21st century timeline

  • Y2K

    In the years before 2000, people were afraid of the Y2K bug. When computers were first being programmed, engineers used only two digets to represent the year, leaving out the '19'; this would be fine for the next 40 years, but nobody was sure what might happen after December 31, 1999. There was an idea that computers wouldn't be able to format and save calendar years, which could've lead to some serious issues.
  • 9/11 terrorist attacks

    The attacks that happend on September 11th 2001 were organized by a terrorist group called al-Qeada. Four planes were hijacked, two hit the world trade center, one hit the pentagon, and one crashed in a feild in pennsylvania after passengers did their best to fight back. This attack killed 2,977 people, and was one of the biggest tradgedies in US history.
  • hurricane Katrina

    hurricane Katrina
    HUrricane Katrina was one of the 5 deadliest hurricanes to ever hit the United states. Katrina hit near the coast of New Orleans killing almost 2,000 people and costing around $160 billion in damages. presdent George Bush was largly critisized for not caring enough about this disaster.
  • I was born

    January of 2005, the joy of the Rosewood family (and maybe the earth) was born.
  • Virginia Tech shooting

    The shooting at Virginia Tech had a death toll of 32, the highest of all school related shootings in the United States. student, Seung-Hui Cho, murdered and wounded his classmates, faculty staff and teachers before killing himself. This student was extremely unwell mentally, and the school recieved backlash for not issuing a warning after the first few shots were fired.
  • Barack Obama elected president

    Barack Obama elected president
    Democratic candidate, Barack Obama, won presidency over John McCain in 2008, becoming the first African American president of the United States. Obama put a lotof effort into healthcare and created the Affordable Care Act, sometimes known as "Obamacare".
  • the great recession

    The 2008 recession was the worst financial crisis in the US since the great depression. THis was a cumulation of a housing crisis, a banking crisis and the rise of unemployment. Many American Households were unable to pay their loans and mortgages and banks failed because of it, the housing market crashed, and the Federal Reserve did not see it coming. Timetoast
  • drone wars

    Between 2009 2016 the united states, under Obama, used drones to drop bombs in the middle east. Many of these attacks were outside of warzones, killing hundreds of civillians. These bombings were said to be counterterrorism strikes after 9/11.
  • beginning of the #BlackLivesMatter movement

    Treyvon Martin was an unarmed, black teenager who was shot and killed George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was aquitted the year after, and activists began using the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. The BLM movement has gained traction and spread worldwide after other horrific incidents like the murders of Michael Brown, George Floyd, and Breyonna Taylor. The BLM movement is also major in the fight against police brutality.
  • Moved onto a farm

    Moved onto a farm
    My family took over an old horse ranch. We did a lot of work to get it uo and running again before providing a place for people to biard their horses, as wellas summer camps for kids and riding lessions. highschools in the area used our facilities for their equestrian teams. This was a huge part of my life through middle and highschool.
  • federal legalization of same sex marriage

    federal legalization of same sex marriage
    Advocation for same sex marriage started to show up more frequently on the 1990's. in 2003 Massachusets was the very first state to legalize same sex marriage, and 12 years later it was finally a federal law, allowing marriage between any consenting adults in all 50 states.
  • Donald Trump elected president

    Donald Trump was the republican candidate in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote against Hillary Clinton, but in the end won the election due to the electoral college. During his one term in presidency, Trump focused on tax reform, renegotiated trade agreements, and boarder/immigration control.
  • COVID-19

    SARS-CoV-2, or the coronavirus originated in China and rapidly spread arund the globe. by march 2020 most of the world was in lockdown and this disease was classified as a pandemic. Covid has a massive impact on major economies like Japan and the United States, it also caused political distress and disagreements all over the world. impacts from the coronavirus are still prevelent today.
  • graduated highschool

    I graduated from Ashland Highschool Jan 19th, 2023
  • moved to Jacksonville, Florida

    Almost one year after graduating high school I moved here!