Red kayak

Red Kayak

By ehypes
  • Chapters 1 & 2

    Brady, Digger and J.T. see a person in a red kayak going down the river. Brady was concerned about the person because of bad weather and suggested they warn the person. Brady's friends chosoe not to say anything.
  • Chapter 3

    Brady becomes concerned about not warning the kayaker. He thought it was Mr. DiAngelo but learned that it was Mrs. DiAngelo and her 4-year old son.
  • Chapter 4

    Brady is taken out of school to help search for the kayak in his boat. Tilly starts barking.
  • Chapter 5

    Brady finds the kayak and Ben. He tries to resucitate Ben using CPR.
  • Chapter 6

    Brady learns why Mrs. DiAngelo and Ben were kayaking on such a bad day. He becomes very angry with his friends.
  • Chapter 7

    Brady's friends do not respond to Brady saving Ben.