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2017 Ashley Yeoh Dalat World/US History

  • 7000 BCE

    3.1, Mesopotamia, The rise of civilization

    Hunter-gatherers settled in Mesopotamia and learnt how to farm. The farmer grew wheat, barley, and other grains. Livestock were birds and fish.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ch. 3, Early Fertile Cresent People

    Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Hittites and Kassites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 400

    Ch. 4, Ancient Egypt and Kush

    Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, Achievements, and Ancient Kush
  • 3300 BCE

    4.1, Egypt, Hieroglyphics

    Hieroglyphics were first created in 3300 BC. Hieroglyphics were egypts first writing system. It consists of 600 symbols that is written on papyrus, long-lasting paper-like material.
  • 3100 BCE

    4.2, Egypt, Kings unify Upper and Lower Egypt

    Menes rose to power in Upper Egypt and wanted to unify Upper Egypt with Lower Egypt. He took over Lower Egypt and created the first pharaoh and started the first dynasty.
  • 3000 BCE

    3.2, Mesopotamia, City-states of Sumer were created

    The people in Sumer lived in Rural and Urban areas. They were the first advanced society. The combination of rural and urban areas were called city-states. The sumerians then helped start the modern day society.
  • 2700 BCE

    4.3, Egypt, Burial Practices

    Egyptians believed that a body needs to be preserved for afterlife before being buried. They remove the organs and put it in special jars, and the body is wrapped in cloth to be preserved.
  • 2300 BCE

    5.1, India, India's first cities

    Harappa, the city of Harapan and Mohenjo Daro were two major cities in 2300 BC of India. They neighbored each other by just 300 miles apart. The cities were guarded by city fortresses, but generally lived peacefully.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500

    Ch. 5, Ancient India

    Early India, the origins of many religions such as, Hinduism and Buddhism. The indian empires, and the Indian achievements.
  • 2000 BCE

    5.2, India, the caste system

    The caste system is strict system that divided the four Varnas, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, and the untouchables, they don't Belong to any caste. The people could not change their caste, only on a very, very, rare occasion could a person change a caste.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ch. 8, Ancient Greece

    Geography, Government, Mythology, and Literature .
  • 1800 BCE

    3.3, Sumer, the creation of writing

    They created cuneiform, the first writing system. They used styluses to make wedge-shaped symbols on clay tablets. Pictographs were picture symbols, where each picture represented an object. Cuneiform lets them use more complex ideas.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1 CE

    Ch. 6, Ancient China

    Early China, the Zhou dynasty, Qin dynasty, Han dynasty, and other cultures
  • 1595 BCE

    3.4,Mesopotamia, Kassites and Hittites

    They mastered ironworking and skillfully used the chariots. They took control of babylon for a short while but their king was assassinated. Soon after the kingdom fell into chaos.
  • 1500 BCE

    4.4, Egypt, Kush and Egypt conquest

    Kush and Egypt were neighbors to each other. They would trade with each other and war with each other. One time Egypt, Pharaoh Thutmose, conquered Kush in 1500 BC.
  • 1500 BCE

    6.1 China, The Shang dynasty

    The first clearly-known dynasty was the Shang dynasty in 1500 BC. It established the social order and China's first writing system.
  • 1200 BCE

    4.5, Egypt, Invasions of Egypt

    Pharaoh Ramses II came to power. He ruled the longest in Egyptian history and fought the Hitites. He eventually signed a peace treaty with the Hittites, which made them great allies.
  • 1100 BCE

    6.2 China, Zhou Dynasty.

    The Zhou Dynasty possessed the Mandate of Heaven, that gave them the power to rule. They expanded their rule from the Huang He to the Chang Jiang. They also made a newer political system.
  • 800 BCE

    8.3, Greece, Epic Poetry

    A poet named Homer created any famous pieces of poetry and and stories. He wrote the story of the Trojan War, The Odyssey, and The Iliad. His stories were considered great literature works. In the ancient Greeks time, his stories were a central education system.
  • 753 BCE

    10.1, Italy/Rome, Romulus and Remus

    Romulus and Remus are descendents of Aeneas, long story short he help Italy after leaving Greece after the Trojan war. They were twin brother and they founded Rome. They were rescued by a wolf when they were babies and the wolf raised them. Later a shepherd found and adopted them. They decided to build and city and when Remus mocked Romulus’s idea, Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Ch. 10 The Roman Republic

    Geography and Rise of Rome, Government and Society,The Republic
  • 600 BCE

    9.2, Athens, Athenian Women

    Even though they valued education, Athenian women did not receive education. In Athens women had no rights at all. They learnt to weave and sew. They had to obey their husband or father, could not leave their homes, nor buy or own anything.
  • 600 BCE

    9.2, Sparta, Spartan Women

    In comparison to Athen, Spartan women had rights. They could own land and ran the household while their husbands were gone. They didn’t spin cloth or weave because in Sparta those jobs were for slaves. Women learnt to receive physical training like, run jump, wrestle, and throw javelins. Spartan believed that the training would help women bear healthy children.
  • 600 BCE

    8.1 , Greece, City-States and Colonization

    After people started to settle in Greece, they started to think of things other than defense. They eventually reached the same idea: colonization. They set up colonies in other lands and each colony became a new City-State,or polis in Greek.
  • 563 BCE

    5.3, India, Siddhartha Guatama's quest for answers

    Siddhartha was born on 563 BC in northern India. He was part of the Kshatriya, warrior class. He never had problems with people because of his class. He wasn't satisfied and when he saw how hard others had it he questioned life. By 30 he had already left his home in search of answers.
  • 550 BCE

    9.1, Persia, Cyrus The Great

    Cyrus over took a group of people that ruled over Persia called Medes. He conquered many land and created the Persian Empire. He let people keep their customs in hopes that they wouldn’t rebel.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ch. 9, The Greek World

    Greece and Persia
    Sparta and Athens
    Alexander the Great
    Greek Achievements
  • 500 BCE

    8.2, Greece, Democracy

    In 500 BC, a new leader named Cleisthenes created a new government called democracy, which is to rule by the people. The citizens of Greece could take votes on rules and many others.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Ch.13, Early African Civilizations

    Geography, Early Africa, Ghana Empire, Later Empires, Historical and Artistic Traditions.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1537

    Ch. 16, The Early America’s

    The Maya, The Aztecs, The Incas
  • 450 BCE

    10.2, Rome, Written laws

    At first they didn’t write it down, making many upset abou breaking laws, they didn’t know existed. So they wrote down the laws they created on 12 bronze tables/tablets and displayed it in the Forum, Rome’s public meeting place.
  • 387 BCE

    10.3, Rome, Territory growth

    Gauls attacked Rome once and took over their city but the Romans gave the Gauls a latte amount of money to leave their city. Following, many other cities tried to attack Rome for their money. Rome fought back and took over their land and later they took over all of the Italian Peninsula.
  • 332 BCE

    9.3, Persia, The new empire

    Alexander the Great wanted to conquer the Persian Empire. He attacked them again and again and defeated them each time, but they wouldn’t let him rule. He went to Egypt that was part of the Persian Empire. The Persian governor surrendered and crowned Alexander the pharaoh. He later attacked the Persian army for the last time and killed the king. He was then crowned the king of the new Persian Empire.
  • 300 BCE

    9.4, Greece, Mathematics

    Greeks studied math. One Greek named Euclid loved geometry, the study of lines, angles, and shapes. Many of our rules of geometry come from Euclid. Another Greek geographer used maths to calculate Earth’s size. Later a Greek women named Hypatia taught math and astronomy.
  • 270 BCE

    5.4, India, King Asoka

    Asoka is the grandson of Candragupta Maurya. He was the strongest ruler of all the Mauryan empires. During his rule he converted to Buddhism. After that he improved many of his people's lives by building roads and digging wells.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3 China, Qin Dynasty unified China

    The first emperor in all of China is Shi Huang Di. He unified all of China by conquering all the other dynasties. As an emperor, he made many policies and used legalism as his rule.
  • 140 BCE

    6.4 China, Han Dynasty, Emperor Wudi

    Emperor Wudi wanted a strong government. Confucianism became China's government system. He also valued education, so government officials had to have education.
  • 58 BCE

    11.1, Rome, Julius Ceasar

    Julius Ceasar was a great general that was skilled in battle. He conquered nearly all of Gaul. He later declared himself king of Rome, dictator, and removed power from the senate. The senate was not pleased and killed him, they thought the people would be happy but the citizens thought that he was a good dictator.
  • Period: 50 BCE to 1453

    Ch. 11, Rome and Christianity

    From Republic to Empire, The Roman Empire and Religion, The End of the Empire
  • 1 CE

    11.2, Bethlehem, Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus started the new religion called Christianity based onthis life and teachings. Christians believe that Jesus’s father was God. He had many followers but in AD 30 he was arrested and later killed by crucifixion. Three days later, he rose from the dead and his disciples said that they saw him.
  • 100

    5.5, India, Mathematics and other sciences

    The Indians were advanced at mathematicians in their days. They developed the Hindu-Arabic numerals that we use today. They also practiced inoculation, injecting small doses of poison in their body to build stronger defenses against poison. Doctors did surgery but if they couldn't find a cure they'd use "magic" to help them recover. The Indians were also interested in astronomy. They knew seven planets in our solar system, the sun is a star that has planets circle it, and the earth is a sphere.
  • 105

    14.2, China, Important Inventions

    The Tang and Song Dynasties created many important inventions that we use daily. The Chinese created paper, gunpowder, compasses, paper money, woodblock printing, porcelain, and movable type.
  • 200

    13.1, West Africa, Gold and Salt

    Gold and salt were valuable trade resources to West Africans. Salt were used as a preservative to keep food fresh. Gold was highly valued and a tool for trading.
  • 200

    6.5 China, The Silk Road

    The Silk Road was a 4000 mile long trading network from China to the Mediterranean Sea. Chinese traders sold the goods to Central Asia traders, who sold it to other trader to bring somewhere else.
  • 250

    16.1, Mexico, The classic Age

    The Maya people reached its height during AD 250 to 900. Their territory expanded and included many large cities. Each city-state had its own government and King. Trading kept the Maya people together.They got supplies for construction from trade.
  • 300

    13.4, West Africa, Griots

    The griots were story tellers that preserved the history of West Africa. They did this by sharing stories to other griots, which is called an oral history. They also shared proverbs and wise sayings. They shared the oral history because they didn’t have a written language.
  • 400

    17.1, Europe, Climate and Vegetation

    Europe’s vegetation varied widely because in different regions were different climates. In southern Europe, the plants don’t need a lot of water because the climate is warm and sunny. In northwestern Europe, the climate is more wetter, mild, and cooler.
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    Ch.17, The Early Middle Ages

    Geography of Europe, Europe after the Fall of Rome, Feudalism and Manor Life, Feudal Societies
  • 500

    13.2, Ghana, Silent Bartering

    Silent bartering is the procedure in which people trade without meeting face to face. This was important because it prevented people from stealing gold and salt; and conducted trade peacefully.
  • 527

    11.3, Rome, The Eastern Empire

    Rome was split in two, the western, that was destroyed, and the eastern. Justinian was a Roman emperor that wanted to reunite Rome. He removed out of date and non christian laws and organized a new legal system. Despite his help, people didn’t like him. They had an uprising in 532 AD but Justinian's wife, Theodora, helped him crush the riots and rule efficiently for the rest of his reign. After he died, invaders came and in 1453, the eastern Empire was destroyed.
  • Period: 550 to

    Ch.12 The Islamic World

    The roots of Islam, Islamic beliefs and practices, Islamic Empires, and Cultural achievements
  • Period: 550 to

    Ch.15, Japan

    Geography of Japan, Art and Culture in Heian(Kyoto), Growth of a Military Society.
  • 570

    12.1, Arabia, The two ways of life

    In Arabia, the land was mostly deserts. The people created two ways of life, the nomadic and sedentary life. Nomads travel all over Arabia, finding oases for water, and had animals to provide milk, meat, wool, and leather. The sedentary people lived in one place. They lived at oases, farmed, and traded with merchants, craftspeople, and caravans.
  • Period: 588 to

    Ch.14, China

    China Reunifies, Tang and Song Achievements, Confucianism and Government, Yuan and Ming dynasties
  • 593

    15.1, Japan, Prince Shotoku

    P nice Shotoku served as a regent for his aunt, which was the empress. He admired Chinese culture and in his reign he adopted many Chinese ideas. One of the ideas brought back was Confucianism.
  • 618

    14.1, China, Tang Dynasty

    The Tang Dynasty started by overthrowing the Sui Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Chinese civilization. The country flourished under the rule of Xuanzong.
  • 700

    12.2, Arabia, the five pillars of Islam

    The five pillars of Islam are five acts of worship that all Muslims must do. One, the first pillar is stating their faith, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet.” The second pillar is praying five times per day. The third is giving to the poor. The fourth is fasting during the month of Ramadan. The last and fifth pillar is traveling to Mecca at least once on a haji.
  • 700

    17.2, Europe, Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was a powerful leader that appeared in the late 700s. He spent a lot of time at war to conquer neighboring kingdoms. He was a Christian King. Because of that the pope crowned him the emperor of the Romans, on Christmas Day in 800.
  • 794

    15.2, Japan, Literature

    During 794 to 1185, this period was known as the golden age of arts in Japan. Writing was popular amongst nobles, and women wrote diaries and journals about their lives. Women usually wrote in Japanese which meant most literature was written by women. One of the greatest was a Lady Murasaki Shikibu. She wrote the Tale of Genji, which historians think is the first full length novel. Her writing was clear and simple, yet graceful. Both men and women wrote poetry.
  • 800

    12.4, Arabia, Literature and arts

    Poetry was popular in the Muslim world. Sufi poets wrote about loyalty to God. One of the famous Sufi poets was Omar Khayyám. The Muslims also enjoyed short stories. A famous one is the thousand and on nights that include Sinbad, Aladdin, and Ali Baba. Architecture was the Muslims famous art. Muslim artist also created calligraphy that we use at times.
  • 960

    14.3, China, Neo-Confucianism

    Neo-Confucianism is Confucianism with more emphasis on spiritual matters. It became more influential during the song dynasty. Neo-Confucianism became official government teachings in the song dynasty.
  • 1000

    17.3, Europe, Knights and Lords

    Lords/Nobles needed to protect their land. They hired the best soldiers in their lands called Knights. Knights need weapons, armor, and horses. Nobles gave knights fiefs, or pieces of land. Knights that support a lord for land are called vassals.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    Ch.18, The Later Middle Ages

    Popes and Kings, The crusades, Christianity and Medieval Society, Political and Social Change, Challenges to Church Authority
  • 1073

    18.1, Europe, Popes and Kings Clash

    Popes and Kings often come into conflict. Kings wanted to choose the bishops of his country, but popes argued that only they could choose religious officials. Pope Gregory VII disapproved of a bishop chosen by Emperor Henry IV. Henry IV convinced germany’s bishops to remove Gregory VII as pope. Gregory excommunicated Henry. Henry went to beg for forgiveness and Gregory forgave him after 3 days. But the conflicts still continued till others made a compromise.
  • 1100

    17.4, Europe, the difference between Europe and Japan

    The Japanese and European societies were very similar, but there were many differences. The main difference would be their religion, art, and poetry. Japanese religion was very blende but European religion was mostly Christianity. Japanese art was nature themed, but European art was religious themed.
  • 1189

    18.2, Europe, The Third Crusade

    It began after the Muslims retook Jerusalem. The rulers of France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire tried to retake Jerusalem. The German king died and the French king left. Only leaving the king of England, King Richard I, in the holy land. His main opponent was Saladin, a Muslim leader. The crusaders respected Saladin for his kindness and the Muslims admired King Richard I for his bravery. They fought and negotiated. Richard captured a few towns, but didn’t get Jerusalem.
  • 1200

    15.3, Japan, Bushido

    The samurai had a code of rules called Bushido, meaning “the way of the warrior.” Men and women in samurai families learnt to fight, but men learnt to war and women learnt to fight to protect their family. Samurai lived simple lives and took up Zen Buddhism. Above all, they were expected to be loyal to their lords. If they were to lose that honor, they were expected to commit suicide rather than live.
  • 1200

    18.3, Europe, The Friars

    Friars are people who belong to religious orders but live and worked in public. They lived simply. Their orders were called Dominicans and Franciscans, named after the founders Dominic de Guzmán and Francis of Assisi. They were also called mendicants, beggars in Latin. They taught others about kindness and generosity.
  • Period: 1270 to

    Ch. 19, The Renaissance and Reformation

    The Italian Renaissance, The Renaissance beyond Italy, The Reformation of Christianity
  • 1279

    14.4, China, Life in Yuan China

    The Mongols didn't force their culture on the Chinese, some adopted their idea. The Mongols kept Confucian Scholars from getting too much power. They paid heavy taxes on the Chinese to work on building projects. It was during this time Marco Polo visited China.
  • 1324

    13.3, Mali, Mansa musa

    Mansa musa was a very rich ruler of Mali that he created inflation wherever he went. He was a Muslim. He valued education and built schools and mosques. He had a weak son.
  • 1325

    16.2, Mexico, Aztec Religion

    The Aztecs worshipped many gods like the Maya. The only difference is the Aztecs did many more human sacrifices using slaves and captives. They sacrificed to an estimate of 10,000 people or more per year. The priest slashed open the sacrifices heart to feed the hearts to their gods.
  • 1347

    18.4, Europe, The Black Death

    During the Hundred Years’ War, a deadly plague swept through Europe. This happened in between 1347 to 1351. The plague came from central and eastern Asia. The traders had unknowingly brought rats with the disease to Europe. There were multiple diseases. The plague killed many people but it caused the major system to fall. Peasants could demand wages for their labor. When they were done, many fled to move to the upcoming cities.
  • 1400

    19.2, Europe, Printing

    In the mid-1400s, the printing press that used movable type was first created by a German named Johann Gutenberg. A person put the letters to form words on the frame and spread ink onthe letters. The ink is then pressed on to a paper, printing out the entire page at once. In 1456, Johann printed the Bible which was translated into other languages and printed.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Ch. 20, Science and Exploration

    The Scientific Revolution, Great Voyages of Discovery, New Systems of Trade
  • 1434

    19.1, Florence, Medici

    The Medici family were the greatest Florence bankers. They were the richest family in the early 1400s. The head of the family ruled the city. Cosimo de’ Medici wanted Florence to be the most beautiful city. He hired artists and paid architects to decorate and redesign buildings. He valued education so he built libraries and collected books. Florence became center of art, literature, and culture. Other rich families tried to outdo each other.
  • 1438

    16.3, Peru, Central Rule

    Pachacuti took power away from the local leaders and took their children. The children were taken to be educated in the ways of the Incas. But would be given back when they were older to teach the newer generation what they learned from the Incas.
  • 1492

    18.5, Europe, The Spanish Inquisition

    The Spanish Inquisition is a group of priest that searched and punished those who suspected of practicing any other religion than Christianity. It eventually spread to Portugal. They ruthlessly seemed heretics, Muslims, and Jews. In Spain, about 2,000 people were sentenced to death. In Portugal, more than 1,400 people were put to death.
  • 1492

    20.2, Europe, Christopher Columbus

    August 1492, Columbus set sail to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. On October 12, Columbus believed he had reached Asia but he actually reached North America. He died believing he had reached Asia.
  • 1500

    20.3, Europe, Atlantic Slave Trade

    The triangular trade was raw materials from America, manufactured products from Europe, and slaves from Africa. The slave trade was a major part of the triangular trade. Between late 1500 to early 1800, Europeans shipped millions of slaves to colonies in the new world. Many slaves died.
  • 1517

    19.3, Europe, Martin Luther

    On October 31, Martin Luther nailed a list of complaints on the door of a church in Wittenberg in the German state of Saxony. The list was called the 95 theses. People took it and used the printing press to make multiple copies and spread to neighboring states. Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X. The holy Roman emperor ordered Luther to appear at a council (diet), named him an outlaw, and told him to leave the Empire. A noble that secretly supported Luther helped him escape.
  • 1526

    12.3, Arabia, The Mughal Empire

    The Mughals were Turkish Muslims from Central Asia. An emperor named Akbar conquered many lands and strengthened the Mughal government. He made a religious tolerant policy and ended the tax to non-Muslims. The Mughal culture was mixed with Persian, Islamic, and Hindu elements. The Mughal were known for their amazing architecture. They created the Taj Mahal. In 1600, an emperor reversed the religious policy and the Empire started to fall apart.
  • Period: to

    Ch. 21, Enlightenment and Revolution

    Ideas of Enlightenment, New Views on Government, The Age of Revolution
  • 20.1, Europe, Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton was one of the few greatest scientists who ever lived. His theories, which were proven so many times, are called laws. One of his laws is the law of gravity. His other three laws are the laws of motion.
  • 21.2, Europe, John Locke

    John Locke was a major influence in Enlightenment political thoughts. He saw the government as a contract. A contract is bound by both sides. He thought that the ruler’s power should be limited. He declared that people had natural rights.To him a government should protect its citizens.
  • 21.1, Europe, Voltaire

    Voltaire is a French philosopher. He mocked government and religion in his books. He believed people could improve their own existence. He also spoke against censorship.
  • 21.3, Europe, Unfair French Society

    The society was split into three groups, the first estate, the second estate, and the third estate. The third estate had the least rights and the most taxes. The common people starved while the king had fancy parties. He wanted to tax the rich, so he called a meeting. The third estate eventually formed their own group and demanded the king to accept a constitution. King Louis XVI refused and angered them. They stormed the prison, Bastille, took the guns, and freed the prisoners.
  • Ch. 4, Modern Day, Egypt, Family life

    In Egypt, women had rights to own property, make contracts, and divorce. They started divorce, but also started women rights. Which we now have.
  • Ch.9, Modern Day, Greece, Drama

    Those who love drama can thank the Greeks for drama. The Greeks created drama and plays. Word of drama and plays travelled all over the world. Now we have Chinese drama, Korean drama, and plays.
  • Ch.10, Modern Day, Rome, Government

    The Romans created the Republic system that the people in US use today. The Romans created the magistrates, senates, and the assemblies and tribunes. They also created the checks and balance system that America uses.
  • Ch. 11, Modern Day, Rome, Chrisianity

    The Roman Empire was when Christianity was introduced. Christianity now is very world wide and spread out. It was also separated into many denominations. One which is the Roman catholic, which is my denomination of Christians.
  • Ch. 12, Modern Day, Arabia, Medicine

    The Muslims had the greatest achievements in medicine. They combined
  • Ch.13, Modern Day, Africa, Music

    When people from west Africa was brought to America as slaves, they continued singing the way they did in Africa. They also continued playing traditional instruments. This music formed into a style called blues, which shaped other music like jazz or rock.
  • Ch. 14, Modern Day, China, Paper

    Paper is an every day item that people use. During the Han dynasty, Cai Lun invented paper. People use paper in books to read, take notes, and draw. The first book to ever come out was made in 868 AD.
  • Ch. 5, Modern Day, India, Buddhism

    In 200 to 251 BC, Buddhist missionaries were sent out of India to spread. They sent missionaries to Central Asia, Persia, even as far as Syria and Egypt, than it spread through the Silk Road to China, Korea, and Japan.Now Buddhism is a very large and well known religion.
  • Ch. 6, Modern Day, China, Family origins

    My mom's side of the family all originates from China. One of them that is still alive came from a boat to Penang because China was getting poor
  • Ch. 8, Modern Day, Greece, Mythology

    Many people now know many things about Greek mythology, like centaurs, cyclops, etc. Their stories have also become expressions, like Achilles heel, sirens, etc.
  • Ch.15, Modern Day, Japan, Sushi

    The early Japanese lived on an island which had limited resources, so they turned to the seam for food. Somewhere they learnt that some fish can be eaten raw if cut properly. Which Japanese restaurants has raw tuna, salmon, and other raw seafood.
  • Ch. 16, Modern Day, Calendars and Observatories

    The Maya were very ahead in science. They created the 365 day calendar that people now use daily. They also built observatories to study the sky.
  • Ch.17, Modern Day, Europe, Christianity

    If it wasn’t for the pope, saint Patrick, Charlemagne Christianity wouldn’t be as wide spread as it is now. Christianity is a very wide spread religion that many people all over the world believe.
  • Ch. 18, Modern Day, Europe, Universities

    The Europeans built the first few universities. The teachers were mostly clergy. They taught law, medicine, astronomy, and many other classes. Just like the universities now.
  • Ch. 19, Modern Day, Europe, Christians, Catholics, and the Others

    Because of Martin Luther’s action of the 95 Theses, many people turned away from the Catholic Church and started a split. Those that protested against the Roman Catholic Church. Now there are many different denominations of the Catholic religion and Christians.
  • Ch. 3, Modern Day, Babylon, now Baghdad, Iraq, Hammurabi's Code is made

    Hammurabi had a set of laws that inspired the modern day laws today. He made laws on everything, some of which is still in modern days laws.
  • Ch. 20, Modern Day, Europe, The columbian exchange

    During the columbian exchange, many food, items, and minerals were exchanged. Pineapples, turkeys, beans, and cacao were all from America. Coffe beans, horses,and wheat weren’t in America. I would have never thought that pineapples were from America.
  • Ch.21, Modern Day, Europe, U.S. Government

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. The government divided into the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The legislative branch, congress, would make laws. The executive branch, president, would enforce laws. The judicial branch, court system, would interpret laws.