
  • Benjamin franklin

    Benjamin Franklin invented the “bifocals” now widely known as glasses in the 1700’s. He was originally nearsighted, and could not see very well. Another burden of sight was added to him, as he got older, he also became farsighted. Soon he became very tired of switching between two pairs of glasses, and so he set his brilliant mind to work. Through trial and error, Franklin cut the lenses of EACH pair of glasses, and made a single pair of glasses from them.
  • Privy Council

    Regulating value of foreign coins according to silver content
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    Comprehensive slave code
  • Board of Trade

    Ordered royal governors to veto any paper issues
  • Compensation paid

    No actions against accusers or prosecuting judges
  • George Whitefield

    Most popular evangelist, born in England, 1714
    1738: traveled to Georgia first time
    18,000 sermons, crossed Atlanta 13 times
    “his voice startled England like trumpet blast” Impact and Influence of the Great Awakening
    “New Lights” and “Old Lights”
    Ignored spiritual needs of slaves
    William Gooch – Virginia Governor
    Denounced “New Lights”
    Baptist welcomed slaves
  • Jonathan Edwards

    Only son of 11 children
    Grandfather – Solomon Stoddard
    1727: Married Sarah Pierpont
    Taught men/women helpless and completely dependent on God
    Died of smallpox at 54 on March 22,1758
    “Sinners in the Hands of Angry God”, 1741
    What shall I do to be saved?
    “A Faithful Narrative of Surprising work of God”, 1737
    “Religious Affections”, 1746
    First major treatise
  • Stono Rebellion

    Catholic governor of Florida
    , Promised freedom to fugitive slaves
  • Parliament

    an act forbidding anyone from accepting as legal tender any paper money issued by New England colonies
  • French and Indian War

    Issues of the Iroquois
    Ohio Company
    British Board of Trade, Albany, June 1754
    George Washington
    Major General Edward Braddock