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    Cold War

    A period of increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
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    Rise of African-American Political Figures

    The gradual increase in black political figures within the United States following the Civil Rights movement.
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    Rise of the New Right

    A period of American history in which the conservatives began to control politics.
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    Reagan Recession

    A recession occurring early during the Reagan term due to the increasingly and shockingly conservative policies of the government.
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    Rise of AIDS

    The rise in the popular consciousness of a despise known as AIDS, which is sexually transmitted and typically occurs among homosexuals.
  • Attempted Assasinaiton of Reagan

    The attempted assassination of president Ronald Reagan by John Hickley.
  • INF Conference

    A conference between the Soviet Union and the United States that attempted to reduce the nuclear threat.
  • Support Bill

    A bill passed by the Reagan administration to allow for the federal support of economic issues.
  • Support Bill

    A bill passed by the Reagan administration to allow for the federal support of economic issues.
  • Iran-Contra Scandal

    The American transmission of funds from the Iran to the various uber-violent resistance groups known as Contras in Latin America.
  • Operation Urgent Fury

    The American invasion of the Latin American state of Grenada, launched in an attempt to destroy the rising communist government.
  • Election of the First Black Mayors in Major Cities

    The election of Wilson Goode as mayor of Chicago and the election of Harold Washington in the city of Philadelphia.
  • Creation of the 'Evil Empire'

    Reagan's refusal of Nixon's more moderate Détente program in favor of a much more hardline approach to the Soviet Union.
  • Beirut Bombing

    The killing of twenty-four United States marines in the Lebanese city of Beirut.
  • SDI

    The proposal of the ridiculous SDI defense system by the Reagan administration, this idiotic plan was never implemented.
  • The Goetz Incident

    The murder of four African-American teenagers by a New York engineer named Bernard Goetz.
  • Farm Aid

    An aid event organized by several prominent country musicians in order to support the faltering agrarian economy.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    The rise of Mikhail Gorbachev to power in Russia, and the subsequent institution of glasnost and perestroika.
  • Attempted Nomination of Robert Bork

    The attempted nomination of an ultra-conservative political figure to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan.
  • Presidential AIDS Convention

    A collection of presidential advisors to decide upon a suggested budget for AIDS response.
  • The Crash of '87

    The stock market crash of 1987, which plunged the United States into yet another economic recession.
  • INFT

    The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, which attempted to further reduce the threat of nuclear war.
  • First African-American Running for President

    The first African-American to run for president of the United States, named Jesse Jackson.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    The launch of an American military operation in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in order to force the invasive Iraqi army out of Kuwait.
  • The End of and Age

    The final collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
  • The End of and Age

    The final collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
  • 9/11

    The destruction of the twin trade towers in New York City by the terrorist organization Al Qaeda.