baby's breathing movements begin.
  • Month 7

    The baby is 10-12 inches long and the baby is 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. The baby will have periods of activity followed by periods of rest. The baby's organs contiue to develop and mature.
  • Month 8

    The baby is 14-16 inches long and 2 1/2-3 pounds. Rapid weight gain will occur. The baby will most likely respond to loud noises with a jerking motion. The baby will also turn to a head down positionl.
  • Month 9 ( Birth)

    The baby is 17-18 inches long and weighs 5-6 pounds. The skin becomes more smooth and weight gain continues. The baby's movement will decrease as it slides down to the pelvis to prepare for birth. The organs are matured enough for birth.