Becka'a cold war #1

  • end of World War2

    end of World War2
    The U.S. dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japons, then the war ended.
  • China goes Communist

    China goes Communist
    Mao Zedong led the Communistforces in the North. Mao gave land to them and reduced rents. President Truman refused to send American troops.
  • Formationmof the UN

    Formationmof the UN
    There were 50 nations in that international organization. They thought it was the best means to prevent future wars.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Berlin Airlift to bring supplies to the people of Berlin because the Soviets had blocked the city for 327 days.
  • NATO organized

  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The US fought for two years because the North and South Korea were aganst each other.It started June on the 25,1950. North Korea attacked the South to make them Communists. MacArthur led the troops from the United States. After two years there was a cease-fire and the war war never ended.