
1302 The West-WWII

  • Department Stores

    Department Stores
    First Opened in 1846. Goods organized into different "department". Fixed prices (no bartering). Money back guarantees and free delivery. People shopped for the experience, not just deals. Five and dime stores. Offered large discounts to customers. Discounts buying in bullk. Passed on the customers
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    Transforming The West

  • Transcontinental Railroad:Union Pacific

    Transcontinental Railroad:Union Pacific
    The Union Pacific started in Omaha, Nebraska. It was build in the west on May 10, 1869. The Union Pacific covers 23 states across the western two-thirds of the United States. It is built 1,085 miles of the line from Omaha to the Promontory Summit.
  • Transcontinental Railroad: Central Pacific

    Transcontinental Railroad: Central Pacific
    The Central Pacific started in Sacramento, California. It was founded in 1861 by a group called "Big Four". it is 1,776 miles long first transcontinental railroad. the Central Pacific ended at the Promontory, Utah in May 15,1869.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Settle Received 160 acres if land was "improved" for 5 years. The landless farmers, former slaves. single women took advantages because the women didn't need a husband/ man to do it. The former slaves finally have freedom and want to have something of their owns. Landless farmers basically had land
  • Becoming an Industrial Power: Oil

    Becoming an Industrial Power: Oil
    John D. Rockefeller did the same thing as Carnegie. Controlled 90% of domestic oil. Went from Vertical of Horizontal. Invented 2 important elements: Trusts and Holding Companies.
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    Becoming An Industrial Power

  • Progressives

    Philosophical approach (belief) not a moment. Transcended politics an safety and health. Not just wages (milk, food). Women's surrage and temperance (beat their wife). Middle class and Government protection. Capitalism.
  • Grange

    Patrons of Husbandry (raising horses). Farmers formed societies for solutions to ag problems (lecutures, newpapers, experts). Hundreds of thousands of members by 1870. Politically powerful- form parties in 1873 after economy tanks (railroad prices soar). Midwestern legislatures regulate railroads. Granges will disappear when the economy recovers. Were the first of populist movements. Democrats and Republicans will add grangers issues to their platforms.
  • Exploitation

    Foreman/ managers (new) enforced workplaces rules. Non-compliance resulted in lines or temination. Blacklists were employers circulated lists with bad workers so they wouldn't be hired again.
  • Mail-Order Catalogues

    Mail-Order Catalogues
    Montgomery Ward brought department stores to rural America. Like the Sear Catalogue. Other department stores followed. Most of the nation lived in rural areas until 1920. The perfect consumer culture was formed and shared across the country.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    George Custer led offensive before reinforcements arrived. Custer wanted to be a hero. Underestimated size of native force. Custer slauughtered. Media portrayed Custer as a hero played down his error. Excuse for further settlements and reservation.
  • Strikes

    Workers started striking like walking out of jobs with everyone else because they wanted better pay. Police routinely broke up strikes arrested leaders. Many judges ruled in favor of the employers. Labor unions didn't have any money to continue strikes
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    The Gilded Age

  • Transcontinental Railroad: African Americans

    Transcontinental Railroad: African Americans
    Exodusters were former slaves who migrated west for best opportunities. Some successful, but many will settle on bad land and lacked in money.They are going to either relocate back to the south or continue out further west.
  • Becoming an Industrial Power: Monopolies

    Becoming an Industrial Power: Monopolies
    A few or more powerful individuals controlling a sector of the economy. For example, railroads some of the first, railroad men would bribe elected officials. Routinely price gouged. Manipulated stock prices.
  • Transcontinental Railroad: Immigrants

    Transcontinental Railroad: Immigrants
    Swedish, Norwegian, German (northern areas) and Irish (wage workers) and Chinese were wage workers too. The Chinese were forced racism and violence. The Chinese Exclusion Act had banned further immigrant to the US. Immigrantion quotas: to protect white workers.
  • Nativism

    Americans weary of immigrants again. Stopping immigrants, slum and strikes propet idea. Chinese Exclusion Act. (APA) American Protective Association was lobbied for restrictions. Immigrants depots, deportation was people who were criminals, diseased, racials. The literacy Tests
  • Transcontinental Railroad:Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show

    Transcontinental Railroad:Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
    Former scout and buffalo hunter started his own western show in the eastern U.S. Show dealt with Indians fights, cowboys and cattle drives, lassoing, and marketmanship. Many formers cowboys, sharpshooters and even Indian (sitting bull). Many Americans today get their view of the West through his show.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    Spoils System: give jobs to people you like. Garfield assassinated by Charles Guiteau. Changes made against favors. Established the civil serice exam. Silver Service Reform Act: reform spoil system; have to take test to rank.
  • Killing of the Buffalo

    Killing of the Buffalo
    Buffalos source of native life. Almost hunted on extinction. Only a few thousand left by late 1800s. Government signs more treaties with western natives. Treaties protected hunting grounds. Beginning of reservation.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Related to the controversial Theory of evolution. Rich people: survival first of the fittest being intelligent, strong, and adaptable. Poor people were until (underling). Advocated against helping the poor. Darwinist Reasoning.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    May 4, protests planned for killing strikes at Haymarket Sg. Chicago. 300 police came to break up the crowd. Bomb explodes near police. Angry police attack crowd with batons and guns and 7 police were died. Press hysterically proclaim a riott. Damage the labor movement into the early 20th century
  • American Federation of Labor (AFC)

    American Federation of Labor (AFC)
    Takes places of KOL. Didn't allow unskilled labors. Didn't allow blacks. immigrants or women. Capitalism instead of cooperatives. 1.4 million members by 1904. Disunity in labor hindered change until the early 20th century.
  • Transcontinental Railroad: Dawes Severality Act

    Transcontinental Railroad: Dawes Severality Act
    Called for breakup of reservations. Assimilation of Natives into American Christian society. 160 acres of farm was self-sufficiency (25yrs. trust). Smaller tralts for unmarried and under 18. Application for citizenship. The problems were poor farming land, no hunting, whites could buy surplus land, speculators conned natives out of land.
  • Cuba's Independence

    Cuba's Independence
    Independence from Spain. First rebellion failed (1860). Concessions-increased autonomy (run yourself). American interests and heavily invested in Cuba (50 million). Exports went to US. Second rebellion and economic depression in 1890. Rebels destroy sugar plantations. Left American ones alone. Spanish troops became ill. Guerilla warfare. Concentration camps (not moving or recuiting)
  • Tenements

    natsy place to live; one room with a lot of people. Multiple families dwelling 94-6 stories). Dozens of families in each. Poor rentilliated , poor ill, diseases. Rent soared due to over population. Evicted for falling behind. Crime was prostitution, young single men, anonymity helped crime go up.
  • Social Gospel Movement

    Social Gospel Movement
    Begin in England. Advocated for poor working class. Religious leader wee upset. Social Darwinist views towards poor. YMCA (young men children association). They built libraries, kitchen, exercise, and housing, and salvation army like soup kitchens.
  • Currency Reform

    Currency Reform
    Issues implementing a standardized nation currency. "Hard money" (business, Republican). Keep the status que (gold). "Soft money" (labor, democrats). Favored paper money. hard money can't be supported expanding economy (silver). Silver going to led to increase price to lead to increase wages. Workers want silver and greenbacks and hoped inflation alleviated debt problems.
  • Farmer's Alliance

    Farmer's Alliance
    Took reins from the Granger Movement. 5 million members (white only). Farmers overcharged on shipping crops. High interest loans. Cooperatives united farmers. Negotiating higher crop prices. Better loans rate, insurance. Became political to fight monopolies. Won big in 1890
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  • People's Party

    People's Party
    3rd party forms (farmers, workers, reformers) to bring new ideas and issues. Better serves interests, independents of establishment. A.K.A populist party. Fight corruption and greed. Elimination of monopolies. Coinage of silver. Graduated income tax. Storage of surplus (extra). Democrats and Republicans attack populists. Includes industrial workers. Didn't perform well nationally. States and local level
  • Steel

    Building block of Industrial America. Could not mass-produce in the early 19th century.Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant. He was poor growing up. Hard work and investment and pushed production costs to lowest level possible. The Bessemer Process was Carnegie invent. Mass production of strong steel at low prices
  • City Beautiful Movement

    City Beautiful Movement
    Reduced/ elimate city problems by redesign. Like public square, large open parks, Bouleyards, and classical architeture. World's Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    George Pullman built luxury railroad cars. Company Town built for employees. Depression of 1893 hurt company. Laid off worker and cut salaries. Worker strike. American Railway Union (ARC). Strikes gain some public support. Increase attention. ARC shuts down American railroads
  • American Media

    American Media
    Yellow Journalism- dramatic, sensationalist highly exaggerated stories. Increase new paper sell. Used against the Spanish. Tale of rape and murder in Cuba. Women abused by Spanish. William Randolph Hearst said " you funish the picture, I will funists the war"
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

  • African-American

    Plessy v. Ferguson challenged Jim Crow. ''Separate but Equal''. Separate building, restrooms and other facilities. Equal with white facilities. Booker T. Washington prominented Black intellectual around 1900. Tuskegee institute. He wanted black economic improvement. No social justice. Economic equality with whites. Would allow equal right later on. However, W.E.B DuBois wanted immedicate civil right, but wanted the same thing. Just at a different speed
  • Election of 1896

    Election of 1896
    Republican- William Mckinley (gold standard). Democrat- William Jennnings Bryan (free silver). Gold vs. Silver (16;1) coinage; gold is rich. Silver is workers. Democrats and populist more money is circulation. End monoplies and depression. More silver than gold. Both to exist in the economy. Cross of Gold Speech.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Revolutional auto- industry. Reduced costs: assembly line process, Model T, Sandard auto parts. Improved machinery and produced more cars for less. Passed saving on to consumers and the benefits on the employees. $5 a day and well paid workers brought his products. 8 hour work day. Ford's Rules for $5 workday. Worker worked 1 yr before deal kicked in. Men must live with their families. No gambling but there is excessive drinking. Investigations checked on workers. Company housing open
  • Treaty of Paris (1898)

    Treaty of Paris (1898)
    Spain gives up Cuba. Cuba becomes a puppet state. Cuba make concessions so U.S forces left!!. Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines (20 million)
  • U.S.S Maine Incident

    U.S.S Maine Incident
    U.S.S Maine to Havana. Deter Spanish loyalists. Depend American property. It happened on Feb. 15, 1898. Exploded in Havana Harbor. Media blamed Spanish. Harbor Mine. Faulty ship design likely cause
  • Territorial Acquisition

    Territorial Acquisition
    The Philippines first battle was Manila Bay. Admiral George Dewey. Destroys Spanish fleet. America public felt like liberators. Philippines will fall in August 1898. Guam was captured from Spanish. Becomes a U.S territory. Hawaii was American business flourished from sugar. Sanford Dole. Eradicated Hawaiian religion. Pearl Harbor. Queen Liliuokalani overthrown. Strategic base needed. So they used the war to annex Hawaii in 1898
  • Cuba

    American ships blockade Cuba. Training a capable army. Rough Riders- Theodore Roosevelt. Leads first volunteer Cavary. Before the fame. The rough riders included cowboys, cops, athletes, Indian scouts, and African American
  • China

    Weak economy and military. Foreign powers trade and rivaries. Sphere of Influence was exclusive rights to trade with China. US worried by European powers. American believed vast markets existed for US products (they didn't). The Open Door Policy was US sponsored agreement (non-binding). Chinese market open to everyone. ''Non-established" right to trade. No dutied (taxes). Chinese collection product fees. Stop European colonization of China. Chinese were angry with foreign domination.
  • Alcohol

    Woman were champions of temperance. Women's Christian Temperance Union (wctu). Frances Willard (18 and 19 amendment). Saw saloons as bad. Carrie A. Nation is 64 year old religious woman. Smashed bars up with her small ax and Bible. Alcohol consumption doubles from 1885-1900. Home defenders. ''New'' temperance movement. alcohol illegal is most states by 1917. Individual countries banned alcohol in wet states.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    Guantanamo Bay. U.S military intervention in Cuba. life, property, and individual right. Permission to enter into international treaties. repealed in 1934.
  • Philippine-American War

    Philippine-American War
    Revolted against Spain. Revolted against U.S too. Had used Guerilla Warfare. 70 k US. soldiers fought in Philippines. Over 40 k US soldiers died. 220 k Filipinos died too. Starved many Filipinos. War ended in 1902
  • Japanese

    Modern and Strong. Russo- Japanese War. Japanese embrarrassed Russians. Teddy Roosevelt negotiated a peace treaty. Nobel Prize. Segregation was in California worried about ''Asians". Overrunning it.
  • "The Jungle"- Upton Sinclair

    "The Jungle"- Upton Sinclair
    Struggling immigrants family (poverty) and working conditions). Showed the reality of the food industry and rotten meat and severed fingers, rat faces. Champions of socialism
  • Pure Food & Drug Act

    Pure Food & Drug Act
    Government fines companies for false advertisement. New rules for improved utilities. No government takeovers.
  • Unions

    Racial and Ethic issues. Strike: family didn't support violence, disrupt life causing financial issues, shut down transporation. Unions relied on themselves. Government: slow, corrupt (ludlow massacre). SCOTUS is usually sides with big business, employees allowed to fire union workers. Industrial workers of the world (iww). One-World Union. Sex, race or skill didn't matter. Anti-thesis to the AFL. Workplace Safety; Journalistic Investigations.
  • William Howard Tart

    William Howard Tart
    Roosevelt promised not to run in 1908. Taft (secretary of War). Taft easily defeats Williams Jennings Bryan.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Austria-Hungary. He went to Sarajero, Bosina. He got shot by a Black Hand named Gavrille Princip (black hand member). The first time they tried to kill him but it didn't go far.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    Trenches. Never moved more than 20 miles. New developments of war. Mustard gas. Airplanes, Tanks, Machine guns. Millions died!. Alvin York; kill over hundred, German, Honored. Industry products to weapons. Artificially high food prices. Conserve for troops. Women takes factory jobs.
  • European Alliances

    European Alliances
    Demands: own judges and police to invest. Declared war on Bosnia.. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary. Pushed for an invasion of Bosina. Schlieffen Plan: two front view, take out France. Russia was allied with Bosina (slavic countries). Mobilizes army towards the West. Germany declared war on Russia. Alliances was France with Russia. Germany declared war on France. Great Britain declared war on Germany. Germany attacked France. Pledge Belgian independence.
  • Experiencing trench warfare

    Experiencing trench warfare
    PISD-post traumatic stress disorder (shell shock). No man's land: (barbed wire, artillery shell had many dead bodied)
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    World War I

  • Trade

    America stays neutral. US trade. Britain; Germany didn't like it. No involvement in the war. Blockade Germany. Central Power blockades. American trade affected. U-Boots; German submaines. Allied and American merchant ships. Susses Pledges. Germans not to target passenger ships. Needed evidence existed. Passenger safety. RMS Lusitania. British passenger ship sank. 1200 people died. American anger; reparations, weapons on board?, Newpaper warning. Germany ceases attacks
  • National Park System

    National Park System
    Established 1916. Big business conservationists advocate. Public demand for creation of the NPS. NPS runs all national parks, monuments and historical sites.
  • Weapons

    Spent 3 weeks in trenches (1 week off). Germans had mustard gas (kills you slowly). US had machines gun that were faster. US had tanks to be able to go through no man lands
  • Diplomacy

    Mexico. US relation tense with Mexico. Panch Villa (columbia, New Mexico). American support corrupt Mexican Government. General John Pershing. War averted. President Wilson planning War. Germany resumes merchant ship attacks. German interest in Mexico. German supported Mexican rebels. Distract US. Zimmerman Telegram; made US go to war.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    Larger than Western Front. Largely trenchless. Imperial Russia collapses. TSAR overthrown. Boishevik Revolution. Russia turns communist. Vladimir Lenin. Peace treaty with central powers. WWI will now be a 1-front war.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    New strain caused worldwide pandemic. Millions will die. 25 million of Americans got sick. 675k Americans died at home.
  • Child Labor

    Child Labor
    Children worked to keep families financial going. Character building for some. Exploitation by big business to others. Some claimed it ruined childhood. Damaged health and lack of educational opportunities. New laws passed. SCOTUS found them unconstitutional. School attendance chips into child labor.
  • End Of War

    End Of War
    American deaths Surge in 1918. Battle of Argonne Forest. Casualities overaged 2,550 a day. Germans called for Armistice. War ended without a major defeat for the Germans
  • Prohibition

    It temperance movement. Frances Willard is the national president of Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). ''wet'' opposition. Anti- Saloon League. Billy Sunday preached about evils of alcohol. ''wet'' overwhelmed. The 18th amendment passed in 1917. Outlawed intoxicating liquor. Ratified Jan. 1919. Went into effect in 1920. Police raid neighborhoods. Wine, beer, other alcohol smashed up. Hoped society become more law-abiding. Bootlegging was an organized crime.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    Ride Wave of fear following Red Scare, sufrage, prohibition, immigrantion. Initally suppressed by government. Millions of members in 1920s. Thousands of lynchings and burnings. Murder of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith. Whites upset over the Great Migration. Black Communities assaulted by the whites mobs. Jew, Catholics, Immigrants, and Feminists were targets.
  • Jazz

    Tin Pan Alley was New York city music publishers and singers. Dominated American music (19th century and early 20th century). Jazz evolves from Harlem Renaissance. Louis Armstrong: Duke Ellington. Jazz verses (white and black attend). Whites jazz bands from the Jazz Age. People thought jazz equal bad behavior.
  • Hospitality Industry

    Hospitality Industry
    Cottonages is roadside, motels and outside/ Hotel: inside. Sign and billboard. restraurants and gas stations. Vacation Industry (Capitalist Culture)
  • Benefits

    Sick leave. Stock ownership. Pensions. Medical insurance. Paid vacation. All instill loyalty to the company.
  • Leisure

    Americans had more time off. Satisfaction of buying goods. Cars, Radios, Vacuums, other house hold items. Silent films
  • The Lost Generation

    The Lost Generation
    Rebelled against Victorian values. Affected by negativity and remorse of WW1 era. F. Scott Fitzgerald, gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemmingway. Against public codes of conduct. Sexual liberation. Escape unhealthy confines of modern life. Alcohol an important increases for many.
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    The 1920's

  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    Albert Fall leased all preserves. Accepted leases without bidding. Vigorously investigated by the Senate. Fall convicted of accepting bribes. First cabinet member in US History to go to prision. Largest political scandal in the 20th century. Until watergates
  • First Red Scare

    First Red Scare
    Immigrants Restrictions. Fear of communism: takes all of our stuff. WWI also makes Americans fearful. German in US. Immigrantion Act of 1924. Russian Revolution main catalyst. Anarchists and communists deported. Anarchists set off bombs. Innocent people deported too. Showed how paranoid Americans were. Anarchist were people who believed we the people didn't need no government or laws
  • Charles Lindberg

    Charles Lindberg
    Crosses the Altantic in an airplane. Spirit of St. Louis was Lindberg's plane. Flew non-stop from NYC to Paris in May 1927(3,610 miles) 33.5 hrs. Didn't sleep for 55 hrs. Flashlight, rubber raft, wicker chair, water and sandwickes. No radio or radar. Airplanes become popular and numerous. Lindberg becomes a rockstar
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    President in 1928. Hoover was a orphaned as a child. Humanitarian. Poor public speaker and he was also an introverted. Beginning was good. Limited government introvertion. Business cooperation.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    10 days of plummenting stocks. Investors sold of stock. Thousands run on bands. Millions lose life saving!!!. 3 crucial issues: speculation of stocks, used short items loan, prices overinflated. Stock prices fell. No profit to pay off loans.
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    The Great Depression

  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Topsoil blown away by through and poor farming. Southern Plains worst hill. Dust blanketed major cities. People barricade themselves in their homes. Millions of cattle die from suffocation. Hardly any agriculture. Government intervention and pays farmers to plant replerish soil. 220 millions trees planted from Texas to California.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Herbert Hoover (republican). Bonus March sealed fate. Indifferent towards people. Franklin D. Roosevelt (democrat). Runs conservative campaign. Wins overwhelmingly
  • WW1: African American

    WW1: African American
    Received benefits for the first time. Eleanor Roosevelt spurs interest in Democratic Party. Many join the New Deal Coalition. Collection of liberals, union,members, Catholics, Coalition allows FDR to pass New Deal legisiation. Democratic Party caters to black issues.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Reforms to fight the Depression. The Brain Trust. Progressive Era reignited. Government intervention. Dozens of new government agencies. F.D.R. connects with the public. Fireside charts (FDR) talks about the nation every week on the radio. Reassured things were getting done very optimistic. Improving conditions. F.D.R. first modern president. First 100 days was devotes time getting legislation passed. Commitment to alleviating Depression. Modern presidents measure their first 100 days.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    Changes term dates for President and Congress. Presidental inauguration in January instead of March.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    Repeals the 18th Amendment. Alcohol legal again!! But you have t be of age (21 age)
  • Currency

    Father Charles Coughlin was Irish Catholic. Atlternative New Deal. 30-40 million listeners a week. Blamed Wall Street and international bankers for Depression (Nationalize Banks). Pushed FDR further left. Against gold standard. The FLAT Currency is FDR makes switch fro gold. Money based off of faith in the system. Gold standard still for foreign exchange.
  • Hilter

    Natural orator and chartismatic. Takes leadership of the Nationalist Socialist Party (NAZI). Attempts coup of the Welmar Republic Arrested for teason. Spend 9 months in jail. In jail he wrote a book called ''Mein Kampt (my struggle)". Blamed all problems on on Jews. Wants territory in Eastern Europe. Slavs and Jews were blamed.
  • Supreme Court Packing

    Supreme Court Packing
    SCOTUS frequently shot down New Deal legislation. F.D.R claimed Justices' old age hampering their decisions. Proposed increasing the number of justices to 15. One of every justice over 70 that served more than 10 years. Wanted New Deal justices. F.D.R. most drastic failure. Republic and Democrat New Deal supported fell alienated. Republic wins in 1938. Halted New Deal. SCOTUS fell in line. Upheld other New Deal legislation
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Hilter, Neville Chamberlin. Sudentenland was given to Germany. Hilter promises no more territory taken. "Peace in our Time". Hilter was convinced Allies were weak. Needed for more living space. Targeted Eastern European people
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Hilter's and Stalin's agreement. Brought time. Hilter didn't want twin front war. Take out the west first
  • Industry

    110 k people Japanese- Americans forced into internment camps all across the West. Lost the whole War. Under gamed guards. Some German and Italian Americans interred as well. Domestic Economy was Great Depression ends through spending. Pries and wage controls. Curbs inflation. Food and gas rationed. Guns, planes, jeeps, ships, and tanks. 19 million woman employed. War Gardens and bonds
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    World War II

  • Western Front

    Western Front
    Hilter invaded Poland. Blitzreig (lighting war). tanks. Planes, and infantry. Penetrate and surround. Britain and France declared war on Germany (ww1 began). First attacks Denmerk and Norway/ Rolls through Belgium, Hollard, Lexembourg. French defenses shattered. British and French troops routed. Dunkik hundreds of british ships and plane. Evacuate over 300 k. Germans reach Paris
  • Japan

    Japanese and Americans ignore military reduction agreements. US wants Chinese trade. Japan building on empire in East Asia. Japn invades Manchuria and kills 6 million Chinese people. Invades indo-china. Sanctions put on Japan. Limited Iron and Oil
  • Alliances

    There are 2 major powers: Axis powers and allied powers. Axis power is Germany, Italy, Japan. Allied Powers is Britain, Britain commonwealth nations, France, Soviet Union, US
  • Race Issues

    Race Issues
    Sit-ins, demonstrations for civil rights begin. Iimited in scope. Military remains segregated. African Americans serve mostly in non- combat roles. The Great Migration and Still continues and race riots. Zoo Suits. Craze started by African Americans in 1920s. Baggy pants, overly long coats and large brimmed hats. Mexican- Americans in California take on the trend. Viewed as gangsters. White mobs assault zoot suiters. 100s injured
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Surprise attack. 8 battleships damaged. Planes to supplies destroyed. Failed to cripple American fleet. Aircraft carries not there. Battleships weren't either. Japanese attack American and British territories in SE Asia.
  • U.S. Office of War Information (OWI)

    U.S. Office of War Information (OWI)
    Development and issed wartime propaganda. Domesitc and Foreign. Radio, newpapers, photos. films. Gave information about the war that