1st amendment court cases

  • Schenck v. United States

    It was stated in this case that "shouting fire in a theatre" when there is no fire is not protected by the 1st amendment for it creates irrational fear and panic.
  • Whitney v. California

    it was decided that whitney could not create a communist labor party for it supposedly taught the overthrow of the government.
  • Near v. Minnesota

    In this case the courts decided upon a prior restraint case. In this case Minnesota attempted to restrict what the newspaper was printing unless they could prove they were printing it for a good reason or justafiable ends. They ruled against the state.
  • Dennis v. United States

    The courts ruled that 11 men were involved in communist activities to overthrow the government, they were imprisoned for what they had said openly becaused it violated the smith act.
  • Edwards v. South Caroline

    police attempted to charge unruly students who were protesting discrimination against blacks. the court ruled that you cannot make criminal the public expression of unpopular views.
  • New York Times v. Sullivan

    Free Speech of the press is represented here.NYT printed an ill informed article about the actionsof a police force and it was decided that lible charges could be brough upon any company that printed about issues.
  • Ginsberg v. New York

    Case that upheld the New York statute prohibiting retailers from selling sexually explicit content to people under the age of 17.
  • Brandenburg v. Ohio

    The court held up that any speech that creates a clear and present danger is not protected by the first amendment.
  • New York Times Company v. United States

    In this landmark case the United States attempted to restrict the New York Times from publishing cassified documents from the vietnam war saying that it could prolong the war. This argument was not powerful enough to overcome prior restraint.
  • Miller v. California

    In this case the court established the three part definition of obsinity.
  • Loewen v. Turnipseed

    After a book was rejected from schools for the fact that it contained concerns on racial issues and controversial content, the courts ruled that this was not constiutional for it infringed on their rights of free speech.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Symbolic speech.A protest of regans polices during wich a flag was burned, Resulted in a 5-4 vote in favor of the protestor.
  • Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Morristown

    It was decided that even though a library was public there are three rules that apply to the. 1) you should make use of the materials in the library to use the facility 2) no noisy or disturbing activity and 3) the library has the right to remove any patron the offends them through their bodily higeine the disturbes other patrons.
  • Case v. Unified School District

    The book "Annie on my mind" was voted out of the school district because it featured a lesbian relationship between two teenagers. It was ruled that this was uncontitutional for it violated students first amendment rights.
  • Counts v. Cedarville School District

    The school district of Cedarville voted to make Harry Potter books only readable when in possesion of a written permission form because the books created a rebellion towards authority and knowledge of witchcraft and the occult. This vote was overturned saying that it violated students first amendment right to recieve knowledge through reading.