2017 Owen Lai Dalat World History

By oew225
  • 10,000 BCE

    3.1- Mesopotamia- First people

    The hunter-gatheres first arrive in Mesopotamia.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Chapter 3- Fertile Crescent-The Early Fertile Crescent People

    Hunter-Gatheres 10000 BC-3000 BC, Sumerians 3000 BC- 2350 BC, Akkadians 2350 BC- 2300 BC, Babylonians 1800 BC-1750 BC, Hittites 1595 BC 1200 BC, Assyrians 1200 BC-652 BC, Chaldeans 612 BC- 530 BC, Phoncians 1000 BC-300 BC
  • 7000 BCE

    3.1- Mesopotamia- Agriculture

    First farmers start agriculture for the first time. The start of irrigation and and food surpluses which lead to division of labor.
  • 4000 BCE

    3.1- Mesopotamia- First cities

    The first cities are built due to the amount if people and the food surplus.
  • 3500 BCE

    4.5- Nubia- Ancient Kush

    The Kushites lived in Nubia and developed a civilization along the Nile with fertile land. Nubia was rich with minerals and made it wealthy. In 2000 BC a leader took control and became king. Kush and Egypt trade, but were also enemies.Times of being each others territories. Kush trade made them wealthy also affected their culture. Kush fell gradually as they took to many natural resources. Due to lack of products they was less trade then King Ezana took over Kush never regained power in 350 AD.
  • 3200 BCE

    4.4- Egypt- Egypt Achievements

    Hieroglyphics was Egypt's writing system it was one of the first writing systems.The Egyptians wrote on papyrus a long lasting, material made from reeds. The Rosetta Stone has greatly helped us to understand hieroglyphics it has translation to modern day languages. Sphinxes are imaginary creatures with bodies of lions and heads of humans or people. Obelisks are tall four-sided pillars that are pointed on the top. King Tut's grave that wasn't robbed helped us to learn about beliefs and practices.
  • 3200 BCE

    4.1- Egypt- Ancient Egypt

    The Nile River civilization is developing and due to the floods of the Nile there are food surpluses and the deserts, cataracts, and the seas around them protect them so they flourish. The first pharaohs are rulers and the the first dynasty. King Menes unfies Lower and Upper Egypt. First pharaoh and first dynasty. Menes stabilized lower and upper Egypt. Made stronger connections between the two.
  • Period: 3200 BCE to 350

    Chapter 4- The Nile Valley-Ancient Egypt and Kush

    Ancient Egypt 3200-2700 BC Old Kingdom 2700-2200 BC Middle Kingdom 2050-1750 BC New Kingdom 1550-1050 BC Kush 3500 BC-350 AD
  • 3100 BCE

    4.1- Egypt- religion

    Religion is unified and pharaohs are believed to be gods. They believe the ka will go into the afterlife. Pyramids are built for the elite and the elite are mummified and embalmed while peasants just bury them in the desert. The book of the dead helps the ka in the afterlife your must be lighter than the feather of truth. Sphinxes made to guard the pyramids. Many temples built to be homes of the gods.
  • 2700 BCE

    4.2- Egypt- Old Kingdom

    The Old Kinddom is born at around 2700 BC and ends at around 2200 BC. The Egyptian society is has developed and the political system is developed. Trade with its neighbors and their cultures impacted Egypt's. Khufu Madge atheist first monements and pyramids. Pharaohs esbalished as gods and rule above all except other gods. Trade starts, but not in Asia.
  • 2500 BCE

    3.2- Mesopotamia- First civilization and empire

    The first civilization in Mesopotamia is formed Sumer. The first empire is formed led by Sargon, the Akkadians attack Sumerians and destroy Ur
  • 2300 BCE

    5.1- Indus Valley- Harrapans and the geography of India.

    India is a subcontinent with seasonal flooding from monsoons. India is surrounded by mountain ranges and oceans. The first Harrapans devolved around rivers, but soon grew to cities. Due to the food surpluses the Harrapans were thriving. The first cities were Harrapa and Mohejo Daro. The Harrapans evolved plumbing, art, and a writing system they collapsed in 1700 BC
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500

    Chapter 5- Indus Valley- The people of India and their Beliefs

    Harapans 2300-1700 BC, Aryans 1500 BC- 320 AD, Hinduism 1250 BC, Buddhism 563 BC.
  • 2250 BCE

    3.3- Mesopotamia- Sumerian Advances

    Sumerians create a social hierarchy, cuneiform, epics, scribes, architecture, wheels, plow, bronze weapons, clocks, sewers, and studies in science and math.
  • 2200 BCE

    6.1- China- Geography of China and the Xia Dynasty

    China had the Himalayas to the South and the Tibet Plateau to the West. The Pacific Ocean to the East and the Gobi desert to the North. The rivers were the Yellow, Yangzi, and the Xi. All the rivers had a source from the Pacific Ocean. The rivers provided farmland and that is how civilizations devolped. The rich had jade a hard gem. The Xi dynasty is a story about how the emperor built waterways to protect the people from flooding. The Xia dynasty had a major impact on how emperors should rule.
  • Period: 2200 BCE to 220

    Chapter 6 - Ancient China- China

    Xia 2200 BC- 1500 BC, Shang 1500 BC- 1050 BC, Zhou 1050 BC- 400 BC, Qin 221 BC- 206 BC, Han 206 BC- 220.
  • 2050 BCE

    4.3- Egypt- Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom is born at 2050 BC and ends at 1750 BC. Before Middle Kingdom nobles battled for power until a pharaoh took power and stabilized Egypt. The pharaoh was named Mentuhotep. At the end of the Middle Kingdom there was internal disorder and the Hyksos took control of Lower Egypt for 200 years. The Hyksos were from South West Asia and they had superior weapons.After 200 years, Ahmose drove them out and declared himself king of Egypt.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1- Greece and Crete- Minoans and Mycenaeans

    Minoans lived mainly on the island of Crete which led to sailing for everything, they devolped a trading culture which made them rich, it Crete was near to a volcano which may have led to there collapse, as with ash lava and even tsunamis, and earthquakes the civilization collapsed. As Minaoans didn't spread Greek they aren't considered Greek. The Mycenaeans did speak Greek and were considered Greek they were also master traders, but they lived on the mainland they fell apart because of a war.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1- Greece- Geography of Greece and it's effects

    Greece geography has changed the outcome of the culture there as being a peninsula with many islands and three seas surrounding it. The Greeks were master sailors with the Mediterranean, Ionian, and the Aegean Sea. To the North were the Pindos Mountains so the Greeks mostly traveled by sea. The mountainous terrain provided little farmland which combined with being isolated by sea led to the Greeks having to sail for food, trade, and even traveling.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 320 BCE

    Chapter 8- Greece- Ancient Greece

    Minoans 2000 BC- 1400 BC, Mycenaeans 1400 BC- 1200, Athenians 1100 BC- 320 BC
  • 1800 BCE

    3.4- Mesopotamia- Babylon and Assyrians

    Babylon becomes a powerful government under monarchs then Hammurabi's code is established. Hittites from Asia Minor and take over Babylon with chariots and iron weapons. Then Assyrians attack and capture but is then overrun. They then recover for 300 years and take Egypt, Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia including Babylon. Assyrians rule using a monarchy and local leaders.
  • 1550 BCE

    4.3- Egypt- New Kingdom

    Begins at around 1550 BC and ends at around 1050 BC. Peak of power and glory and built Empire took control of many parts of S.W.A. Military conquest and trade made Egypt rich. Queen Hatshepsut becomes pharaoh, but her great legacy was mostly erased by unknown people. Many battles with neighbors. Many life was best at this time. Social order most stable. Rames the Great destroys enemies, but after death the Sea People take control of Egypt land in S.W.A. And Egypt never gets it back.
  • 1500 BCE

    5.1- Indus Valley- Aryans

    The Aryans were from the Caspian Sea and went through mountain passes from the Hindu Kush mountains. Vedas were religious writings written by Aryan priests. They lived in small communities with the leader usually being a warrior. The leaders were called rajas they gave land to the people for farming and living. Often rajas would fight against each other. The Aryans created Sanskrit which is the most important language of ancient India.
  • 1500 BCE

    6.1- China- Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty used the feudal system and a social order with emperors to nobles to peasants. The Shang dynasty created China's first writing system. The people believed oracles which is a prediction, could tell the future. The astrologers also created a calendar based on the moon. The Shang Dynasty was based on the hard work of the farmers and how strong the army was. The Shang dynasty was to the North East of China and was the strongest at the time. The Shang dynasty ended in 1050 BC
  • 1250 BCE

    5.2- Indus Valley- Hinduism

    Hinduism was based on the caste system which was a hierarchy of the four castes, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras. There was another group, but they were untouchables and were outcasts. Caste rules were strict and one caste could not interact with the other. Brahmanism is the root of Hinduism. Hindusim believes in reincarnation based on karma which is the base of the caste in the next life. Hindus are polytheistic and Hinduism is the largest religion in India today.
  • 1100 BCE

    8.3- Greece- Greek Mythology

    Mythology is many stories of gods and heroes that explain how the world works when people don't understand it. They provided answers for scientific explanations that they didn't understand such as lightning when Zeus was angry he would send it down. The Olympics were held for the gods without mythology we might not have had the Olympics. Many temples were built to honor the gods and mythology was also included great heroes in many tales.
  • 1100 BCE

    8.3- Greece- Greek Literature

    Their main types of literature were Epic Poems, Lyric Poems, and Fables. The most famous author of Epic Poems was Homer who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, both were based on great heroes in the Trojan War. Lyric Poetry was poetry performed with a lyre a stringed instrument the most famous being a lady named Sappho. Then the most famous author of fables being Aesop, fables were stories that taught a lesson or morale, examples being the Ants and the Grasshopper and the Boy who Cried Wolf.
  • 1050 BCE

    6.2- China- Zhou Dynasty

    The Xhou dynasty was the longest lasting dynasty as it was in power for 600 years from 1050- 400 BC. The Zhou expanded China, but eventually declined. The feudal system was being used and the emperor was believed to have the Mandate if Heaven. The decline started after families weakened as the feudal system was working soon the Warring States Period had begun. The period lasted for 200 years and the solutions were Confucianism and Daosim.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 1537

    Chapter 16- Mesoamerica- The Early Anericas

    Maya 1000 BC- 900 AD, Aztecs 1325 AD- 1521 AD, and the Inca 1400 AD- 1537 AD.
  • 800 BCE

    10.1- Rome- Legendary Origins of Rome

    Italy doesn’t have much flat land, to the North there were the Alps and at all other sides were seas. Mount Vesuvius was volcanic, and Rome is built upon seven hills. Rome lies along the Tiber river. Rome started when Aeneas fled from Troy after it was destroyed. He soon arrived in the Italian peninsula, Aeneas allied the Latins to defeat other tribes. Then Romulus and Remus were descendants of Aeneas, they were abandoned as babies, but they soon founded Rome when Romulus killed Remus.
  • 753 BCE

    10.1- Early Ruling System

    Romulus was the first king of Rome, the records at the time state that their were seven kings, the last three kings were Etruscan, the Etruscans spread their culture into Rome, but the last king was so cruel he was overthrown and the people had enough of kings. In 509 BC the Romans created a republic, but when challenges came Rome used dictatorship, when it was over it went back to being a republic. While plebeians and patricians didn’t have equal rights which were in favor of the patricians.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 88 BCE

    Chapter 10- Rome- The Roman Republic

    Founders of Rome 753 BC- 509 BC, Creators of the Republic 509 BC- 494 BC, Roman Republic Reformed 450 BC-387 BC, Gauls 387 BC- ?, Carthage 264 BC- 140 BC, Fall of Republic 133 BC- 88 BC.
  • 750 BCE

    8.1- Greece- City States

    They city states were independently run and they called city states polis. This age was known as the. Lasso also age a age of great achievements, fortresses on hills were called acropolises. The city states started colonizing and trade developed. The marketplace was called the agora were most trades happened.
  • 750 BCE

    8.2- Government in Athens

    Greece originally was a oligarchy which is rule by a few, the few were aristocrats , rich landowners. Draco a harsh ruler made strict laws which may have led to a feeling of rebellion, so Solon made less strict laws, but it was too late. Pisistratus created a tyranny and led with force, but most tryrants were good leader. The democracy was born from Cleisthenes as all men could vote, but it was a direct democracy were everyone votes for everything, outing was done by show of hands and writing.
  • 652 BCE

    3.4- Mesopotamia and Colonial settlements-Chaldeans and Phonecians

    Chaldeans destroy the Assyrian empire and rebuild Babylon. Their greatness ruler Nebuchadnezzar rebulid Babylon. Chaldeans study Sumerian culture.The Phonecians create the first alphabet and start colonies in Africa and Europe. They trade with their incredible boats and sailors. They spread the alphabet through trade routes and colonies.
  • 599 BCE

    5.2- Indus Valley- Jainism and Sikhism

    Janism devolved from groups of people which disagreed with Hindusim, it was born in 599 BC. Mahavira was the founder and he taught that nonviolence and he believed Hinduism had too many rituals. He taught four principles tell the truth, don't steal, harm no life, and own no property.Sikhism which devolped from Guru Nanak who lived in 1400 AD. Sikhism is based on Islam and Hinduism. Sikhism is monotheistic and they believe they must find spiritual enlightenment to reach god after death.
  • 563 BCE

    5.3- Indus Valley- Buddhism

    Buddhism's founder is Siddhartha Gautama he was born in luxury, but wantd to find meaning in life and traveled India. He fasted and mediated to find enlightenment. He found four principles about Human suffering. After finding enlightenment he was soon called the Buddha which means the enlightened one. He believed you would reincarnate until you found enlightenment and went to nirvana a state of perfect peace. He devolped the eightfold path. He died in 483 BC, his ideas challenged Hindusim.
  • 550 BCE

    9.1- Persian Empire- Cyrus' and Cambyses' Empire

    Cyrus the Great took control in 550 BC after he led a revolt against the Medes, soon Persia had independence and they conquered the Medes. Then he conquered Syria, Asia Minor, and Israel, but he let conquered states continue their cultures so he was well respected. Cyrus used cavalry and immortals, the immortals were well trained soldiers. The Cambyses the son of Cyrus took control after his father' death, he conquered Egypt, but a revolt occurred in Persia leading to his death.
  • 550 BCE

    5.2- Greece- Sparta and Athens

    Sparta was a military nation, they focused on the power of the body, so their helots, wouldn't revolt. Spartan men spent most of their time in the military, it was very harsh. Women had moderate rights, such as owning property. They also received training, but they didn't do housework, the helots did that. Sparta was a oligarchy , while Athens was a democracy. Athens also had physical training, but they focused on the mind, Women had almost no rights. Only the rich had received comlex education.
  • 550 BCE

    9.4- Greece- Science and Math

    Euclid gave us geometry, and he devoted his life too it. Later Hypatia gave us math and astronomy. Greek doctors studied the human body and how it works, they also cured many diseases. Hippocrates taught us how doctors should act and what causes diseases. Greek engineers gave us the water screw and coin machines too.
  • 550 BCE

    9.4- Greece- Greek Art and Philosophy

    The Greeks were know for accurate and life like art, most based on mythology. Greeks started writing plays and their history too. Philosophers started to reject mythology as the way the world works they challenged the mind. Socrates was the father of philosophy he taught Plato and he revolutionized knowledge, such as the Socratic method. Plato taught Aristotle, Plato taught about the perfect society, and he created the Academy. Aristotle taught Alexander the Great, he believed in reason.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    Chapter 9- Greece- The Greece World

    Persia 550 BC- 332 BC, Athenians 550 BC- 404 BC, Spartans 550 BC- 332 BC, Macedonians 359 BC- 30 BC, (including Hellenistic).
  • 521 BCE

    9.1- Greece and Persian Empire- Darius and Xerxes

    Darius killed all opposition, he organized the empire into 20 provinces run by satraps,they were under Darius. Darius built many roads, including the Royal Road. He then created the religion Zoroastrianism. Darius conquered the Indus Valley, but then a revolt broke out, but Greece was in support of the revolt so Darius went to destroy them. This started the Persian wars, but the Greeks won. Then Darius' son, Xerxes, went to conquer Greece, but he failed and Greece was free from rule.
  • 509 BCE

    10.3- Italy- The Growth of Rome

    The Roman Republic grew very quickly, but then the Gauls conquered them and asked for money, so the Romans payed them money, but all other empires wanted to invade Rome as they would give them money, but Rome would have none of it so they started conquering Italy. The Romans used legions and centuries they were very organized. The Republic grew because of their farming and trade, Rome started to become a superpower in their military and economy. They even had an increase in trade and farming.
  • 500 BCE

    13.1- West Africa- Geography of West Africa

    Africa is the second largest continent, geography includes the Sahara. Then everything below the Sahara is sub-Saharan Africa. Then the Sahel a strip of land that splits the desert from the wetter areas. The savannah is a open grassland with few trees, the rain forests are densely wooded area, rifts are long deep valleys. The Niger River was essential to early civilizations.
  • 500 BCE

    13.4- West Africa- Griots

    Griots were storytellers that passsed on oral history from generation to generations. They did this by telling other griots about the story, this action was called oral history. There was a risk of details changing over time when sharing through oral history. West Africans never never devolped a written language.
  • 500 BCE

    6.2- China- Confucianism, Daoism. and Legalism

    Confucianism was started by the man, Confucius. China must have ethnics or moral ideas. The Analects a book written by Confucius told people must honor each other and lead by example. Daoism is based on the belief of the Dao which means the way. They taught that the Dao would guide all all must live in harmony and balance opposites. Laozi is famous for his teachings.Legalism is based on how everyone is evil and strict laws control people. Political philosophy and unity, efficiency through war.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Chapter 13- West Africa- Early African Civilization

    Ealry Africans 500 BC- AD 300, Soninke AD 300- AD 1200, Mail AD 1230- AD 1500, Songhai AD 1300- AD 1591, Great Zimbabwe AD 1000- AD 1500.
  • 450 BCE

    10.2- Rome- The Laws and Forum

    At first only the patricians knew the laws so the plebeians were getting arrested for unknown laws, so the plebeians requested the laws to be placed in the forum so all could see. The laws consisted of twelve tables.The Roman Forum was the center of Rome as a public place for all. The Forum had markets, temples, and even the goverment buldings. The Forum was also a popular place to give speeches.
  • 431 BCE

    9.2- Greece- Peloponesian War

    Athens and Sparta started to colonize around them p, then the Atenians created the Delian league, but Athens was using the alliance, so the Spartans created the Peloponian League. Sparta wanted to stop Athens from being an empire, Spartans surrounded Athens, to starve them, but merchants were helping Athens by bringing food, the Athenian navy soon attacked causing Sparta to defend, then a disease was in Athens, so a truce was called, till Athens broke the truce, and Sparta conquered Athens.
  • 400 BCE

    10.2- Rome- Roman Goverment

    There were the Magistrates who served for one year, the two most powerful were the consuls. Some of them were judges while others we the city’s planners. The Senate meets to advice consuls, but they served for life. They had 300 members, but the magistrates became senators after their term so the senate became to powerful, due to fear.The Assembly and Tribunes represented the common people and they could veto decisions.The Romans used a tripartite and the checks and balance system.
  • 359 BCE

    9.3- Macedonian Emipire- Philip II and Alexander the Great

    Philip spent the first year defending Macedonia, then he conquered Greece. Philip used the phalanx with 16 ft long spears in a square formation, he also used archers and cavalry. He wanted to take Persia, but he was murdered in 336 BC. So his son Alexander the Great, suppressed a revolt in Greece and he attacked the larger Persian Empire, he then crushed the Persia without a loss,he wanted to conquer India, but his troops refused,so he marched back, he later died to a sickness in Babylon 323 BC.
  • 323 BCE

    9.3- Macedonian Empire- Hellenistic Empire

    Alexander the Great had spread Hellenistic ideas.After his death his generals split his empire into 3 parts Hellenistic Macedonia, Syria, and Egypt. Hellenistic Macedonia was the most Greek, but they had the weakest government and they were conquered by the Romans in 150 BC. Hellenistic Syria had most diverse cultures, the people revolted causing weakness so the Romans conquered them in 60 BC. Hellenistic Egypt focused on knowledge, but they encouraged Greek culture, they fell in 30 BC.
  • 320 BCE

    5.4- Indus Valley- Mauryan Empire

    Candragupta Maurya took control of the northern part of India and the empire was born and lasted for 150 years. He had a massive army with a network of spies, 600,000 soldiers, and thousand of elephants. In 301 BC Candragupta became a Jainist monk so he had to give up the throne. Asoka took control of most of India in 270 BC. He became Buddhist which helped the country's people more, but after his death the empire fell apart and the last king died in 184 BC which led to India becoming divided.
  • 283 BCE

    5.3- Indus Valley- Buddhism's Spread

    His followers sent missionaries to many parts of Asia and even India's kings believed in Buddhism. The missionaries were successful as the ideas were beneficial to many. The split between Buddhism gave birth to two branches, Theravada and Mahayana. The Mahayana had more followers as their beliefs wer anyone can interpret Buddha's teachings. The Theravada believed in the teachings of Buddha must be followed exactly and they were lees popular.
  • 264 BCE

    10.3- Italy- Rome Grows Beyond Italy

    Rome grew so powerful that other empires saw it as a threat. Carthage soon declared war in the Punic Wars. First Carthage was repelled from Sicily then Hannibal went through that Alps and roamed around Italy until Rome attacked Carthage. Hannibal used War Elephants, but he lost in the battle of Zara, 100 years later Carthage regained power, but Rome defeated them for the last time. Later Rome took most of Southern Europe and Northern Africa.After conquering Greece the Romans became Hellenistic.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3- China- Qin Dynasty

    The Qin dynasty was the shortest dynasty, but had one of the biggest impacts. Legalism was system that they used as they saw the feudal system as a failure. Shi Huang Di unified the 7 warring states and established 6 states. He was the first emperor and used standardization which improved trade he then built most of the Great Wall, he used convicts to build the Wall. He also created the terra-cotta army. He also wrote Shi Ji a account of his life. After his death the empire fell in 206 BC
  • 206 BCE

    6.4- China - Han dynasty

    Liu Bang was the first peasant emperor and he made China free from legalism he was trusted and loyal. Then Wudi educated leaders and used Confucianism. He strengthened family bond and put peasants under government officials. The social order was based on what the class did for the country. The revival of the family put honor first, the father had absolute power and disobedience was a crime. Strong families meant a strong China. The dynasty ended after 220 AD.
  • 206 BCE

    6.4- China- Han Achievements

    Han achievements included art and literature. They were experts at painting figures. The fu spoke in prose and poetry, the shi was short lines that could be song, both were poetry though. The Han dynasty created paper which helped trade. They also created the sundial to tell time, the seismograph told the Chinese of earthquakes and in which direction. They believed earthquakes were evil things yet to come. Acupuncture was the medicine at the time and was used to cure many illnesses.
  • 206 BCE

    6.5- Asia and Europe- Han Contacts with cultures

    The Han created silk and with that trade began to spread to distant countries. The silk made China rich and spread along the Silk Road. Silk was prized and it's secrets were well kept. The silk spread and many cultures spread. Buddhist missionaries came to China and with the Han falling the religion spread quickly and was soon one of the major religions. Diffusion occurred between cultures in China and along the Silk Road.
  • 133 BCE

    10.3- Rome- Crisis Hits Rome

    The Gracchus brothers wanted to give farmland to the poor, but the nobles didn’t like the idea so they killed the Gracchus brothers. Rome realized violence could be used as a political weapon.In 107 BC Rome needed more soldiers so Gaius Marius let the poor join so many flocked to the army for money, his troops were loyal to him, and his army apgave him political power. Then Sulla became a consul in 88 BC and he defeated Gaius Marius and he became dictator. Then Spaticus led a plebeian revolt.
  • 70 BCE

    11.1- Roman Empire- Fall of the Republic

    Cicero called for Romans to work together so the Empire would be United as one, he wanted the checks and balance system to succeed. Julius Caesar was a great generals, he took over Gaul, and and defeated all his political enemies. He then declared himself dictator for life, but the senate decided to assainate him as he was becoming too powerful.After that assignation the republic ended due to the public overthrowing the Senate.
  • Period: 70 BCE to 1453 BCE

    Chapter 11- Roman Empire- Rome and Christianity

    Western Empire AD 200- AD 476, Eastern Empire AD 200- AD 1453, United Empire 44 BC- AD 200. Jews 63 BC- AD 135, Pax Romana 20 BC- AD 180. Christians AD 30- present day, Huns and Goths AD 200- AD 476, Byzantines AD 400- AD 1453
  • 44 BCE

    11.1- Roman Empire- The Rise of the Empire and their Achievments

    Antony and Octavian would punish the Asians in the senate, but in doing so the Republic was falling, then there was a civil war between the two that Octavian won. Octavian was soon known as Augustus or the revered one. The Roman Empire had almost all the land along the Mediterranean Sea. The for 200 years there was peace or the Pax Romana. Rome bulit arches and aqueducts and the quality of life increased. Latin became known as Romance Language, then the Civil law was made.
  • 44 BCE

    11.2- Roman Empire- Religous Tolerance and Conflicts

    Then Romans conquered people were allowed to practice their religion as long as it didn’t cause a political problem, the Romans worshipped all the Gods they knew, even from other religion please them. The Jews were monotheistic, the Jews rebelled though. So the emperor, Hadrian decided to end it after the Jews rebelled, he was very harsh, so the Jews rebelled avian, so he destroyed Jerusalem and the Jews were driven out.
  • 30

    11.2- Roman Empire- Christianity

    Christianity is based on the roots of Judaism and they follow Jesus who was crucified, but resserected. His followers or the disciples recorded his life and wrote it down, the Bible. The Christians later distanced themselves form the Jews. At first the Christians didn’t cause a problem until they spread the belief and they ridiculed the rich and powerful, so the emperor persecuted them until AD 300 when Constantine became a religion and he made the official religion Christianity.
  • 200

    11.3- Roman Empire- Problems in the Empire

    The Romans didn't have enough soldiers to protect their empire so they gave up some of their land, then many groups of people attacked Rome including, Germanic tribes, Huns, and Goths. Rome was hit with disease and a loss of farmers due to safety concerns, so they gave German farmers land, but they backstabbed the Romans as they helped their people. So Diocletian split the Empire into the East and the West. Then Constantine moved the capital to Turkey, power was leaving the West and going east.
  • 200

    11.3- Roman Empire- Decline of Rome

    The Goths attacked Rome after Rome stopped paying them, Rome was destroyed in 410. Then Attila the Hun attacked. Then in 476 a foreign general named himself king and the empire fell. Rome's empire was too big, their was also corruption, their were also civil wars, then the economy fell. Justinian held the Eastern Empire, he organized new laws into the Justinian Code, his wife also stopped riots. The society in the east was called Byzantine. IN 1453 the Ottomans took over, the empire ended.
  • Period: 220 to

    Chapter 14- China- China

    Period of Disunion 220 AD- 589 AD, Sui Dynasty 589 AD- 618 AD, Tang Dynasty 618 AD- 907 AD, Five Dynastiesand Ten Kingdoms Period 907 AD- 960 AD, Song Dynasty 960 AD- 1279 AD, Yuan Dynasty 1279 AD- 1368 AD, Ming Dynasty 1368 AD- 1644 AD.
  • 250

    16.1- Yucatán Peninsula- The Classic Age

    The Classic Age started in 250 AD and ended in 900 AD, this time was the time in which the Mayan where at their highest. More than 40 large cities each governed by own ruler, city-states. Trade was at the highest and the Mayan grew rich, exported cacao and maize for jade and obsidian. Built stone pyramids to honor the gods, also honor local kings, in the city of Palenque, Pacal built a temple to honor himself. Built temples, canals, and plazas.
  • 320

    5.4- Indus Valley- Gupta Rule

    Under the Gupta India was reunited and began to prosper. The first emperor Candra Gupta I invaded and took control of northern India. His son took control of almost all of India. The Guptas promoted Hinduism and built many temples for them, but they also supported Buddhism and Jainism. In 370 Candra Gupta II took control of India and made India be admired by other countries. They believed the caste system would strengthen India's economy, but by the late 400's the Huns ended their rule.
  • 320

    5.5- Indus Valley- Indian Religious Achievements

    The Gupta built many Hindu and Buddhist temples. The art inside is inscribed with many events about the religion. There are beautiful works of art in the temples and the temples grew in complexity and are decorated elaborately. Religious epics have come from the two religions such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, they are still popular today. Many works of literature about religion are also mentioned such as poems, morals, and epics. Many achievements are based on India's religion.
  • 320

    5.5- Indus Valley- Scientific Advances

    Indians understood metallurgy which is the science of metals. They knew how to make alloys which is a mixtures of metals. Their study of metal led to iron weapons and iron which doesn't rust. They also developed the Hindu-Arabic numerals which are the numbers we use today. Doctors knew how to cure diseases and prevent them by using incoculation which basically a old version of a vaccine. They also knew how to perform surgery. India was also great in astronomy which is the study of the universe.
  • 400

    14.1- China- Age of Buddhism

    Buddhism came during the Han dynasty, but there were very few Buddhists until the Period of Disunion as many turned to Buddhism during this troubled time, the wealthy donated to Buddhist temples. Buddhism would influence life in China greatly, Buddhism soon spread to other parts of Asia. Buddhism influenced art, literature, and architecture, the golden age of Buddhism came to an end as one Tang emperor launched a campaign against Buddhism but Buddhism want completely destroyed.
  • 480

    17.2- Eurasia- The Franks

    First ruler of the Franks, Clovis took over Gaul, then in the 700’a Charlemagne led the Franks and built the largest empire after the fall of Rome. Great military genius and warrior expanded the Frank’s Empire. Christian King spread Christianity, the Pope named him the Holy Foman Emperor. Built schools and brought education to the lands he had conquered especially in his capital, Aachen
  • 500

    17.1- Eurasia- Geography of Europe

    Part of the super continent Eurasia, the divide is the Ural Mountains. Very diverse landforms, topography. Most of Southern Europe is mountain ranges like the Alps, multiple peninsulas like Italian and Iberian, Pyrenees Mountains. Nothern Europena Plains made Northern Europe weak, only protection was the many rivers. British Isles. The North Western Part separates from the rest of Europe, then the biggest peninisula in Europe is the Scandavian Peninsula.
  • 500

    17.2- Eurasia- Christianity Spreads to Northern Europe

    During the Middle Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire the not Christians were in the South. Missionaries went to Europe and shared their ideas to many there. The pope sent missionaries to most of Northern Europe. Not all missionaries were sent by the pope though, like Saint Patrick. Monks lived in monasteries and had strict rules to follow. One famous monk is Benedict who created The Benedictine Rule. The monks ran schools and cared for the sick and poor, they were also advisors the rulers.
  • Period: 500 to 1066

    Chapter 17- Eurasia- The Early Middle Ages

    Middle Ages 500- 1500, The Franks 480- 800, Ancient History Before 500, Mosern History After 1500.
  • 550

    15.1- Japan- Geography Affects Japanese Lives

    Japan is mostly mountains, and only 20% of it’s land is flat, so many of the people live on the coastal plains so they can farm and have an easier life, due to living so near the coast their diet mostly contained seafood. Japan is made up into four islands, Honshu, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, and Shikoku. The effects of living on the islands were isolation, they developed their own culture, social structure, and religion. Japan isn’t totally isolated, China and Korea has greatly influenced Japan.
  • Period: 550 to

    Chapter 15- Japan- Japan

    Early Japanese AD 573- AD 794, Heian AD 794- AD 1185, Kamakura Period AD 1192- AD 1333, Muromachi Period AD 1336- AD 1573, Edo Period AD 1603- AD 1868.
  • 570

    12.1- Arabia- Geography of Islam

    Arabia is a desert, with a hot climate, it does have water in oases though, there are also sand dunes, there are two ways of life, nomadic which involves caring for herds of animals and depending on them or finding oases, and sendentary including selling items in a city or market, or farming. Merchants often used caravans to get around and to maximize profit.
  • 570

    12.1- Arabia- Islam’s Beginning

    The people at the time were polytheistic, Muhammad was born the Mecca the people who were rich didn’t care for the poor, when Muhammad was 40 he went into a cave to mediate, when God told him to be his prophet, so Muhammad spread monotheism, but this angered the rich as the message was against them so they kicked him out. Islam started to spread and many people accepted this religion, the messages Muhammad received is in the Qur’an. Muhammad’s house became the first mosque.
  • Period: 570 to

    Chapter 12- Saudi Arabia- Islamic World

    Muslims AD 610-Present Day, Islamic Empire AD 634- AD 1100, Ottomans AD 1200- AD 1800, Safavid AD 600- AD 1700, Mughals AD 1526- AD 1600.
  • 610

    12.2- Arabia- Islamic Beliefs

    Muhammad’s messages are now the Qur’an, it tells Muslims how to live their lives and what they believe in, the jihad is to make a struggle, to struggle in holiness, some have misinterpreted it to being holy war. The Sunnah Studies the Hadith and it refers to how Muslims should act and do, the five pillars tell them how they should live, is the statement of faith, daily prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca, the Qur’anand Sunnah make up the Islamic law.
  • 610

    12.4- Arabia- Achievements

    The Muslims made achievements in astronomy, geography, most, Medicine, philosophy, art, literature, and architecture. Out of these achievements are minarets, calligraphy, astrolabe, pharmacies, Sufism, accurate maps, and combining cultures like the Brreek, Indian, and Muslim cultures. The art and architecture at this time were sponsored by patrons as they believed it was honoring God.
  • 634

    12.3- Arabia and other Territories- Islamic Empire

    After Muhammad’s death, a new leader called a caliph, lead them, his name was Abu Bakr, he lead a war to unite Arabia, and he succeeded, so Islam spread, after his death Muslims took over North Africa, Spain, and Asia Minor, they still had religous tolerance but the majority became Muslims, the berbers were people from North Africa, they resisted, but then converted to Islam, trading also spread Islam to other parts of the world. Islam also lead to many cities sprouting up.
  • 794

    15.2- Japan- Heian Period

    The court moved the new capital to Heian or modern day Kyōto. There they made many advances and lived in luxury. The fashion reflected there riches and many wore bright beautiful clothing. The literature was very important including the “ The Tale of the Genji” and the “Pillow Book”. Literature including haikus and the great author Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Visual art was also very reflective and beautiful, the architecture was greatly influenced by China, and the performing arts including the Noh.
  • 800

    13.2- Ghana- Trade

    Trade influenced the Ghana Empire greatly, through the silent bartering of gold and salt. The trade increased and Ghana made money from taxes they charged from taxes and the empire expanded its land borders
  • 800

    17.3- Eurasia- Feudalism Governs Knights and Nobles

    As the Vikings invaded the Frankish Army was too slow to protect the nobles’ lands. So the Nobles hired knights to protect them and their property in exchange for land, food, or money. Those who gave land were called lords. Vassals are knights who exchange their services for land. This system was called feudalism. Lords had to give vassals land, and be in a good relationship. A vassal has to swear loyalty to his lord and protect him at all costs. If vassals had enough land they could be lords.
  • 800

    17.4- Europe and Japan- Feudal Societies Share Common Elements

    Japan and Europe shared common ideas, feudalism, the royalty was unable to protect the nobles, so they hired warriors to protect them, both warrriors had strict codes of living too. While the peasants worked the land for protection and some of the food they grew. Both warriors were also greatly admired and honored by society.
  • 900

    18.3- Europe- Monks and Friars

    The Monks of Cluny were unsatisfied with the church so they isolated themselves from society and creat a strict religious order, they lived in a monastery away from society and hardly cared about the outside world. By 1100 more monks created their own religious orders some took on stricter rules but, all monks lived isolated from society. Friars didn’t live in isolation and taught the public about Christian teachings. They belonged to a religious order but, taught in public, lived like beggars.
  • 960

    14.2- China- Advances in Agriculture

    Chinese civilization is based on agriculture, the Chinese expert farmers they grew wheat and rice. During the Song Dynasty many new irrigation techniques were formed, such as underground wells, the dragon backbone device. The amount of land under cultivation increased , then fast ripening rice was invented and there wer plenty of crops, the Chinese’s also learned to grow cotton and tea. The effect being a large food surplus food was plentiful, the population increased.
  • 960

    14.3- China- Confucianism

    Confucianism is based on ethics and proper behavior, based on the ren and li. Confucius thought that everyone had a role to play in society. After Confucius died his ideas were spread by his followers, rejected during the Qin, but favored in the Han Dynasty. Then Buddhism overshadowed Confucianism during the Period of Disunion. During the Song Dynasty, Neo Confucianism was formed, same ideas but also focused in spiritual aspects. Neo Confucianism greatly influenced the Song Dynasty.
  • Period: 1000 to 1492

    Chapter 18- Europe- Later Middle Ages

    In 1000’s popes and kings fight for power, 1122 compromise between them, 1096 First Crusade, 1147 Second Crusade, 1189 Third Crusade, 1201 Fourth Crusade, 900 Monks of Cluny, 1100 Friars, 1215 Magna Carta, 1328 Hundred Years‘ War, 1347-1351 Black Death, 1085-1492 Reconquista.
  • 1002

    18.5- Europe- Christians fight the Moors

    The effort to take Spain from the Moors is called the Reconquista, as the Muslim government fell the Christians attacked. By 1300 the Muslims only held Granada, Portugal then declared independence while Aragon and Castillo united. In 1492 Granada was captured the the Reconquista ended, the same year King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella required all Jews to leave and then the Muslims. The Spanish Inquistion then occurred, finding many “heretic” and then killed them.
  • 1054

    18.1- Europe- Popes Fight for Power

    The Western Churches were very much under the pope’s control, but the eastern churches were under the control of the eastern bishop’s control. As the bishops didn’t listen to the pope, the pope (Pope Leo) then excommunicated the bishop in the east and so the bishop also excommunicated the pope. This led to the great schism between the Eastern Orthodox Christians and the Western Catholic Christians.
  • 1073

    18.1- Europe- Kings and Popes Clash

    Pope Gregory and Emperor Henry dispute about a decision of a new bishop, Henry then tries to get the pope excommunicated, it the pope instead excommunicate Emperor Henry which meant he had no power, so he pleaded to be accepted again, and The pope accepted, this clash proved the pope to be more powerful, 1122 compromise between the popes and kings, but the popes were still more powerful.
  • 1096

    18.2- Europe and Holy Land- Crusaders Invade the Holy Land

    Pilgrims of the church would often travel to the Holy Land and Muslims who controlled the land usually didn’t bother them, the Holy Land is modern day Palestine. The the Turkish Muslims attacked Jerusalem and started to attack the Byzantine Empire so the eastern bishop asked Pope Urban for help and so he did. The pope called all Christians to try and take back control of the Holy Land, the Crusades, the first Crusade succeeded but the rest failed and at the end the Muslims were still in control.
  • 1100

    15.3- Japan- Samurais and Shoguns

    The emperor and nobles distracted by the luxuries of Heian, the daimyo decided to protect their own lands. They hired samurais and paid them back with food or land, the samurais served as “servants” and were loyal to the daimyos and the emperor. Then a shogun took over after the Minamoto clans won a 30 year war, the emperor was now a figurehead and the samurais now we’re also loyal to the shogu which had all the political power. The samurais lived by the Bushido and they lived with honor.
  • 1100

    12.3- Territoy in Empires- Muslim Empires

    The Ottamans were Turkish Muslims, they took over the Byzantine Empire and they used Janissaries. Mehmed and Siley man were the greates rulers from this time. The Safavids were Persian Muslims , but they came into conflict with the Ottamans as they believed the Shia way while the Ottamans were Sunni, they believed in opposite things. The Mughals were Turkish Muslims from Asia they had religious tolerance, until a new leader abolished it, and the empire fell, the Mughals were great architects.
  • 1110

    15.1- Japan- Buddhism Changes

    Because of the social rank separation different forms of Buddhism developed. The Nobles had elaborate rituals that they could clearly afford, while the peasants had simple customs or even pure land Buddhism, where they chant Buddha’s name for enlightenment. Zen Buddhism greatly emphasizes self discipline and mediatation.
  • 1215

    18.4- Europe- Magna Carta Changes Europe

    In 1215 the barons decided to force the king of England to respect their rights. It took place in a field called Runnymede, this document listed rights that the king couldn’t ignore. In Latin for Great Charter, the Magna Carta required the king y9 honor certain laws, such as habeas corpus, the Magna Carta required all people to follow the law including the king. Then Parliament was created to advice and suppress the king if necessary.
  • Period: 1271 to

    Chapter 19- Europe- Renaissance and Reformation

    1271, Marco Polo travels to China, 1300, Florence, Genoa, Milan, and Venice become major trading centers, 1456, printing press, 1517, Martin Luther and the 95 Theses, 1600, Catholic Reformation, 1562- 1598, War between Huguenots and French Catholics, 1618- 1648, Thirty Years’ War.
  • 1274

    15.3- Japan- Order Breaks Down

    The Mongols invaded twice, but each time a storm wiped them out, the kamikaze or divine wind that’s what the Japanese called it. The nobles were angry after the war as they didn’t get enough credit for helping so there was a rebellion. The emperor also went to war trying to regain power. Soon shoguns and emperors had no power, each daimyo had power in their own territory. Soon the entire of Japan broke down into fierce fighting and there was a large scale rebellion.
  • 1291

    18.2- Europe and Holy Land- Crusades Change Europe

    Though the Crusades failed, trade between Europe and Asia grew, both religions also learned about each other. Euopre and Asia both learned about each other and their inventions and discoveries. Kings in Europe also gained more power while the Popes lost power. The tensions between the Christians, Jews, and Muslims increased and are still relevant today.
  • 1300

    19.1- Europe- Sources of the Inspiration

    By the 1300’s scholars began to broaden their interest, and started to look at the past not just religion.They studied the Greeks and the Romans of inspiration they studied poetry, history, art, Greek, and Latin. This led to the study of humanism, this interest in humanity spread due to ancient literature rediscovered as scholars fled from the crumbling Byzantine Empire. Scholars were fascinated with classical writings and the glories of the Roman and Greek empires, this started the Renaissance.
  • 1300

    19.2- Europe- Paper and Printing

    By the 1300’s due to trade from Asia to Europe and vice versa, Paper was introduced to Europe. Paper factories were soon built and paper replaced the animal skins that used to be written on. Then in the mid 1400’s Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press that used the movable type. In 1456 he printed the first Bible in Latin, he then translated and printed the Bible on other languages, now everyone could have a Bible, soon people demanded better education so they could learn to read.
  • 1312

    13.3- Mali- Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was the most famous Mali leader. He was really rich and caused inflation wherever he went. PilgrMagento Mecca due devout believes. He build schools and believed in the value of education. After his death failed in succeeding him and the Mepire fell.
  • 1325

    16.2- South Mexico and Guatemala- The Aztecs Build an Empire

    First Aztecs settled on an island in Lake Texcoco, build the capital Tenchitlan, war is a key factor to Aztec power, had a cycle merchants who were also spies, war, then tribute. Huge trade network that made the Aztecs rich. To build the capital had to make causeways, canals, and chinampas , capital was magnificent home to 200,000. Made many human sacrifices about 10,000 a year, believed blood required from the gods, excuse to make war.
  • 1368

    14.4- China- Great Sea Voyages

    During this time the Chinese improved their ships and seafaring skills, Zheng He was the greatest sailor of his time. He led seven voyages around Asia, his fleets were enormous. Zheng He sailed through the Indian Ocean and to the Persian Gulf, and even to Africa. When he landed he gave leaders gifts from China. This boasted about Chinaand he encouraged other leaders return the favor by also giving gifts to China. His voyages made China look powerful and rich to other countries.
  • Period: 1394 to

    Chapter 20-Europe- Science and Exploration

    Scientific Revolution 1540- 1700, Nicolaus Copernicus 1473- 1543, Galileo Galilei 1564- 1642, Sir Issac Newton 1642- 1727, Henry the Navigator 1394- 1460, Henry the Navigator sets up his school for navigation 1416, Dias’ Voyage 1487-1488, Da Gama’s Voyage 1497- 1498, Cabral’s Voyage 1500- 1501, Columbus’ Voyage 1492- 1493, Magellan 1519- 1522, Cartier’s Voyage 1534- 1535, Drake 1577- 1580, Cabot’s Voyage 1497- 1498.
  • 1400

    16.3- Western South America- Well Organized Economy

    Incas had a Miya system, work for the government and the government will distribute your needs. Labor tax system, like communism or marksmanship. No merchants or markets as everything goes to the government than the government distributes needs. Only two classes emperor, priests, and government officials as one class, and the rest of the people as the other class. Extra supplies stored by the government in case of an emergency.
  • 1492

    20.2- Europe and the New World- Reaching the New World

    An Italian sailor, Columbus thought he could sail west to find a shorter route to Asia. He got Spain to fund his Voyage and so he set sail in 1492 and wouldn’t be back until 1493. He would land in the Bahamas which he thought was Asia. Instead he had discovered North America, the New World. Cabral would accidentally discover South America trying it to sail around South Africa. Then Magellan would circumnavigate the world going around South America.
  • 1492

    20.3- Europe and the New World- Columbian Exchange

    After the discovery of the Americas trade and the exchange of goods would occur between the New World and Europe. New things would be brought to both lands and so would new ideas. Culture, goods, and ideas would be spread thanks to trade between the two lands. Unfortunately the Columbian Exchnabe also includes the slave trade as new for a workforce in the Americas increased as the plantations grew. Both continents would leave a lasting effect on each other thanks to the Columbian Exchange.
  • 1517

    19.3- Europe- Martin Luther

    Martin Luther a priest in the Catholic Church called for reforms by nailing the 95 Theses on the door of a church in Wittenberg. Soon his complaints spread throughout Europe due to the Printing press, Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther due to his calls for reforms, his ideas would later lead to split in the Catholic Church, those who followed Luther were Protestants, and they believed that anyone could have a direct relationship with God.
  • 1543

    20.1- Europe- Advances in Astronomy and Mechanics

    Nicolaus Copernicus publishes a book contradicting Ptolemy, believed the sun was in the middle of the solar system, but the planets moved in circles, he inspired new thinking. Johannesburg Kepler discovers that the planets have elliptical orbits using math. The Galileo studied the sky with a telescope and proved Kepler right, first to set up experiments. Issac Newton proves gravity and his laws of motion. Studied the mechanics of how things work on earth.
  • Period: to

    Chapter 21- Europe and the New World- Enlightenment and Revolution

    Age of Reason 1600s-1700s, John Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government 1690, Charles-Louis Montesquieu publishes The Spirirt of the Laws 1748, Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes The Social Contract 1762, British Civil War 1642, English Bill of Rights 1689, Declaration of Independence 1776, Declaration of the Rights of Man of the Citizen 1789.
  • 21.1- Europe- French Philosphers

    Voltaire mocked government and religion in his writings, he believed humans could improve themselves, he also spoke against censorship, and promoted freedom of thought. Diderot edited the Encyclopedia and contained science, tech, and history and it was banned by the king and the pope. Enlightenment ideas spread, salons often hosted enlightenment ideas and discussions developed, and enlightenment ideas would be spread and be influenced.
  • 21.2- Europe and the New World- Colonists’ Views

    Benjamin Franklin went to London and addressed the House of Commmons in Parliament, and says the
    At there should be no taxation without the colonists being represented in Parliament. This gets rid of the Stamp Act as he convinces the people, the people riot. Thomas Jefferson supportedthe ideas of independence and also supported secularism. He would later become the president and he based the U.S. on Enlightenment ideas.
  • 21.3- Europe and the New World- Democracy in America

    Some colonists disliked the laws and taxes that the British imposed. They believed the British laws were unfair and they wanted to have fair laws and feel safe. The fighting soon began and the colonists won, so the Declaration of Indeoendence was created in 1776 and the U.S. had it’s independence. It stated that all people had certain rights. The U.S. is based on the ideas of the Enlightenment and thanks to the Enlightenment we now have the U.S. today.
  • USA Owen was born

    My family rejoiced at my birth.
  • MD- Chapter 3- Hammarabi's Code

    Hammurabi's code is still a big influence over modern day laws and codes. Hammurabi's code first laws based on daily life and punishments.
  • MD- Chapter 4- Egyptian government

    Egyptian government has affected today as in our history after Egypt's pharaohs in some places we had kings simalr to pharaohs we still have some kings today. Even places without a king now may have had a king and has influenced that country's culture and what schools teach.
  • MD- Chapter 8- Greek Democarcy

    The Greeks were the first democracy, they were a direct democracy where everyone voted on everything. Now we have representative democracies where people vote for a representative to vote for them. e Greeks have impacted how we think what is freedom as many people believe speech is freedom and that is what a democracy is, without them our definition of freedom would be different and we wouldn't have democracies. The Greeks have influenced our definitions and our governments.
  • MD- Chapter 10- Checks and Balances

    The Romans gave us the checks and balance system that we still use today. The Romans had the idea of a republic where no one should have total power. So they created a republic that was a tripartite which used a checks and balance system so decisions were just and fair. We still use that today in our republics and democratic republics, without the Romans we wouldn’t have a balanced and fair goverment.
  • MD- Chapter 11- Civil Law

    The Civil Law was a legal system based on written laws, like the one's in the Forum. Without written laws today, many people wouldn't know many laws and many would break the law due to no knowledge of the laws. Many people would be in jail for no reason, so even today we use laws that are written for everyone. The Romans needed written laws, and we still need them today.
  • MD- Chapter 9- Hippocratic Oath

    Hippocrates the father of medicine gave us the way doctors should behave and act. The Hippocratic Oath reflects this as it says, no doctor shall ever cause harm to his or her patient on purpose. Most doctors have to take this oath today, once violated they are stripped of their degrees and certificates. Hippocrates taught how our doctors should act without it doctors could be abusing patients, we still use the concepts of the Hippocratic oath today.
  • MD- Chapter 12- Astrolabe

    The Muslims improved the Greek astrolabe, go accurately depict where the earth and other planets were in space. The Muslims used the Greek charts to depict where the Earth is. Without this improvement we wouldn’t accurately know about space, and where the earth is, all our astronomy is based on the astrolabe, without it we wouldn’t know where Earth was in our solar system, causing our knowledge of space to not be accurate, our knowledge about space is based on the astrolabe the Muslims improved.
  • MD- Chapter 5- Buddhism and Hinduism

    Buddhism and Hinduism are some of the biggest religions in the world today and they are the biggest in India. The development of Buddhism and Hinduism affects many cultures today and has shaped globalization and internal conflicts today. Many ethnic groups still follow these major religions. These religions are still around today and are widely followed by many. Some conflicts have occurred between the two religions and that has impacted many cultures today.
  • MD- Chapter 6- Silk Road

    The Silk Road was a major trade route with many cultures being exchanged. Now many different cultures have devolped because of the trade route. Today many cultures are influenced because of other cultures' influence es that were spread by the Silk Road.
  • MD- Chapter 13- Salt and Gold

    Salt and gold back then was the main reason West Africa thrived, gold and salt influenced trade, the gold was famous and so was West Africa, news spread the Europe, and that’s one of the main reason Europeans colonized West Africa, and due to the colonization the effects of the gold are felt today as Africa is still trying to build itself back up from colonization. The gold was the cause and it ended up with the colonization of Africa which led to the turmoil today.
  • MD- Chapter 20- Captialism

    The discovery of the New Wolrd and the Scientific Revolution would lead to new ideas. The Scientific Revolution would promtote equality and the individualitsm and humanism. This would make new types of economies like Captialism. Supply and demand was the main way society worked, and the government wouldn’t control everything. Now competition started which would affect how much products cost. This still occurs today and most countries in the world today use this economy which started so long ago.
  • MD- Chapter 15- Bushido

    The Bushido codeinvilved living with and dieting with honor, being brave, and never surrendering. These ideas were used as propaganda in the 2nd World War. As they told the Japanese pilots to do kamikaze attacks in the name of the emperor and die for him, the Japanese were told never to surrender, but to instead fight to the death or commit suicide. The Bushido code was used to fuel the soldiers to die for their country and this has caused countless deaths on both sides of the war.
  • MD- Chapter 16- Machu Picchu

    At the time the city of Machu Picchu was supposed to be a royal estate for the king at the time of construction, it was the glamor of the Incan Empire near the capital, Cuzco, now it greatly impacts Peru’s economy as many tourists go there as it is a very famous piece of history of the Incas, the site is now a UNESCO World Herritage Center and it helps Peru’s economy as tourism gives them money, a royal estate to tourist center.
  • MD- Chapter 18- Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta or “Great Charter” was a document in which the king must respect the right of the people and he must also follow the laws of the country. This document was signed by King John as his barons forced him too, this document included habeas corpus. This soon led to the formation of parliament, parliament still exits today thanks to the Magana Carta, this document was also the start of democracy and is still used the U.S. and British Constitution today.
  • MD- Chapter 19- Printing Press

    The printing press allowed people to copy books and lead to book making to be much faster and convenient and also led to papers being copied and distributed, at the type the printing press allowed people to not have to copy books by handwriting them, this was revolutionary. The printing press led to the 95 Theses being copied and printed, this soon led to the split in the Catholic Church, creating Protestants, the printing press led to the creation of Protestants which many people follow today.
  • MD- Chapter 21- Enlightenment to Modern World

    As the people of the American colony revolted and gained their independence the Consistution and the Declaration of Independence was based on Enlightenment ideals. The Age of Reason would impact the world forever as its idea would spread and it now affects many countries as it established democracies and republics and many rights of the people. Thanks to a revolution that used enlightenment ideas we now have democratic U.S.
  • MD- Chapter 14- Isolationism

    The isolation philosophy that the Ming Dynasty adopted was supposed to protect China from foreign powers, but by the 1800’s the rest of the world had made technological breakthroughs and because of the isolationism China was unable to defend itself. This isolationism caused China to be colonized by the British, which led to the opium wars and eventually Hong Kong being given to the British, then Hong Kong became a Special State, the Ming Isolation led to Hong Kong becoming a Special State.
  • MD- Chapter 17- Horse Collar

    The Horse Collar was a new invention that provided Europe with a food surplus as they allowed farmers to plow faster, due to this many people started to move into cities and trade increased. The Horse collar lead to the end of feudalism and in lead to the Silk Road. As trade increased the Silk Road was established and allowed Europe and other countries to become rich. Which led to culture mixing in the areas of trade. All because the Horse Collar allowed a food surplus in Europe.