882020 ruins

(13) The Vanquisher act III

  • Back on Nirn

    Back on Nirn
    As the Vanquisher is pulled away from the darkness of the Void, their eyes acclimatize to natural light. They wake up on Nirn, surrounded by a group of uniformed people. The Vanquisher comes to realize that they're in an entirely new environment. However, they aren't carrying the Fourth Tablet. A flood of emotions overtakes the Vanquisher as they groggily stand up.
  • Transformation complete

    Transformation complete
    After standing up, the Vanquisher locates a mirror. They're relieved to discover that they're physically healthy. A group of people surround the Vanquisher and grab them by their arms. The Vanquisher feels intense dizziness as they ask for someone to explain their situation. After the Vanquisher is directed to sit down, the group reveal themselves to be representatives of the Synod.
  • The Vanquisher's situation explained

    The Vanquisher's situation explained
    An old Imperial man, sitting across the Vanquisher, identifies himself as Grandmaster Decolian Florianus, the executive leader of Synod. He asks the Vanquisher to remain calm as he explains that their body had been controlled by a member of the Alessian Order, who used it to deliver the Fourth Tablet. After the delivery, the Vanquisher fell into a coma. During this time, the Vanquisher had been a wandering soul in the Colored Rooms. Eventually, Synod brought the Vanquisher back to life.
  • The Vanquisher's new home

    The Vanquisher's new home
    Decolian asks the Vanquisher to look out of a window. As they do, they notice that they're inside a large golden tower, surrounded by clouds of magic, floating islands and sailing ships. The Vanquisher was brought to the Second Battlespire, the headquarters of Synod and the location of Project Leyawiin. Defended by inter-dimensional cannons and inhabited by hundreds of scientists, battlemages and wizards, the Second Battlespire is a fully functional microuniverse.
  • A week's worth of news

    A week's worth of news
    Agent Petronax and Agent Marocentor enter the room and ask for the Vanquisher to accompany them for a briefing. Petronax opens the briefing by telling the Vanquisher that the Empire's in dire need of rescuing, because all cities except the Imperial City have fallen to the Dragon League. Marocentor interrupts him by stating that the Vanquisher has now become their key to ending the Cataclysm. "What?" is the Vanquisher's enlightened answer.
  • Manifestation of the Void

    Manifestation of the Void
    Petronax congratulates the Vanquisher for retrieving the Fourth Tablet and for delivering it straight to the Second Battlespire. The Vanquisher can choose to answer that they don't remember delivering it. Marocentor shows the Vanquisher a photo of their dead-eyed grinning body delivering the Fourth Tablet, controlled by a member of the Alessian Order. With that being said, Petronax and Marocentor lead the Vanquisher into a chamber. Inside the chamber are all of the four Merid-Nunda Tablets.
  • Learning of the Prophecy

    Learning of the Prophecy
    Petronax and Marocentor ask the Vanquisher to study the entirety of Merid-Nunda Prophecy, laying in front of them in the form of four tablets. They leave the room and shut off all of the lights, leaving a green warning lamp as the only light source available to the Vanquisher. Carefully, the Vanquisher touches the tablets, one by one. As they reach the Fourth Tablet, words begin to appear before the Vanquisher.
  • The first part of the Fourth Tablet

    The first part of the Fourth Tablet
    "Fyrre said: "My Lady of Infinite Energies, grace me with knowledge of the Vessel and the Fuel."
    The Lady said: “The Vessel is one of life."
    The Lady said: "As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its color or fragrance, the Vessel goes on their alms-round in the village of Men."
    The Lady said: "Like a beautiful flower full of color but without fragrance, even so, fruitless are the actions of the Vessel without the Fuel."
  • The second part of the Fourth Tablet

    The second part of the Fourth Tablet
    "The Lady said: "Of all the fragrances — the Latchkey, Barrel, the Transformer and the Fuel — the fragrance of the Vessel is the sweetest."
    The Lady said: "The Vessel shines the Latchkey, names the Transformer and graces the Barrel with the Fuel."
    The Lady said: "The Vessel is hollow without the Fuel. The Fuel is wasted without the Vessel."
    Fyrre replied: "I see."
    The Lady said: “The Vessel is one of life. Vessel exists when evil prevails, Vessel exists in perpetual motion.”
  • The third part of the Fourth Tablet

    The third part of the Fourth Tablet
    The Lady said: “A Vessel who loves comfort is not worthy the Fuel. A Vessel worthy of the Fuel loves discomfort.”
    The Lady said: “Vessel, be fearless of speech and fearless in deed. Vessel, be fearless in deed and fearless of speech.”
    "Fyrre asked: “Alha the Wild Elf was good at archery; her enemies died before her time and Alha won the world. Was Alha the Vessel?”
    The Lady said: “Can one be pious who has hatred of life in their hearts?”
  • The fourth part of the Fourth Tablet

    The fourth part of the Fourth Tablet
    The Lady said: “The Vessel is one of life. Alha is not the Vessel.”
    Fyrre asked: "I'm an old man, my knees are weak and my memory's fading. My Lady, no more of this esoteric poppycock, just tell me what the Fuel and the Vessel are."
    The Lady said: “Fine: I am the Fuel.”
    Fyrre asked: "Who shall bring to perfection the Fuel so lovingly given to them by Our Lady?"
    The Lady sang: "The Vanquisher will lead us from Evil to Good, from Unreal to Real, from Death to Life, Life Life Life Life Life."
  • The meaning of the Fourth Tablet

    The meaning of the Fourth Tablet
    The Fourth Tablet takes on the form of a recorded dialogue between Tjurhane Fyrre, the author of the Merid-Nunda, and Lord Meridia. Fyrre repeatedly asks Meridia about the Vessel's nature. Meridia replies that the Vessel is someone who "goes on their alms-round in the village of Men", and that the "Vessel exists when wrong prevails, Vessel exists when evil prevails, Vessel exists in perpetual motion". This suggests that the Vessel is not an object, but a living creature.
  • The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher
    Meridia calls "the Vanquisher" someone who will "lead us from Evil to Good, from Unreal to Real, from Death to Life". She seems to confirm Fyrre's question about the Vessel being the carrier of the Fuel. This all points towards the Vanquisher being the Vessel, carrying within themselves the Fuel. At the Darnell Chapel, Lord Meridia called the Vanquisher by their title and turned into a mist. This mist seeped into the Vanquisher's body. This mist, as it turns out, was the Fuel.
  • The Vanquisher considers their destiny

    The Vanquisher considers their destiny
    The Vanquisher falls into an existential crisis as they ponder over their destiny. Marchan's findings of the Vanquisher being a Cold One confirms the Vanquisher's status as a Vessel: someone whose job is to carry Lord Meridia's energy, the Fuel, into completion. The Vanquisher now knows that they're the key to ending the Cataclysm. All of their dreams of a normal life are shattered in an instant. In exchange for surviving the Darnell Chapel, the Vanquisher had given Lord Meridia their fate.
  • Time to save the Empire

    Time to save the Empire
    Agent Petronax enters the chamber and retrieves the Vanquisher. He asks the Vanquisher to "forget about Meridia for now", as an opportunity has arisen for the Penitus Oculatus to regain Chim-el Adabal from the Dragon League. Thanks to the Vanquisher's long period of inactivity, the League believed them to be dead. The League isn't aware of the fact that the Vanquisher has returned to Nirn. Petronax suggests that this could be used to the Empire's advantage.
  • A Red, Red Heart begins

    A Red, Red Heart begins
    Chim-el Adabal, the Transformer, was appropriated by Oroth Vaemor, who gave it to the Dragon League. The League has hidden it well, considering that the Empire has no knowledge of its location. They do, however, have knowledge of Oroth's location. Agent Petronax orders the Vanquisher to mask their real identity and set up a meeting with him. He wants the Vanquisher to deliver the Fourth Tablet to Oroth, in exchange for gaining information on the Chim-el Adabal.
  • Time for a transformation

    Time for a transformation
    In order to make the Vanquisher unrecognizable to Oroth, they have to visit a make-up artist. The Vanquisher gains a chance to choose their camouflage. They can either wear a convincing set of false hair, change their race with body paint, make themselves look considerably older or glue fur on their face. A lazy Vanquisher can simply wear a paper bag over their face. In any case, the Vanquisher is sufficiently camouflaged and ready to meet Oroth.
  • The Imperial City

    The Imperial City
    The Vanquisher now has the opportunity to travel to the Imperial City. It's the largest city in Tamriel and the capital of the Empire. Its skyline is dominated by the modernized White-Gold Tower and by numerous skyscrapers. The Imperial City is an endless-seeming sea of cars and buildings, with tens of millions of inhabitants from all across Tamriel. The Imperial City covers all of the City Isle. Additionally, its metropolitan area covers the populous cities of Aleswell, Weye and Wellspring.
  • Setting up a meeting with Oroth

    Setting up a meeting with Oroth
    The Vanquisher calls Oroth through a rotary phone. Pretending to be a thief aligned with the League, the Vanquisher offers to sell the Fourth Tablet. Although skeptical, Oroth gives the Vanquisher a chance to meet with him in private. He instructs the Vanquisher to appear at a restaurant and bring the tablet along with them. He forbids the Vanquisher from bringing along any "unwanted guests".
  • Arriving at the Oakflesh Restaurant

    Arriving at the Oakflesh Restaurant
    Before the Vanquisher enters the Oakflesh Restaurant, they're greeted by Agent Karlssen. He informs the Vanquisher that he'll be observing Oroth and the Vanquisher from across the street. After this short meetup, the Vanquisher enters the restaurant. A helpful waiter guides them to a table, reserved by "a mutual friend". The waiter seems to be a member of the Dragon League. After removing all of the Vanquisher's weapons, he allows them to join Oroth.
  • Meeting with Oroth

    Meeting with Oroth
    Not realizing who he is truly dealing with, Oroth is happy to meet with the Vanquisher. If the Vanquisher put a lot of effort into camouflaging themselves, Oroth's fully convinced and tells the Vanquisher that he's happy to see another "ally" discover the path to greatness. If the Vanquisher decided to simply wear a paper bag, Oroth's annoyed and distrustful. In any case, Oroth asks to see the Fourth Tablet. He slides a briefcase towards the Vanquisher, containing a sum of 100,000 septims.
  • Giving away the Fourth Tablet

    Giving away the Fourth Tablet
    As the Fourth Tablet had already served its purpose and is no longer needed by Project Leyawiin, the Vanquisher is allowed to give it away to Oroth. After the transaction is complete, the Vanquisher can now choose their way of gaining information on Chim-el Adabal. They can either ask Oroth if they could steal the Chim-el Adabal, pretend to know of its location or attempt to intimidate Oroth by suggesting that the Empire knows of the Chim-el Adabal. In any case, Oroth is unfazed.
  • Chim-el Adabal's location

    Chim-el Adabal's location
    With a grin, Oroth asks the Vanquisher to follow him to an empty room. Once alone, Oroth takes off his coat to reveal his glowing chest. He informs the Vanquisher that he knows that the League is planning to get rid of him, because they hate all Altmer equally. He had the Chim-el Adabal surgically inserted inside his chest, along with a self-destruction arcanoemitter. Should he be killed, the Chim-el Adabal will be destroyed and useless.
  • Making an important decision

    Making an important decision
    The Vanquisher now has two options to consider: attacking Oroth or allowing him to leave. As they don't have any weapons, the Vanquisher isn't sure that they'd win a fight against Oroth, a highly trained ex-Thalmor wizard. However, by allowing him to leave, the Vanquisher can never gain another chance to retrieve the Chim-el Adabal. While Oroth rants about his tough life of being an Elvish agent in the racist Dragon League, the Vanquisher grabs a knife.
  • Oroth decides for the Vanquisher

    Oroth decides for the Vanquisher
    If the Vanquisher wore a paper bag over their head as a disguise, a gust of wind removes it. If they camouflaged themselves perfectly, Oroth informs the Vanquisher that he finally recognizes them. In any case, he violently grabs the Vanquisher's hand. The Vanquisher thinks quickly and plunges a knife deep into Oroth's body. He starts to bleed and staggers away in utter disbelief.
  • Taking out the restaurant

    Taking out the restaurant
    Oroth panics and runs away. In an (un)fortunate series of events, he trips on a broom and falls to the ground, losing consciousness in the process. The Vanquisher pulls him back into the room. They tie his hands to his back with a plastic wrap and exit the room. The Vanquisher is immediately greeted by the restaurant's League-sympathizing staff members, brandishing knives and firearms. Lacking armor, health and their former skills, the Vanquisher prepares for a hard fight.
  • Barely surviving the fight

    Barely surviving the fight
    With little health and only armed with a kitchen knife, the Vanquisher is forced to fight a number of undercover League agents. The Vanquisher survives this fight, but with quite a few injuries. Vikmar, who had been observing the restaurant from across the street, finally arrives to "save" the day. Instead, the Vanquisher tasks him to hand over all of his Restore Health potions and carry Oroth to safety. Vikmar, glad to finally see Oroth in custody, drags him out from the restaurant.
  • A Red, Red Heart ends

    A Red, Red Heart ends
    Agent Karlssen loads Oroth into the trunk of his car. The Vanquisher informs Vikmar that the Chim-el Adabal is in Oroth's chest cavity. Vikmar's reaction is to laugh and call Oroth a "brilliant dumbass". After the Vanquisher drinks enough health potions to feel lively again, the two end their shenanigans and travel back to the Second Battlespire. Oroth is taken by doctors from the College of Whispers, who are prepared to surgically remove Chim-el Adabal from his body.
  • Life in the Second Battlespire

    Life in the Second Battlespire
    While living in the Second Battlespire, the Vanquisher gains access to extravagant private quarters. Due to the self-contained nature of the Battlespire, the tower contains bars, shops, gardens, trainers, engineering workshops and all kinds of magic-related businesses. The Vanquisher's companions also live in the Second Battlespire and can be recruited to follow or spoken to at any time. Advanced engineering and arcane technologies permeate the Battlespire, giving it a future-meets-antique vibe.
  • The Synod

    The Synod
    Synod is a semi-secret governmental agency of the Empire of Tamriel, established in the Fourth Era. Synod's mission is to develop arcane technology, collect divine relics and carry out expeditions into foreign dimensions. Synod's largest achievements include developing soul bombs and being the instigators of the Dwemeri Miracle. Synod is an invite-only agency; they don't seek applicants. Their core membership is restricted to extraordinary wizards and Synod's exact numbers are a state secret.
  • Profile: Decolian Florianus

    Profile: Decolian Florianus
    Grandmaster Decolian Florianus is the current Imperial administrator of Synod, 72 by 5E 338. Decolian has led Synod for 30 years and has acquired considerable political power within the Empire. His father, Ambrosius Florianus, was the leader of Project Aetherius, under whose helm Synod developed soul bombs. Decolian is a powerful and a respected wizard, whose extensive arcane knowledge is invaluable to Project Leyawiin.
  • Project Leyawiin's nature

    Project Leyawiin's nature
    Project Leyawiin is a massive undertaking, funded entirely by the Empire of Tamriel. The Project is composed of three groups, Synod, College of Whispers and independent researchers. The independent members of the Project are usually either ex-Chimer arcanists, members of House Telvanni or Daedric cultists. Although members of Synod and College of Whispers make up the majority of the Project's workforce, Administrator Vadusa Sarinith has the largest say in the direction of the Project.
  • Erupt From A Shell begins

    Erupt From A Shell begins
    Vadusa Sarinith, the leader of Project Leyawiin, is unconvinced that the Vanquisher is the person that they're looking for. Vadusa believes that the real Vanquisher would have to be someone of distant Ayleid heritage, a descendant of Tjurhane Fyrre. Her opposition towards declaring the Vanquisher to be the savior of Tamriel has kept Project Leyawiin from fully cooperating with the Vanquisher and their companions. In order to convince Vadusa, a set of conditions have to be fulfilled.
  • Profile: Vadusa Sarinith

    Profile: Vadusa Sarinith
    Vadusa Sarinith is the Dunmeri administrator of Project Leyawiin, a member of House Telvanni and de facto leader of the Imperial effort to end the Cataclysm, 47 by 5E 338. Although she's a brilliant wizard, Vadusa has a dark past. She used to be Hegemon Garnara Aramothi's top adviser and still holds his insular xenophobic ideals to be the truth. Vadusa is a powerful wizard with a demanding personality and is hostile towards non-Dunmeri Vanquishers.
  • Speaking with Duvixto Greger

    Speaking with Duvixto Greger
    As Vadusa proves unwilling to be physically next to an "adventurer", she sends an emissary. The Vanquisher meets with Duvixto Greger, an Imperial medical doctor working for the College of Whispers. Greger tells the Vanquisher that Vadusa wants them to retrieve a powerful black soul gem called the Voidstone. Vadusa believes that if the Vanquisher truly carried the power of a Daedric Lord within them, no soul gem would be able to contain their soul and would break immediately.
  • The Voidstone

    The Voidstone
    The Voidstone is a powerful black soul gem, forged by Synod for soul manipulation purposes. The product of advanced arcanoengineering, the Voidstone can theoretically contain up to a thousand black souls. If the Vanquisher truly has Lord Meridia's power within them, the Voidstone wouldn't be able to contain even a tiny fraction of it before disintegrating, as the souls of the Daedric Lords are inherently omnipotent.
  • Voidstone's location

    Voidstone's location
    The Voidstone was bought by the Empire and turned into a soul bomb warhead. It was installed inside a Kintyra-G8 class missile. The silo of the missile is located inside the Waterfront macrodistrict, purposefully hidden beneath a sports arena. In order to retrieve the Voidstone, the Vanquisher has to travel to the arena, unlock the silo, disarm the Kintyra-G8 missile and retrieve the Voidstone. As the silo itself is unmanned and unguarded, the Vanquisher has to be prepared for anything.
  • Travelling to Waterfront

    Travelling to Waterfront
    The Imperial Waterfront is one of the seven macrodistricts of the Imperial City. In its past, the Waterfront functioned as a port. After the Sextus Dam was completed, Lake Rumare lost its connection with the Niben River. The Imperial Waterfront was gentrified by middle class migrants from the Temple macrodistrict and rapidly developed from a destitute shantytown into a high income entrepreneurial neighborhood.
  • The Saturnus Arena

    The Saturnus Arena
    The Saturnus Arena was built for competitions in rushball, a contact sport popular in Cyrodiil. It has also been occasionally used for Petra concerts, jousting tournaments and political rallies. The Imperial Legion secretly built a missile silo underneath the Saturnus Arena, purposefully choosing an innocent-seeming building to hide a weapon of mass destruction. The silo exists for last-measure attacks and contains a fully functional ballistic missile utilizing the Voidstone as a warhead.
  • Arriving in the Arena

    Arriving in the Arena
    The Vanquisher and a companion of their choice arrive at the Saturnus Arena. It's completely empty, as the invasion of Cyrodiil has put all sporting events on hold. The Vanquisher calls Dr. Duvixto Greger from the control booth and asks for advice on opening the silo. Greger reads out a code and asks the Vanquisher to locate a hidden military computer. The Vanquisher and their companion successfully find the computer and enter the code. The Arena starts to shake.
  • The silo opens

    The silo opens
    The pitch of the Saturnus Arena splits in half, revealing a large concrete structure. The Vanquisher and their companion travel to the structure and locate a keypad. After entering Greger's code, the structure's hatch is released, producing a puff of smoke and uncovering a large missile. The missile silo is now accessible, allowing the Voidstone to be retrieved. In order to do so, the Vanquisher and their companion have to locate the silo's control room and disarm the missile.
  • The haunted silo

    The haunted silo
    The Voidstone was armed with the souls of 55 volunteer Imperial Legionnaires. Because the silo was abandoned, the Voidstone was left in disrepair and began leaking its contents into the silo. As a result, dozens of angry ghosts roam the silo, looking to punish someone for their condition. The Vanquisher and their companion are forced to use either silver-tipped bullets, enchanted daggers or Destruction magic in order to take care of these unfortunate souls.
  • A technological labyrinth

    A technological labyrinth
    The silo is an endless maze of wires, broken computers and jammed doors. While traversing it, the Vanquisher and their companion are forced to crawl through vents, evade magical fires and look out for gas leaks. The angry ghosts of the dead Legionnaires constantly attack the Vanquisher, forcing them to engage in firefights. The control room of the silo is located at the very bottom of the silo.
  • In the deeper reaches

    In the deeper reaches
    The Vanquisher and their companion reach a service tunnel, leading to the control room. Halfway through, a pipe breaks, flooding the tunnel with coolant fluid. The Vanquisher and their companion are forced to act quickly. A Vanquisher with magical aptitude can use a water breathing spell. An engineer Vanquisher can program an arcanoemitter to produce a force field. If the Vanquisher is an Argonian, they have nothing to worry about. In any case, the Vanquisher successfully traverses the tunnel.
  • The brain of the silo

    The brain of the silo
    The Vanquisher and their companion reach the control room. It's full of various computers, monitors and instruction manuals. The Vanquisher uses a rotary phone to call Greger and asks for guidance in restarting the dormant computers. If the Vanquisher took either Arima or Marchan along with them, their aptitude with computers allows the Vanquisher to skip this part. Otherwise, Greger instructs the Vanquisher to reconnect several wires in order to make the control room operational.
  • The missile is disarmed

    The missile is disarmed
    As the computer loads, it gives the Vanquisher three options: [disarm], [self-destruct] or [destination: Silgrad]. The Vanquisher, who isn't an idiot, chooses the first option and successfully disarms the missile. The control room is briefly flooded with a thick black mist. After the smoke dissipates, the Vanquisher opens a hatch and enters the rocket chamber. Climbing up a ladder, the Vanquisher gets on top of the missile and removes its nose cone.
  • The Voidstone is recovered

    The Voidstone is recovered
    From the opened nose cone, the Vanquisher successfully retrieves the Voidstone. It's a large black soul gem, tied to a nylon string. The Vanquisher finds the Voidstone to be surprisingly heavy, considering its small size. After gaining the Voidstone, the Vanquisher and their companion exit the missile silo through the main hatch. The Vanquisher and their companion close the silo and use the Saturnus Arena's control booth to hide it underneath the pitch.
  • Back in the Second Battlespire

    Back in the Second Battlespire
    The Vanquisher returns to the Second Battlespire, where they're already eagerly waited. Administrator Vadusa Sarinith has assembled a group to observe the Vanquisher. The collective consists of Grandmaster Florianus, Doctor Greger, Professor Botrel and Administrator Sarinith, all members of the Project Leyawiin.
  • Arriving at the presentation

    Arriving at the presentation
    Arriving at the presentation, Vadusa commands the Vanquisher to lay the Voidstone on a table. She asks the Vanquisher if they believe themselves to be the Vessel of Meridia, carrying the Fuel within themselves. A chivalrous Vanquisher answers her question with proper gravitas. A maverick Vanquisher admits that they "don't give a shit" and just want to end the Cataclysm. A smartass Vanquisher winks at Vadusa and suggests that they "carry multiple types of Fuel."
  • The experiment begins

    The experiment begins
    Grandmaster Florianus takes the honor of soul trapping the Vanquisher upon himself. While he enchants the Vanquisher with wards meant to keep them safe, Vadusa informs the Vanquisher of two possible conclusions: either the Voidstone is destroyed, or the Vanquisher is destroyed. Florianus casts a strong soul trap spell at the Vanquisher, covering them in a red glow. The Voidstone lights up as well, sensing the presence of a soul. The Vanquisher connects their fingers with the Voidstone.
  • A magnificent explosion

    A magnificent explosion
    The moment the Vanquisher touches the Voidstone, an explosion occurs. Thousands of crystalline shards erupt from the soul gem. The room is filled with a thick blue smoke, removing all visibility. Once the smoke clears, the Vanquisher stands tall among the shards of the Voidstone. A chivalrous Vanquisher quotes Lord Meridia and says: “The Vessel is one of life". A smartass Vanquisher performs a small victory dance. A maverick Vanquisher stands with their arms crossed and shouts: "Satisfied?!"
  • Erupt From A Shell ends

    Erupt From A Shell ends
    After recovering from the explosion, Vadusa stands up and enthusiastically proclaims the Vanquisher to be both the Vessel and the Fuel of Meridia. She's followed by Greger and Florianus, both swearing their loyalty to the Vanquisher. Marchan Botrel jokingly threatens to send the Vanquisher a bill for emotionally scarring him with the explosion. "Erupt From A Shell" ends with the Vanquisher finally recognized by Project Leyawiin as the champion of Meridia.
  • A chat with Agent Petronax

    A chat with Agent Petronax
    After the experiment, Petronax asks to have a word with the Vanquisher. Internal investigations have revealed that the Dragon League has a double agent within Project Leyawiin, someone called "Agent C". He asks the Vanquisher to keep a close eye on all of their companions, as this "Agent C" is aware of the Vanquisher's every move. Petronax personally suspects Vikmar Karlssen and Saramae Envalur of being traitors, as they're both rather reclusive and often disappear for "personal reasons".
  • Observing Oroth's operation

    Observing Oroth's operation
    The Vanquisher is given a chance to observe surgeons from the College of Whispers attempt to remove the Chim-el Adabal from Oroth's chest. He has been kept comatose in an effort to keep him from killing himself. The operation is tricky, long and dramatic, but successful. Chim-el Adabal is removed from Oroth's chest cavity and handed over to Project Leyawiin. Oroth remains brain-dead and imprisoned. A maverick Vanquisher can choose to sneak into Oroth's chambers and "pull the plug", killing him.
  • Most components of Merid-Nunda reclaimed

    Most components of Merid-Nunda reclaimed
    By now, four components of the Merid-Nunda Prophecy have been retrieved by Project Leyawiin. The Transformer (Chim-el Adabal) is contained within the Second Battlespire. The Barrel (White-Gold Tower) is secure in the hands of the Imperial Legion. The Vessel and the Fuel (the Vanquisher) are allowed to roam around freely. Only the Latchkey remains out of reach. Arima Yosoko, as an expert historian of the Dwemer, is leading research into the Latchkey and its potential location.
  • The state of the Empire

    The state of the Empire
    Currently, all cities except the Imperial City have been destroyed and occupied. Millions of Cold Ones are attempting to invade the Imperial City. The Cyrodiilic Perimeter, manned by millions of soldiers from all races and creeds, is the only thing keeping the Imperial City safe. Modern weaponry, tactical soul bombs, large-scale arcane attacks and huge war machines are used to kill the invaders. As of now, the Perimeter is solid and secure.
  • By Proxy begins

    By Proxy begins
    Project Leyawiin has yet to answer a crucial question: What's powering the Numidium, giving immortality to Lord Marius and controlling the Colored Rooms? This lack of knowledge on the Numidium's inner workings has crippled the Empire's attempts to destroy the monster. Vadusa Sarinith tasks the Vanquisher to meet with Runfing Haraldsson, a computer scientist of the College of Whispers, about identifying the power source of the Numidium.
  • Profile: Runfing Haraldsson

    Profile: Runfing Haraldsson
    Runfing Haraldsson is a Nordic assistant professor of information technology and a member of the College of Whispers, 41 by 5E 338. Before the Cataclysm, Runfing was one of the most eminent computer scientists in Skyrim. He studied computer science in the Solitude College of Technology and was working to launch Nordnet, a dial-up network service for Skyrim. However, the fall of Skyrim led him to escape to Cyrodiil, where he joined Project Leyawiin as an IT expert.
  • The study group of Rihad

    The study group of Rihad
    A group of computer scientists within the University of Rihad were given the task to deconstruct the Numidium's magical signatures and discover the nature of its power source. Led by Professor Amir Mouhandiz, the group received data from various institutes in Cyrodiil, Morrowind and the Summerset Isles. The destruction of Rihad, however, ended all hopes of progress. The University of Rihad was destroyed and its collegiate were either slaughtered or dispersed across Cyrodiil.
  • Potential survivors

    Potential survivors
    Although the University was destroyed, its databases could still hold valuable information about the Numidium. Runfing Haraldsson believes that if he could connect himself to the Rednet, the Redguard Networking dial-up service, he could access the University's systems and download relevant data. Although it's a solid plan, it's hampered by the fact that the Rednet was closed down after Hammerfell's occupation. Someone from Rihad would have to manually restart the Rednet.
  • Meeting with Runfing Haraldsson

    Meeting with Runfing Haraldsson
    The Vanquisher meets with Runfing inside a data processing center within the Second Battlespire. He can be asked to provide information about computers, the Rednet, soulgem processors and propylon networks. Runfing proposes travelling to Fort Soror, a military outpost near the Cyrodiilic Perimeter. Fort Soror, connected to the Dicere satellites orbiting Nirn, could be used to contact the destroyed city of Rihad and hopefully establish communications with someone who could restart the Rednet.
  • Travelling to Fort Soror

    Travelling to Fort Soror
    Fort Soror is a military outpost belonging to the Imperial Legion. Located a few miles from the Cyrodiilic Perimeter, Fort Soror serves as a supply center, allowing the defenders of the Imperial City to replenish their reserves. Beneath Fort Soror is the Soror Data Center, which can be used to contact the Dicere satellites and Rihad. The Vanquisher and Runfing Haraldsson arrive at Fort Soror to enter the Data Center. The Vanquisher can choose to take a companion with them.
  • Entering Soror Data Center

    Entering Soror Data Center
    The Data Center is located in an underground bunker, built into the ground and hidden by foliage. Accompanied by distant sounds of warfare, the Vanquisher, their companion and Runfing enter the building. As the advancing armies of the Cataclysm have made its operation dangerous, the Data Center has been abandoned. Nevertheless, it has been kept in pristine condition by the military.
  • Contacting the Dicere satellites

    Contacting the Dicere satellites
    Inside the Data Center, Runfing Haraldsson leads the Vanquisher and their companion to a room full of computers. While whistling folksy tunes, Runfing connects all of the computers in the room into a single mainframe, which he operates with a keyboard. He walks the Vanquisher through the highly technical process of contacting the Dicere satellites. The Vanquisher can choose to either feign interest or to tell him that they don't care. In any case, Runfing successfully contacts the satellites.
  • Receiving an answer

    Receiving an answer
    Using the Dicere satellites, Runfing beams a message towards Rihad, asking anyone with a proper receiver to restart the Rednet dial-up network. While they wait, the Vanquisher, their companion and Runfing can choose to either play a primitive video game or just sit in silence. In about a few minutes, the Soror Data Center receives a reply, coming from an unlikely source: Amir Mouhandiz.
  • Uplink established between Rihad and Soror

    Uplink established between Rihad and Soror
    Amir Mouhandiz and his small group of computer scientists had survived the destruction of Rihad by hiding themselves in the University's basement. In a stroke of luck, they had hid themselves right in the Rednet's main server room. Amir, glad to hear that the Empire still exists, restarts the Rednet server and sends Runfing the uplink codes, necessary for downloading Numidium-related information. While this takes place, Runfing tasks the Vanquisher to find him magnetic storage tapes.
  • An outbreak of enemies

    An outbreak of enemies
    While scavenging in the Soror Data Center, the Vanquisher and their companion come across several blocked rooms. Behind these rooms are dozens of Cold Ones, who had tunneled their way under the Cyrodiilic Perimeter. The Vanquisher has to take out these unwanted invaders and seal their tunnels. After the Cold Ones are taken care of, the Vanquisher and their companion find twenty magnetic storage tapes in a hidden box and deliver them to Runfing.
  • Download complete

    Download complete
    As the Vanquisher returns to the main room, the downloading process is finalized. Runfing uses magnetic storage tapes to record the received information. Afraid of being detected, Amir shuts the Rednet down again. Before severing communications, Amir speaks to the Vanquisher directly and asks them to avenge Hammerfell by banishing the Numidium "back to history books, right where it belongs". The Vanquisher, their companion and Runfing can now return to above ground.
  • Defending Fort Soror

    Defending Fort Soror
    The trio are struck with bad news: the Cyrodiilic Perimeter was breached near Fort Soror. The Vanquisher and their companion are ordered to help defend Soror from Cold Ones. Joining the Legionnaires in defending the fort, the Vanquisher can utilize grenade launchers, machine guns and arcanoemitter-based cannons. After defeating five waves, each composed of hundreds of Cold Ones, the trio are given a clear signal to evacuate Fort Soror.
  • Departing from Fort Soror

    Departing from Fort Soror
    The Vanquisher, their companion and Runfing enter a military vehicle and are driven away from Fort Soror. The trio observe thousands of Cold Ones attack the fort, completely overwhelming its defenders. The Vanquisher's companion makes unique observations: Mikael and Saramae emotionally praise the fort's defenders, Vikmar and Do'zha are left in despair, Fedayan and Psyria express intense fury, Marchan and Arima encourage the Vanquisher to stay optimistic.
  • By Proxy ends

    By Proxy ends
    After returning to the Second Battlespire, Runfing uploads the contents of the magnetic tapes into his workstation. He thanks the Vanquisher for their decisive actions and asks them to return at a later date, as he needs time to read through Amir's research and make sense of his conclusions. After "By Proxy" ends, Runfing becomes available as a conversational partner and can be asked to explain the inner workings of propylon networking and its derivatives, the Rednet and the Altnet, in detail.
  • A chat with Saramae Envalur

    A chat with Saramae Envalur
    If the Vanquisher had previously completed "We're a Million Miles Away", Saramae asks the Vanquisher out for dinner. She finally informs the Vanquisher of her achievements. As she was terribly afraid of dying and being turned into a Cold One, Saramae had taken time off from her duties to carve a pocket realm into Oblivion, which she named the Mistral Forest. She designed it to look like a vast temperate forest, complete with rivers, wild creatures and a weather cycle.
  • The Mistral Forest

    The Mistral Forest
    Saramae used a Varla Stone to bind her energy to the Mistral Forest, anchoring her soul to the realm. She had planned to spend her afterlife in the Mistral Forest, studying magic in eternal solitude. However, her plans changed after she became close with the Vanquisher. Saramae offers them a chance to join her. If the Vanquisher agrees to spend their afterlife with Saramae in the Mistral Forest, she gives them a Varla Stone and asks them to stay with it at all times.
  • Saramae departs

    Saramae departs
    After the Vanquisher accepts the Varla Stone, the dinner continues. As Saramae and the Vanquisher discuss their lives, a ringing telephone is brought for Saramae to answer. Although the conversation is inaudible, the Vanquisher can sense that Saramae received bad news. She excuses herself and informs the Vanquisher that there's a "grave mistake" she has to take care of. The Vanquisher is left confused and with a rather expensive bill.
  • A chance to meet with the Empress

    A chance to meet with the Empress
    Empress Eärwen Tiberius, anxious to see Project Leyawiin succeed, had arrived to the Second Battlespire for an official visit. Accompanied by Legate Servius Lucius and a group of Elder Councillors, she was briefed on the Merid-Nunda Prophecy, the Latchkey and the Vanquisher. Eärwen was curious to meet with the Vanquisher and give them her blessing. The Vanquisher now gains a chance to finally meet with the Empress of Tamriel.
  • Meeting with Empress Eärwen

    Meeting with Empress Eärwen
    Empress Eärwen greets the Vanquisher in Vadusa's office. She sternly encourages the Vanquisher to be fearless and succeed. As the Empire is disintegrating, Eärwen has little else besides motivating words to offer. The Vanquisher can choose to either profess their loyalty to the Empire or to themselves. The Vanquisher also gains a chance to ask about the modern history of the Empire and can learn a lot about Tamrielic history and about Eärwen's tale of becoming the Empress.
  • Power source identified

    Power source identified
    Runfing Haraldsson wants the Vanquisher to meet with him. He compiled Amir's findings and turned them into a report. He informs the Vanquisher that the Numidium's power source is an arcanobiological object called the Mantella. As described in Amir's research, the Mantella is the result of a divine process called the Crux of Transcendence, during which Lord Marius had separated his heart from his body and turned it into an immense soul gem capable of containing near-infinite amounts of souls.
  • The Crux of Transcendence

    The Crux of Transcendence
    Through the Crux of Transcendence, Lord Marius turned himself immortal. His heart, separated from his body and turned into the Mantella, provides power for everything. The Numidium is powered by the Mantella, as are the tens of millions of Cold Ones. Every time someone is killed by Cold Ones, their soul enters the Mantella, adding strength to it. According to Amir's calculations, there are currently over 200 million souls inside the Mantella. The Vanquisher's original soul is among them.
  • The Marius/Numidium connection

    The Marius/Numidium connection
    Through the Mantella, Lord Marius and the Numidium are intrinsically connected to one another, both immortal and invulnerable. Only by destroying the Mantella can the Cataclysm be ended. The moment the Mantella is destroyed, Lord Marius, Numidium and all of the Cold Ones would be evaporated from Aurbis. As the Mantella is located inside the Colored Rooms, it can't be physically destroyed. However, it can be overloaded. If Lord Meridia's soul (Fuel) entered the Mantella, it would destroy it.
  • A chat with Decolian Florianus

    A chat with Decolian Florianus
    Grandmaster Decolian Florianus informs the Vanquisher that they need to talk. He has bad news for the Vanquisher: Saramae Envalur has gone missing. She was last seen departing from the Second Battlespire in a hurry, right after her dinner with the Vanquisher. As her knowledge of arcane matters is important for the Synod, Decolian asks the Vanquisher to bring Saramae back safely. Decolian gives the Vanquisher the key to Saramae's private quarters and asks them to conduct a search for clues.
  • Entering Saramae's quarters

    Entering Saramae's quarters
    The Vanquisher enters Saramae's room. Through a mess of papers and junk, the Vanquisher gains access to her personal computer. Amidst journal entries and awkward attempts to write poetry, the Vanquisher finds an important clue. In an entry, she describes how she had come into contact with a group dedicated to helping former members of the Dragon League escape. This group, called the Knights of Talos, informed Saramae that they were in possession of a Dwemeri artifact known as the Keening.
  • Into the Dark begins

    Into the Dark begins
    As the Keening could be used to engineer the Latchkey, Saramae sent a Penitus Oculatus agent called Mosyllon Victus to investigate the Knights of Talos. Hours after Victus first contacted the group, he disappeared. After she heard of Victus's disappearance, Saramae felt guilty and left the Second Battlespire to locate both Agent Victus and the Knights of Talos. Although she's a powerful mage, Saramae could in grave danger. The Vanquisher has to follow her into the dark.
  • Locating the Knights of Talos

    Locating the Knights of Talos
    According to Saramae's notes, the Knights of Talos are dissidents within the Dragon League, who disapprove of Lord Marius and the Cataclysm while still subscribing to the ultranationalist rhetoric of the League. As they are being actively hunted by agents of Lord Marius, they hid themselves in tiny cells and only came out to convene in a secret location, somewhere inside the Imperial Sewers. Acting on this clue, the Vanquisher and a companion of their choosing enter the Imperial Sewers.
  • The most hygienic place in Tamriel

    The most hygienic place in Tamriel
    The Imperial Sewers give new meaning to the term "filthy". As the Sewers handle the waste of over 20 million people, they're massive and smelly beyond belief. Naturally, vagrants began moving into the Sewers. They were quickly followed by skooma dealers, who set up trading camps. Over time, these camps grew into beautiful subterranean settlements. The Imperial law enforcement doesn't care about these grimy settlements, as it keeps the streets of the City safer to have them inside the Sewer.
  • Entering Aezar

    Entering Aezar
    One of the largest settlements is Aezar, set up by an Argonian skooma cartel. Its population is an astounding 5,000 people. Aezar exists purely because it would too much of an hassle for the Empire to get rid of it. On a brighter side, Aezar provides a measure of comfort to the weakest links of the Imperial society. As soon as the Vanquisher and their companion enter the city "gates", they're greeted by half-naked ladies selling tickets for "sewer entertainment", whatever that means.
  • A troublesome environment

    A troublesome environment
    Aezar hides an underbelly of depravity. The "city" earns its profits from drug trade, sex trafficking and kidnappings. It harbors serial killers, arsonists, thieves and all sorts of other miscreants. Every time Imperial law enforcement raids Aezar, they fulfill their yearly quota of arrests in mere minutes. While walking through the settlement, the Vanquisher spots quite a few Naga. A subtype of Argonians, the Naga are rarely seen outside Argonia, as they're always involved in some shady shit.
  • Meeting with Reeh-Malz

    Meeting with Reeh-Malz
    The Vanquisher, armed with a picture of Saramae, asks residents of Aezar of her whereabouts. They're directed towards a mean-looking Naga called Reeh-Malz, who "runs the show". The Vanquisher has a chat with Reeh-Malz and inquires about Saramae. His response is simple: "buy my shit or bury your shit". The Vanquisher deduces that Reeh-Malz wants them to either buy his skooma or drop their investigation. The Vanquisher, left with no other choice, buys his shit.
  • The West Tunnel

    The West Tunnel
    Reeh-Malz points the Vanquisher towards the West Tunnel, leading away from Aezar and towards the uncharted parts of the sewers. He states that a "fancy-looking Elf" was seen running into the West Tunnel. Much to their relief, the Vanquisher and their companion can now leave Aezar. They enter the West Tunnel, carefully avoiding the brown stuff while crawling through the tunnels. While walking in the West Tunnel, the atmosphere changes. It's now extremely quiet and eerie.
  • Welcoming wildlife

    Welcoming wildlife
    While traversing the West Tunnel, the Vanquisher and their companion run into nasty critters. Besides the mudcrabs and slaughterfish, there are also Cold Ones, dreughs and occasional huge spiders. As the Vanquisher advances through the West Tunnel, the amount of Cold Ones increases. This fuels the Vanquisher's fear that Saramae and Victus might've fallen prey to a trap set up by the Dragon League. They can only pray that Saramae was strong enough to survive whatever she met in the tunnel.
  • The man in the tunnel

    The man in the tunnel
    As the Vanquisher passes a copper pipe, they hear sounds of banging. The Vanquisher's companion stands vigil in the West Tunnel while the Vanquisher opens the pipe. An Imperial man is sitting in the tunnel, hiding himself in a pool of refuse. Although the smell overpowers all other senses, the man begs the Vanquisher to listen. He introduces himself as Agent Victus, and he is afraid for his life. The Vanquisher helps him out from the tunnel and orders him to take a quick swim before speaking.
  • Agent Victus spills the beans

    Agent Victus spills the beans
    Agent Victus informs the Vanquisher that the Knights of Talos is a myth, that there is no ex-League organization. The Dragon League had purposefully set up a honeypot trap, in order to lure in potential traitors and slaughter them. Agent Victus fell to their prey, but managed to escape by entering the filthiest tunnel he could find, where even the League wouldn't dare to look. He knows nothing of Saramae's location and is rather distressed over her disappearance.
  • Clearing out the Knights

    Clearing out the Knights
    The base of operations for the Knights of Talos is located in the very end of the tunnel. The trio are bound by duty to clear it out. Before entering the base, Victus warns the Vanquisher that the base is heavily armed. However, his prediction turns out to be wrong: the base is decimated. Dozens of corpses of Dragon League soldiers are strewn all around the base, killed via magic. The trio put down their weapons and grab their flashlights to search for Saramae.
  • The darkest of sights

    The darkest of sights
    While investigating a crate, the Vanquisher briefly turns their flashlight towards a pile of leaves. They gasp as they see Saramae, lying on the ground. She had no external wounds, but she seems to be dead. The Vanquisher, in a mixture of grief and anger, looks for her murderer. Close to Saramae, they find a dead Dragon League officer. While the Vanquisher deals with the gravity of the situation, Agent Victus casually strolls over and says: "Ah, she used the Languorwine poison!"
  • The brightest of feelings

    The brightest of feelings
    Victus takes out a syringe and injects it into Saramae's forearm. A few moments later, she opens her eyes and sits up. The Vanquisher and their companion help Saramae to her feet. Although disoriented by her close brush with death, Saramae explains to the Vanquisher that she used a poison called Languorwine to feign death, as she was overwhelmed by enemies. The Vanquisher is glad to see her alive, but asks Saramae to consider less-traumatizing options for feigning death in the future.
  • Into the Dark ends

    Into the Dark ends
    Saramae managed to recover the Keening from the corpse of a dead Dragon League agent. The Vanquisher, Agent Victus and Saramae return to the Second Battlespire and deliver the Dwemeri artifact to Project Leyawiin's engineers. Decolian Florianus congratulates the Vanquisher for successfully bringing Saramae back to the Battlespire and gifts them a collection of magic scrolls. Saramae can be asked to give the Vanquisher tips on using the Languorwine poison to silently knock enemies unconscious.
  • The Dragon Rises/A Hopeless Unbeliever/Fireworks and Hurricanes begins

    The Dragon Rises/A Hopeless Unbeliever/Fireworks and Hurricanes begins
    After the Vanquisher rests, they are faced with a long three-part mission. In the first part, the Vanquisher deals with an existential threat to the Empire's continuation. In the second part, the identity of "Agent C" is finally revealed. In the third part, a massive attack is launched by the League. These three quests directly lead to the ending of the Vanquisher's saga. As there is no going back, the Vanquisher is highly advised to tie up all loose ends before accepting "The Dragon Rises".
  • The Keening

    The Keening
    The Vanquisher can choose to visit Arima Yosoko and ask to see the Keening. Arima can be asked to provide information about Kagrenac's tools, the Latchkey and Dwemeri engineering principles. Although Project Leyawiin's engineers are convinced that the Keening can be turned into the Latchkey with only a few simple modifications, Arima believes it to be worthless. She's a proponent of the Zirinzulft Theory, a speculative theory she herself had created and promulgated.
  • The Zirinzulft Theory

    The Zirinzulft Theory
    Arima believes that there's a Dwemeri settlement called Zirinzulft, hidden below Lake Poppad near Cheydinhal. Two years ago, she had led a team of researchers to use magical field detectors in an attempt to find the settlement. They did not find any direct evidence of Zirinzulft. They did, however, discover a vast area below the Lake which actively blocked the detector and its signals. Arima stands convinced that it was Zirinzulft.
  • The Dragon Rises begins

    The Dragon Rises begins
    Penitus Oculatus had received word from a credible source that the Dragon League was planning to launch a large-scale assault on the White-Gold Tower with the intent to slaughter the government of the Empire. The Imperial Legion was made aware of the threat and soldiers are being pulled back from the Cyrodiilic Perimeter to defend the Tower. The Oculatus's source was none other than Lysa Marius, Lord Marius's adopted daughter.
  • Time for action

    Time for action
    Agent Petronax summons the Vanquisher for a briefing. Agent Petronax tasks the Vanquisher to deliver an envelope to Legate Servius Lucius, containing the location of a safehouse to be used for Empress Eärwen's evacuation. Petronax gives the Vanquisher strict instructions not to open the envelope nor allow anyone other than Legate Lucius to open the parcel, as Agent C hasn't yet been positively identified and could be anyone within the Second Battlespire.
  • Departing with the envelope

    Departing with the envelope
    Agent Petronax tasks Agent Marocentor to accompany the Vanquisher. Before the Vanquisher departs, Petronax advises them to exercise caution, as "the League has eyes everywhere". After Petronax leaves the briefing, Marocentor suggests that he has grown paranoid and suggests to the Vanquisher that they should take Lysa Marius's provided information with a grain of salt, as her loyalty to the Empire has hardly been proven.
  • Driving to the White-Gold Tower

    Driving to the White-Gold Tower
    Agent Marocentor drives the Vanquisher to the White-Gold Tower. After getting into the car, he asks the Vanquisher to open the envelope, as "he hates to be left in the dark". The Vanquisher, growing tired of Marocentor's slyness, denies his wish. Marocentor laughs and praises the Vanquisher for "passing his test". While driving, Marocentor suggests that Saramae Envalur is the League's informant, further infuriating the Vanquisher.
  • A pleasant ride with Marocentor

    A pleasant ride with Marocentor
    Agent Marocentor further describes Saramae as a "frigid little harlot" and suggests that the Altmer are a "cancerous tumor" on Tamriel. The Vanquisher can choose to remain silent, passionately defend Saramae or accuse Marocentor of being an asshole. If the Vanquisher is an Altmer, they can express utter revulsion over his statements. In any case, Marocentor grins and suggests to the Vanquisher that they're "better off without friends".
  • Arriving at the White-Gold Tower

    Arriving at the White-Gold Tower
    After a long car ride, the Vanquisher and Agent Marocentor arrive at the White-Gold Tower. While in the lobby, Marocentor orders the Vanquisher to give him the envelope and go back to the Second Battlespire, as the Vanquisher's "not important enough" to meet with the Legate. The Vanquisher refuses his request and openly professes that they don't trust Marocentor with the parcel. Although frustrated, Marocentor gives up resistance and proceeds to follow the Vanquisher.
  • Meeting with the Legate

    Meeting with the Legate
    The Vanquisher and Agent Marocentor meet with Servius Lucius, the Legate of the Imperial City, the leader of the Corporativist Party, the grandson of Fabius Lucius and the husband of Empress Eärwen. Lucius is very pleased to see the Vanquisher and pulls up a chair for them. After the Vanquisher takes a seat, Lucius curtly orders Marocentor to leave his office and wait behind the door. Marocentor's smile immediately fades.
  • The envelope delivered

    The envelope delivered
    The Vanquisher gives Lucius the envelope, which he opens immediately. Learning of the safehouse's location, he phones his military officers and orders them to evacuate the White-Gold Tower. Lucius thanks the Vanquisher for their efforts and offers them a glass of Cyrodiilic brandy. The Vanquisher is confused as to why Lucius isn't evacuating from the Tower. Lucius states: "You see, old Fabius refused to leave the City when the Thalmor came. Better lose your eye than your honor, friend."
  • Running into Vikmar

    Running into Vikmar
    After the Vanquisher departs from Lucius's office, they come across Agent Karlssen, in the middle of a phone call. After the call ends, he runs to the Vanquisher and tells them to follow. He explains to the Vanquisher that Lysa Marius is in trouble and needs to be rescued immediately. Apparently, someone had informed the Dragon League that she's working for the Empire. Petronax's first impulse was to blame Vikmar, who offered to prove his innocence by saving her.
  • Lysa Marius's location

    Lysa Marius's location
    Vikmar and the Vanquisher drive to a crummy-looking apartment in the Temple macrodistrict, where Lysa Marius last made contact with the Empire. While preparing their weapons, the Vanquisher informs Vikmar of Marocentor's odd behavior. Vikmar brushes the Vanquisher's fears off by stating that Marocentor's a good friend of his. The two enter the apartment complex and are immediately greeted by Dragon League agents. A firefight erupts and the duo are forced to fight their way up the complex.
  • Closer to Lysa

    Closer to Lysa
    Vikmar and the Vanquisher fight their way to the upper levels of the apartment. Though a PA system, a male voice orders all League soldiers to kill the duo with impunity. After an particularly intense firefight, during which the duo kill three waves of League soldiers, the apartment is cleansed of enemy presence. Vikmar and the Vanquisher yell for Lysa to come out from hiding. There's an eerie silence, occasionally punctuated by harsh noises coming from the PA system.
  • Saving Lysa

    Saving Lysa
    In an empty room, the Vanquisher and Vikmar come across Lysa Marius, tied to a chair. Although injured, Lysa is still breathing and conscious. While Vikmar unties her bindings, the Vanquisher asks Lysa to identify her attacker. "Valentin... goddamn Valentin" is her answer. Vikmar and the Vanquisher are stunned, as Valentin Marocentor had no apparent motive to commit the attack. The duo tell Lysa to head downstairs and contact Petronax, as they have to find Marocentor.
  • Marocentor caught

    Marocentor caught
    Vikmar and the Vanquisher exit the complex. As they turn a corner, they come across Marocentor, laying on the ground. He shouts at the two to come and help him. He claims to have been attacked by League soldiers while trying to come to the duo's aid. Vikmar and the Vanquisher draw their weapons and ask Marocentor about Lysa's death. He declares himself innocent of any wrongdoing. Vikmar demands to know if Marocentor is Agent C. Before he could answer, a black helicopter appears from the sky.
  • The Dragon Rises ends

    The Dragon Rises ends
    The helicopter lands next to the apartment complex. Marocentor uses its arrival as a distraction to quickly unholster his gun. He shoots Vikmar in the stomach and the Vanquisher in their leg. Three people, entirely clad in black, emerge from the helicopter and kneel beside the Vanquisher. The Vanquisher feels a sharp sting as they're injected with an unknown substance. As they're carried into the helicopter, they lose consciousness.
  • A Hopeless Unbeliever begins

    A Hopeless Unbeliever begins
    The Vanquisher awakens. Intense pain surges through their body, emanating from their right leg. A cold breeze circles around the Vanquisher's face. They attempt to move, but discover that they're handcuffed to a bed. Next to the Vanquisher, three men are speaking in muffled tones. The Vanquisher tries to speak, but fails. A thousand thoughts rush through their head. "Marocentor is a traitor". "They must've given me a sedative". "Where am I?". "Am I back in the Void?". "Where's Vikmar?"
  • A new environment

    A new environment
    The Vanquisher lifts their head. They see Vikmar, badly beaten up by two men. Marocentor, sitting right next to Vikmar, makes no notice of the Vanquisher. He laughs in Vikmar's face and orders his partner to take him away. After Vikmar is dragged from sight, Marocentor stands up and looks right at the Vanquisher. He produces a key and unlocks the Vanquisher's handcuffs. With a voice devoid of all emotions, he says: "You're coming with me, you piece of shit."
  • A gruesome sight

    A gruesome sight
    Marocentor pushes his gun against the Vanquisher's back and orders them to keep walking. After passing a corridor, the Vanquisher sees Vikmar. He's dead. He was shot in the head and left on the cold concrete floor. A mixture of anger and grief wells up within the Vanquisher's heart. They wish that they could do something for their old companion, but it's too late. The Vanquisher is forced into an empty office by Marocentor.
  • Agent C

    Agent C
    Marocentor takes a seat and observes the Vanquisher. He grins as he states: "Titus thought that you should be left alone, but I beg to differ. You're a threat to the Imperial future and you need to be put down. Lord Marius is waiting for you, kid." After he finishes his gloating, the Vanquisher is violently seized by three Dragon League agents, who drag them away from Marocentor.
  • The Vanquisher is neutralized

    The Vanquisher is neutralized
    The Vanquisher is thrown into a small chamber. They're stripped of their clothes and forced to wear a black robe. All of the Vanquisher's belongings are taken from them. One of the agents casts Silence on the Vanquisher, draining them of their magical capabilities. With the Vanquisher effectively neutralized, they're taken back to the previous room. This time, however, there's someone else in there.
  • Meeting with Lord Marius

    Meeting with Lord Marius
    Lord Marius is already waiting for the Vanquisher. As they're left alone in the room, Marius produces a piece of paper. He reads out loud its contents:
    "Humble greetings, Antonius. At 15:36, our bomb will explode in the safehouse, killing the Elder Council. Eärwen is probably going to survive the initial impact. She will be dead by 15:41. Aurelius is hidden inside an Oculatus cell. He will be dead by 15:48. Servius and Lysa are already dead. Signed, Titus Senecus."
  • Marius continues

    Marius continues
    After reading the letter, Marius speaks to the Vanquisher: "Do you know what this is? This is the future of the Empire. Titus will slay them like dogs. The country that you're fighting for? It will not exist by the time I finish this sentence. I've spent my entire life for this moment. But enough about that, let's talk about you. The Vanquisher." Lord Marius's next words depend on the Vanquisher's chosen race.
  • The Vanquisher's race

    The Vanquisher's race
    If the Vanquisher is a Nord/Imperial/Redguard, Lord Marius will bring up Snow Elves/Lefthanded Elves/Ayleids as examples of Elvish malevolence and will ask the Vanquisher to consider joining the League. If the Vanquisher is Bretonic/Dunmeri/Bosmeri, Marius will call them meaningless and inconsequential. If the Vanquisher is Orcish/Khajiiti/Argonian, Marius will express his revulsion over having a "monster" in his presence. Marius's most intense hatred is directed towards an Altmeri Vanquisher.
  • The Vanquisher answers

    The Vanquisher answers
    A chivalrous Vanquisher calls Lord Marius delusional and declares their loyalty to the people of Tamriel. A smartass Vanquisher informs Marius that they left their "how to speak to an evil mastermind" book at home. A maverick Vanquisher calls Marius an "evil piece of shit". A sneaky Vanquisher can pretend to be interested in joining the League, confusing Lord Marius. A Vanquisher with high Intelligence uses their knowledge of Tamrielic history to prove several Marius's statements as falsehoods.
  • Heated discussion

    Heated discussion
    Lord Marius states: "You weren't alive during the war. You didn't see what I saw. Seven million of my brothers and sisters, murdered by the Elves. Our leaders told us to forgive and forget. Omnioccidit is considered an "inconvenient" chapter of history. Would you tell all the murdered Imperial children that they should forgive to those who hurt them? That their existence was an inconvenience? The Mer are a cancerous growth, spreading their diseased tendrils across Tamriel. Numidium is the cure."
  • Receiving word from Titus Senecus

    Receiving word from Titus Senecus
    The conversation between Lord Marius and the Vanquisher is interrupted by a phone call. Marius puts the call on speaker. It's Titus Senecus, giving a status report. He states that the Elder Council and the High Chancellor have been killed. Empress Eärwen was captured during the confusion. Titus asks if he should execute the Empress or allow someone else to do it. Lord Marius's answer is simple: "Do it, Titus".
  • The Vanquisher's response

    The Vanquisher's response
    Lord Marius informs the Vanquisher that the Empire is history. A chivalrous Vanquisher is visibly flustered and expresses their hope that the Imperial Legion will continue resistance until the very end. A smartass Vanquisher claims to not care, as they never liked politicians to begin with. A maverick Vanquisher asks Lord Marius to cherish the moment, as their friends will "soon be dragging Titus's ass to the electric chair".
  • The Latchkey

    The Latchkey
    Lord Marius, utterly confident in his victory, is willing to allow the Vanquisher to depart from his office with their life. He doesn't consider the Vanquisher to be a threat, his only desire for capturing them was to meet with them face-to-face. The Vanquisher can inquire about the Latchkey. His response is: "I've spent countless hours on trying to locate it, to keep it away from you. My agents discovered no trace of it. If the Dragon League does not know of its existence, it does not exist."
  • Lord Marius's response

    Lord Marius's response
    "Let's imagine, for a moment, that you gained the Latchkey. You'd run up to the Tower and end my plans. Then what? Do you want to know a secret? Two years ago, there were 120 million Altmer. Now, there are only 65 million. In about three months, there will not be a single Altmer left on Tamriel. My will has transformed Nirn. The golden era of the Imperials is dawning. If you refuse to be a part of the Dragon League, you'll be assigned to the trash heap of history."
  • A Hopeless Unbeliever ends

    A Hopeless Unbeliever ends
    The Vanquisher can choose to threaten Lord Marius by suggesting that, by letting the Vanquisher go, he is dooming himself to a failure. Lord Marius responds: "Plans have already been set in motion. You have nothing to threaten me with." Lord Marius advises the Vanquisher to leave quickly, as they might "miss the fireworks". The Vanquisher can now leave from Marius's office. If they attempt to attack Marius, he will use his Daedric powers to instantly vaporize the Vanquisher.
  • Fireworks and Hurricanes begins

    Fireworks and Hurricanes begins
    After leaving the office, The Vanquisher is directed towards an elevator. Once they make it to the ground, their belongings are returned to them by League agents. The Vanquisher can choose to kill the agents as soon as they receive their weapons. In any case, the Vanquisher departs from Lord Marius's hideout, located below a generic bakery. Observing the streets, the Vanquisher notices that there's a large military presence in the Imperial City.
  • Returning to the Second Battlespire

    Returning to the Second Battlespire
    The Vanquisher hurries to return to the Battlespire. They need to warn Petronax of Marocentor's true loyalties, and deliver bad news about Vikmar. The Vanquisher uses their Recall device to return to the Battlespire's dimension. The first thing they notice is that there's an exodus of people running away from the Battlespire. There's a smell of smoke in the air. The Vanquisher's suspicions prove themselves to be true after they see large plumes of smoke coming from the Battlespire.
  • Invasion of Battlespire

    Invasion of Battlespire
    The Vanquisher runs into Agent Mikael Corvidus. He informs the Vanquisher that the Dragon League is attacking the Battlespire. There are thousands of Cold Ones roaming around the Battlespire, killing members of Project Leyawiin. As Mikael is busy with helping people escape, he suggests to the Vanquisher that they should venture into the Battlespire and help to stop the invasion. The Vanquisher takes out their weapon and runs into the smoke.
  • Time for rescue

    Time for rescue
    As the Vanquisher makes their way to the Battlespire's front entrance, they meet up with Do'zha Khaspar and Fedayan Arinhari, who are providing cover for the fleeing researchers. The Vanquisher learns that the Battlespire has been infiltrated and that quite a few of important people have been pinned down by the League. Do'zha and the Vanquisher enter the Battlespire Academy, leaving Fedayan behind to defend the front entrance.
  • Meeting with Greger

    Meeting with Greger
    Inside the Battlespire, the situation is grave. There's smoke and flames everywhere, and corpses of Project Leyawiin's researchers dot the floors. The Vanquisher and Do'zha run into Dr. Duvixto Greger, who is attempting to heal the Battlespire's defenders. Greger asks the Vanquisher to locate the Chim-el Adabal and keep it from falling to the Dragon League. As the Vanquisher and Do'zha run through the Battlespire, they hear Administrator Vadusa on the PA system, ordering everyone to evacuate.
  • Locating the Chim-el Adabal

    Locating the Chim-el Adabal
    The Chim-el Adabal is contained within the Chironasium Chambers, on the third floor of the Battlespire. As the Vanquisher and Do'zha reach the third floor, they discover it to be flooded with Cold Ones. The two have to fight their way through the floor, using the open flames to their advantage. In the narrow hallways of the Battlespire, miniguns and Destruction spells come in handy. Through intense combat, the Vanquisher and Do'zha force their way into the Chironasium Chambers.
  • Inside the Chironasium Chambers

    Inside the Chironasium Chambers
    Arima Yosoko and Marchan Botrel are defending the Chim-el Adabal. Hundreds of vicious Cold Ones are within the chambers. The Vanquisher and Do'zha slaughter the Cold Ones. During the fighting, Dragon League wizards enter the chambers and join the battle. After all of these enemies are taken out, Arima and Marchan are safely evacuated from the Chironasium Chambers, along with the Chim-el Adabal. Do'zha leaves from the Vanquisher's side to escort Arima and Marchan away from the Battlespire.
  • Retrieving the Merid-Nunda Tablets

    Retrieving the Merid-Nunda Tablets
    Over the PA, Vadusa commands the Vanquisher to retrieve the four Merid-Nunda Tablets, located on the sixth floor of the Battlespire. While ascending the academy, the Vanquisher runs into Runfing Haraldsson, pinned down in his research chambers. The Vanquisher can choose to rescue him or leave Runfing to his fate. In any case, the Vanquisher makes it to the sixth floor and enters the living quarters of Project Leyawiin's members.
  • Running into Titus

    Running into Titus
    While fighting their way towards the tablets, the Vanquisher runs into Agent Titus Senecus. Both are extremely displeased to see each other. The Vanquisher orders Titus to move aside, as they're in a hurry. A firefight erupts as Titus is unwilling to allow the Vanquisher to recover the tablets. After the Vanquisher successfully takes out Titus's fellow soldiers, he gives up and flees. He uses a Recall device to leave from the Battlespire, leaving the Vanquisher without a chance for a revenge.
  • Saving the Tablets

    Saving the Tablets
    The Vanquisher enters the tablet room. Inside the room is Agent Petronax, wounded in a firefight. The Vanquisher successfully helps him to his feet. The Vanquisher informs Petronax that Marocentor is Agent C. Petronax is not surprised, as Marocentor was discovered to be the leader of the League invasion. Nevertheless, he regains his composure and helps the Vanquisher to remove the Merid-Nunda tablets from their enclosures. Along with the tablets, Petronax safely departs from the Battlespire.
  • A dangerous situation

    A dangerous situation
    Vadusa Sarinith makes a plea over the PA, calling someone to help her evacuate. The Vanquisher responds to her call and runs to the stairs. While ascending the Battlespire, the Vanquisher fights Cold Ones. A Vanquisher with high Strength can use physical power to throw Cold Ones down the stairs. The Vanquisher eventually reaches the top floor of the Battlespire. It's dark, filled with enemies and flooded with water. The Vanquisher has to either use a flashlight or magic to generate light.
  • Saving Vadusa

    Saving Vadusa
    Vadusa is stuck in her quarters, injured and pinned down by Cold Ones. The Vanquisher spots a large contingent of Orcish Cold Ones attempting to use chainsaws to break into her hideout. Through intense fighting, the Vanquisher slaughters the monsters and gains access to Vadusa's quarters. As they help her back on feet, she expresses her concern over Grandmaster Florianus. His situation is unknown. As she evacuates from the Battlespire, she tasks the Vanquisher to save Decolian Florianus.
  • Descending the Battlespire

    Descending the Battlespire
    Decolian Florianus was last seen in the basement of the Battlespire. The Vanquisher uses an elevator to quickly descend the Spire. As they reach the ground floor, they discover the Battlespire to be almost entirely deserted. All of the researchers have either made it out or died during the invasion. Even the Cold Ones have mostly disappeared. The Vanquisher advances through the now-quiet hallways and enters the basement of the Spire.
  • Meeting with Decolian Florianus

    Meeting with Decolian Florianus
    Grandmaster Decolian Florianus is in the basement, fighting off Dragon League agents. The Vanquisher's arrival makes him glad, as he needs their help. The Battlespire's basement contains a device called the Arcanodynamo. This curious device not only powers the Battlespire, but also stabilizes its existence. As the Battlespire is located inside an inter-dimensional plane, it requires arcane power to stay stabilized.
  • Saving the Arcanodynamo

    Saving the Arcanodynamo
    If the Arcanodynamo was to be catastrophically destroyed by the League, the Vanquisher and Decolian would be killed by the resulting dimensional collapse. Thus, Decolian wants to safely deactivate the Arcanodynamo, giving the two enough time to evacuate from the Battlespire. The Vanquisher accompanies him to the lowest reaches of the Battlespire, where the device is located. The Vanquisher guards Decolian while he performs a ritual.
  • An unwelcome sight

    An unwelcome sight
    As Decolian is in the process of shutting down the Arcanodynamo, a group of Dragon League soldiers open fire. They are led by Agent Marocentor, who is startled to see the Vanquisher alive. He orders Decolian to stop the deactivation and stand back. Decolian furiously refuses Marocentor's request and proceeds with the deactivation. A firefight erupts between the Vanquisher and the League soldiers, with Decolian defending himself with a magical ward.
  • Decolian's secret weapon

    Decolian's secret weapon
    The League soldiers prove to be too much for the Vanquisher to handle. After they take cover behind a table, Marocentor gloats over his apparent victory. Decolian, annoyed with Marocentor's presence, stops the deactivation process. With one hand, he wraps the Vanquisher in a protective magical shield. With the other, he creates a large black sphere. This gravity-bending sphere begins to spit out glowing sparks.
  • Agent Marocentor dealt with

    Agent Marocentor dealt with
    As Decolian's eyes begin to glow red, all of the oxygen inside the Arcanodynamo's chambers is sucked into Decolian's sphere of magic. The Dragon League soldiers gasp for air and beg for him to stop. Marocentor attempts to shoot Decolian, but he has turned invulnerable to damage. One by one, the League soldiers die from asphyxiation. The Vanquisher can choose to approach Marocentor and personally put a bullet in his head. In any case, the chamber is cleared of all foes.
  • Fireworks and Hurricanes ends

    Fireworks and Hurricanes ends
    Decolian finishes the deactivation process and orders the Vanquisher to run with great speed. As the two run out from the Battlespire, they observe that the entire dimension is slowly collapsing into itself. Decolian and the Vanquisher run towards a Recall portal in order to return back to Nirn. Just as the dimension collapses, the two escape. The Vanquisher and Decolian wake up inside the Arcane University and are greeted by the survivors of the invasion.
  • Battle of the City begins

    Battle of the City begins
    The Vanquisher is greeted by bleak news: the Battle of the City has began. The Cyrodiilic Perimeter is history and the Imperial City has come under attack. The Imperial Legion is still holding onto most of the city, but are losing ground fast. In the absence of the Empress, the High Chancellor and the Elder Council, the Legion has assumed control over the Empire. The situation is terrible and rapidly degenerating, with an Imperial loss being imminent.
  • The failure of Project Leyawiin

    The failure of Project Leyawiin
    Project Leyawiin has failed to gain the Latchkey in time. The Merid-Nunda Prophecy can't be fulfilled without the Latchkey. There is no longer enough time to "invent" a Latchkey, nor can search parties be launched to recover it. Project Leyawiin has failed its mission. A morbid realization takes over the survivors of the Battlespire as they now understand that the Cataclysm has become unstoppable. In the matter of a few days, Tamriel will be defeated.
  • Time for a meeting

    Time for a meeting
    Vadusa Sarinith calls for an important meeting to discuss the future of the Project. The meeting takes place in the Arcane University, where the survivors of the Project have coalesced. Among the invitees are the Vanquisher, Marchan Botrel, Duvixto Greger, Arima Yosoko, Decolian Florianus and Julianus Petronax. As the invited people convene in a conference room, the Vanquisher can ask them for opinions. Everyone except Arima is pessimistic over the future of Tamriel.
  • Vadusa's comments

    Vadusa's comments
    Vadusa Sarinith blames Arima for not delivering promised results on the Latchkey. Decolian Florianus defends Arima, as he believes that the Prophecy's a lie and that the Latchkey has never existed in the first place. Marchan Botrel asks the Vanquisher of their opinion. The Vanquisher can choose to agree with Vadusa, agree with Decolian or express continued optimism regarding the Prophecy. In any case, Vadusa proposes a new plan.
  • Brute force

    Brute force
    Vadusa proposes that Chim-el Adabal, Keening and the Vanquisher should be taken to the White-Gold Tower. She believes that through brute force, it would be possible to somehow "hack" the White-Gold Tower into thinking that the Keening is the Latchkey, thereby allowing the Prophecy to be fulfilled. As a Plan B, Vadusa proposes that the Vanquisher could be killed, thereby manually releasing their soul into the White-Gold Tower.
  • Arima's proposal

    Arima's proposal
    Arima breaks into the conversation by suggesting that she knows of the Latchkey's position. She asks to be given the right to take the Vanquisher along with her to Lake Poppad. Arima believes that there's a Dwemeri ruin there called Zirinzulft, which could contain the Latchkey. Vadusa shoots down Arima's plan as unrealistic. Arima's infuriated by her skepticism and launches into an angry tirade, blaming Vadusa of dooming Tamriel by not placing her trust in Zirinzulft.
  • Plans set in motion

    Plans set in motion
    Vadusa asks the board to vote on the two plans. Arima, Marchan and Decolian vote for Arima's plan. Vadusa, Duvixto and Julianus vote for Vadusa's plan. The Vanquisher chooses to vote for Arima's plan, enraging Vadusa. Either way, the board accepts Arima's desperate plan. As the Imperial City is under attack by the armies of the Cataclysm, a method is needed to safely deliver a team to Lake Poppad. Further discussions are held regarding the Zirinzulft plan.
  • Two-Worlds Asunder begins

    Two-Worlds Asunder begins
    As an expert on Dwemeri history, Arima Yosoko has come to believe that there is a long-forgotten Dwemeri ruin located deep below Lake Poppad. Academic research and archaeological studies seem to confirm this. If Zirinzulft truly exists, it might be flooded, filled with Dwemeri robots or otherwise inaccessible. Furthermore, as Cyrodiil's currently occupied by millions of Cold Ones, getting to Lake Poppad might be a tricky feat. Although it's an unlucky plan, it's not an unreasonable plan.
  • Mikael to the rescue

    Mikael to the rescue
    Mikael Corvidus is fundamental to the success of Arima's plan. He is a good wizard and a strong fighter, capable of utilizing master-level Illusion magic to transport Arima and the Vanquisher to Lake Poppad. As magical transportation requires a lot of power, Mikael's equipped with a belt of welkynd stones. With Vadusa's and Petronax's blessings, the trio are allowed to venture to Lake Poppad and search for the Zirinzulft.
  • Arima's condition

    Arima's condition
    Due to the Shining Miles, Arima's brain has been rapidly decaying. By now, she barely remembers events that happened half a year ago. She uses a complex system of journal entries and notes to keep her knowledge of the Dwemer intact. Even so, her memories have blanks in them. Arima has also started to forget common Cyrodiilic words and occasionally has troubles with expressing her thoughts. Her personality remains cheerful and impish, with a melancholic undercurrent of well-hidden despair.
  • Time to leap

    Time to leap
    Ten short leaps are required to teleport from the Arcane University to the Lake Poppad. Arima and the Vanquisher gather their equipment, say their goodbyes and meet up with Mikael. Both are required to stay very close to Mikael and be ready for unintended consequences. Mikael warns Arima, a known trickster, that if she decides to stick her hands out of the transportation bubble, she will quite literally be teleported away from her limbs. She takes Mikael's warning as a challenge.
  • Taking a few leaps of faith

    Taking a few leaps of faith
    The process begins, and the trio are transported from the Arcane University. They end up right in the middle of a swarm of Cold Ones. For a few seconds, the trio are vulnerable. Thankfully, the Cold Ones are too dumb to realize what's going on. The leaps continue, taking the trio further and further from the Imperial City. After the ninth leap, the trio find themselves on the shores of Lake Poppad. As the bubble vaporizes, the trio are now free to move around.
  • At Lake Poppad

    At Lake Poppad
    Arima, Mikael and the Vanquisher are now at Lake Poppad. There are no Cold Ones in sight. As Zirinzulft is reportedly located below the lake, the trio are forced to venture underwater. Mikael is proficient enough to cast Water Breathing on everyone, saving them the trouble of having to use deep-diving equipment. As the trio prepare themselves for a long swim, they engage in witty conversations. If the Vanquisher is an Argonian, they can express their deep love of underwater swimming.
  • A wet adventure

    A wet adventure
    After Mikael casts Water Breathing on everyone, the trio jump into Lake Poppad. Temperature of the water is warm and the lake is quite welcoming. The trio have to fight off slaughterfish, who are viciously defending their habitat. As the lake is rather deep, the trio have to descend for a long time. Eventually, Arima spots a pillar of stone in the deep. The trio have reached the bottom of the lake, dotted with sunken ships and stony structures.
  • Underneath the waves

    Underneath the waves
    The bottom of the lake is a curious location. The Vanquisher spots numerous ancient swords and arrowheads. There are dozens of rings and amulets below the lake, slowly shifting in the silt. Large stone blocks, covered with corals, lay on the ground. Some have dreughs living in them, aggressively defending their homes. After the Vanquisher is done with exploring the subsurface, they join Arima and Mikael, who seem to have discovered something important.
  • Dwemeri presence

    Dwemeri presence
    Arima points at a large structure, rising from the surface. It's undeniably Dwemeri in its nature. Dwemeri hieroglyphs and slabs of yellow corroded metal can be found around the structure. The Vanquisher follows Arima, who is combing the ruin for an entrance. The trio find a large metal hatch, defended by a clan of dreughs. After the enemies are taken care of, the trio try to open the hatch. As they open the hatch, a large whirlpool sucks them into the structure.
  • Entering the ruin

    Entering the ruin
    The trio are sucked into a large mine shaft. Water from Lake Poppad enters the structure and pours into the shaft. The trio have successfully found an ancient undiscovered Dwemeri city. Arima's ecstatic over confirming her theory and runs into the shaft, forcing Mikael and the Vanquisher to follow her. After turning a corner, Arima finds a narrow opening inside the wall and crawls into it, disappearing out of sight. Mikael and the Vanquisher shrug and continue exploring the shaft without her.
  • Inside Zirinzulft

    Inside Zirinzulft
    Mikael and the Vanquisher explore the ruin. Zirinzulft still contains functioning machinery and life-support systems. Although the Dwemer disappeared from Tamriel in the First Era, their society had already developed industrial capabilities, 4000 years before the other Tamrielic societies did. Only the Gods know what the Dwemer could've achieved if they hadn't disappeared. Their robotics, metal forging and arcanoengineering capabilities are still unsurpassed by other races.
  • Dwemeri signs of life

    Dwemeri signs of life
    Although devoid of sentient life, Zirinzulft still contains active Dwemeri contraptions. As they venture deeper into the ruin, Mikael and the Vanquisher have to fight these robots. Some of these robots, especially the Dwemer Centurions, are especially strong and require concentrated effort to be destroyed. While making their way through the ruin, Mikael and the Vanquisher often feel as if they're being watched. There are rattles, footsteps and occasional shadows lurking behind them.
  • Catching up with Arima

    Catching up with Arima
    Mikael observes a ventilation shaft rattle above him. He uses Telekinesis to break it apart. Arima falls from the ceiling and hits her head on a metal gear. With her nose bleeding, Arima reveals to the duo that she had found a security camera inside the ruin. Its architecture is unlike the Dwemer and loosely resembles the technology of the modern Tamrielic civilizations. This points towards the Dragon League. The trio ready their weapons and look for other signs of League presence.
  • Facing a Dwemeri minefield

    Facing a Dwemeri minefield
    As the trio enter a ruined hallway, they're greeted by a minefield. There are quite a few routes the Vanquisher can take. A sneaky Vanquisher can carefully traverse the minefield without setting off the mines. A powerful Vanquisher can just rush through the minefield and heal their injuries later. A wizard Vanquisher can use Levitation to float over the minefield. A Vanquisher with high Engineering skill can disarm the mines with dexterity. In any case, the trio pass the minefield.
  • A new zone

    A new zone
    The trio continue their adventure. After killing an especially vicious Dwemeri Centurion, they wander into a new area of Zirinzulft. As compared to the other areas, this new zone looks more developed and refined. Arima and Mikael start to look for the Latchkey, or at least try to find any documentation on the Latchkey. The Vanquisher, meanwhile, is free to look through the chamber. They loot Dwemeri crates, kill wandering Dwemeri robots and touch random buttons.
  • A mysterious elevator

    A mysterious elevator
    The Vanquisher stumbles into a door. When opened, the door is revealed to contain a fully-functional elevator. Arima and Mikael arrive to investigate the strange door. The trio is dumbfounded over the existence of such of a technological advancement. Arima enthusiastically jumps into the elevator and motions for Mikael and the Vanquisher to join her. After all three get on the elevator, it closes and starts to descend downwards, deeper into the ruin.
  • Into the abyss

    Into the abyss
    As it descends, the elevator gains speed. Through a window, the trio observe the ruin change. The old stony architecture of Zirinzulft changes into a dark metal-based architecture. Working lights appear, lighting the shaft. Arima, with her nose bleeding, suggests that Zirinzulft was home to a very advanced Dwemeri civilization. Mikael's creeped out by the ruin and wishes to stop the elevator. The view is blocked as the trio reach their destination, many hundreds of feet below surface.
  • A new kind of living

    A new kind of living
    The elevator doors open, revealing a modern-looking hallway. The trio are perplexed by their surroundings. Arima attempts to explain the situation by suggesting that Zirinzulft's a lot more larger than the previous studies had shown. As the trio walk through the hallway, they're observed by security cameras. A robotic voice speaks over the intercom, asking the trio to "step into the next room" and witness a "new kind of living". The trio do as the voice says and walk into the next room.
  • Investigated by a sentient blob

    Investigated by a sentient blob
    The trio enter a white chamber. As the door behind them closes, gravity disappears. The trio float into the air. A black hazy blob generates itself inside room. It speaks to the trio in a robotic tone and asks them to remain calm. All of their weapons are removed and absorbed by the blob. Mikael's terrified by this new environment and attempts to float away. Arima's curious and asks to speak with the blob's master. It responds by turning into a large black rectangle.
  • First contact

    First contact
    A man appears on the screen-like rectangle. He introduces himself as Kzynchk Zhnrarzhirk, the Prime Architect of Zirinzulft. Arima passes out from shock, leaving the Vanquisher to speak with him alone. Kzynchk asks the group if they're escapees from Chnazfa's lab. The Vanquisher answers that they're from the Imperial City. Kzynchk's orders the blob to scan the intruders. After a short operation, the blob returns its answer: Two humans and one (the Vanquisher's race).
  • Two-Worlds Asunder ends

    Two-Worlds Asunder ends
    Kzynchk's puzzled by the blob's answer. He claims it to be "impossible" and orders the blob to bring the invaders into his quarters. Gravity returns to the chamber and the trio fall down on the ground. Arima awakens and expresses amazement. It's the consensus of all Tamrielic historians that the Dwemer disappeared after the Battle of Red Mountain. The fact that a Dwemer just spoke to them seems impossible and outlandish. In order to gain answers, the trio follow the blob.
  • Further into Zirinzulft

    Further into Zirinzulft
    The trio are now allowed to enter Zirinzulft. They walk through a sterile-looking glassy hallway, built deep into Nirn. There are distant shadows of people moving around. The technology used in the city seems hyper-advanced and alien in nature. The trio all have different reactions to Zirinzulft: Mikael's scared of the Dwemer and Arima is euphoric over the discovery. The Vanquisher can choose to express amazement, apprehension or indifference.
  • A hidden utopia

    A hidden utopia
    After crossing the hallway, the trio step into Zirinzulft. It's a mindbogglingly large city, built over thousands of years. There are Dwemer everywhere, and they don't look very friendly. The Vanquisher spots advanced robots, flying machines and large screens. There are shops, clubs, schools and military installations. It appears that the Dwemer have gone ahead with technological advancement and have long surpassed all other Cyrodiilic races with their achievements.
  • Carried to the top

    Carried to the top
    The black blob guides the trio to a small platform. It rises into the air, acting as a sort of a magical elevator. The trio ascend into the air and pass numerous cars, buildings and people. Looking above, the Vanquisher can see a large superstructure holding the city together. Looking downwards, the Vanquisher can see endless rows of blinking lights, indicating that Zirinzulft extends deep into Nirn's crust. The magical platform eventually stops at a ledge.
  • The Architect's Bureau

    The Architect's Bureau
    The trio enter a place called the Architect's Bureau. It's an office-like collection of rooms, manned by Dwemeri aristocracy. Some of these "architects" look at the trio with astonishment, others with fury. Arima attempts to interact with a few of these Dwemer. She gains no insight into their lives, as the Dwemer do not speak Tamrielic. The blob dissipates near a door, indicating that the trio have reached their destination. With slight apprehension, the Vanquisher opens the door.
  • Meeting with Kzynchk

    Meeting with Kzynchk
    A familiar Dwemeri man is sitting inside room. He advises the trio to feel comfortable in his presence. He introduces himself as Kzynchk Zhnrarzhirk, a member of Zirinzulft's City Council. He speaks Tamrielic with a strong accent, indicating that he isn't a native speaker of the tongue. The Vanquisher prefaces the conversation by asking about the Latchkey. Kzynchk has no interest in answering the question. As a matter of fact, he's more interested in the trio.
  • Blanks in history

    Blanks in history
    Kzynchk asks the trio if life still exists above ground. The Vanquisher tells Kzynchk that it does, but not for long. They tell Kzynchk of the Dragon League, the Cataclysm and of the Numidium. Kzynchk has no knowledge of the Numidium. He asks the Vanquisher to contact Lord Kagrenac in Vvardenfell for information about the machine. The Vanquisher tells Kzynchk that all Dwemer on Tamriel disappeared 4000 years ago. Kzynchk refuses to believe the Vanquisher, as it would be "unthinkable".
  • Zirinzulft's story

    Zirinzulft's story
    The Vanquisher asks Kzynchk to speak of Zirinzulft. He reveals that the city-state of Zirinzulft was founded by Queen Rhofnyg in the year of 1E 334. As Zirinzulft was established by followers of the Daedric Lord Hermaeus Mora, other Dwemeri cities saw them as heretics. An attempted military invasion by the Ayleids forced the city to hide underground. After Zirinzulft disappeared from the maps, other Dwemer cut off contacts with them, leaving Zirinzulft to become a forgotten city.
  • Learning of Tamriel's history

    Learning of Tamriel's history
    Kzynchk wants to hear about Tamriel's history. Mikael steps in to give Kzynchk a brief overview. Hearing of the Dwemeri Miracle, Kzynchk's utterly amused. He believed the "lower races" to be incapable of understanding Dwemeri technology. After learning of the Cataclysm, Kzynchk is optimistic that the League would "wipe out the mortals", so that the Dwemer could rise to surface and "restore order to Mundus". The brutality of Dwemeri thinking shocks the trio.
  • Kzynchk's plans for the trio

    Kzynchk's plans for the trio
    Kzynchk informs the trio that his intent is to use them as lab rats, as the Dwemer have never caught live Tamrielians. If the Vanquisher is either a Dunmer or a Redguard, Kzynchk's especially interested in dissecting them, as neither of the two races existed on Tamriel during the early First Era. If the trio attempt to leave Kzynchk's office, a group of advanced Centurions threaten them with violence. Kzynchk uses the Calling to inform his subordinates that he has "interesting news" to share.
  • Changing Kzynchk's mind

    Changing Kzynchk's mind
    A chivalrous Vanquisher emphatically informs Kzynchk that they're the savior of Tamriel and that its in the best interests of Zirinzulft to give them the Latchkey. A maverick Vanquisher pounds their fist on Kzynchk's desk and states: "Listen up, you Dwarven asshole, I have the power of Meridia within me and I will wipe the White-Gold Tower with your corpse!". In any case, Kzynchk falls into deep thought. He is intrigued by the Vanquisher's claim of owning Daedric power.
  • A negotiation

    A negotiation
    Kzynchk doesn't know of the Latchkey's exact whereabouts. He does, however, know that Zirinzulft's early leaders forged a key to lock the White-Gold Tower. He is willing to hand over the Latchkey, but on two conditions: The Vanquisher must not use the Barrel against Zirinzulft, and they must locate the Latchkey themselves. The Vanquisher agrees to his proposal. Kzynchk demands a Dwemeri handshake to seal the deal. A Dwemeri handshake, as it turns out, is to shake each other's shoulders.
  • The Rational Gods begins

    The Rational Gods begins
    Kzynchk directs the trio to a place called the Red Archive, located in Zirinzulft. It contains all of the knowledge the Zirinzulft Dwemer had collected throughout their Five Eras of existence. Kzynchk believes that the Archive contains the Latchkey. Kzynchk orders Mikael to stay behind and conversate with him, as he'd like to learn more about the history of Tamriel. The Vanquisher has to go solo for this mission.
  • The final steps of the Shining Miles

    The final steps of the Shining Miles
    As the Vanquisher sets up to leave, Arima momentarily staggers. Her nosebleed, which began after falling from a shaft, has grown worse. She's afraid that she's dying. Mikael performs a quick memory check, to see if Arima's condition has worsened. Her memory has degraded considerably. Arima no longer remembers events before her life in the Battlespire. Even though she only has a few hours of lucidity left, Arima wants to accompany the Vanquisher to the Red Archive.
  • Travelling to the Red Archive

    Travelling to the Red Archive
    Arima and the Vanquisher return to the main plaza of Zirinzulft. They board an autonomous flying machine. It takes off and carries them through the cityscape. The Vanquisher has an opportunity to marvel the advanced architecture of the Dwemer. The city contains a population of 200,000 people. They live side-by-side with thousands of autonomous robots, capable of communication and intelligent thought. All of Zirinzulft's inhabitants worship Hermaeus Mora.
  • Entering the lower reaches

    Entering the lower reaches
    Arima and the Vanquisher are carried to the lower reaches of Zirinzulft. There are excavation works being carried out to expand the city. The Vanquisher observes a Dwemeri military drill. The military of Zirinzulft is entirely composed of robots. After driving for a couple of minutes, the duo are dropped off at a ledge. As soon as they begin to walk, Arima starts to vomit blood. She refuses the Vanquisher's offers of help and continues forwards. The Red Archive now stands before the duo.
  • Inside the Red Archive

    Inside the Red Archive
    The Red Archive contains the Zirinzulft's past, digitalized and recorded onto specialized supercomputers. It also contains physical artifacts and living specimens. As Arima and the Vanquisher enter the Red Archive, they come face-to-face with an exhibition of captured Cyrodiilic wildlife. Because they're from the First Era, they're unrecognizable to the Vanquisher. The Dwemeri caretakers of the Archive are clothed in hazard suits and can't be spoken with, as they do not understand Tamrielic.
  • Lexographical Center

    Lexographical Center
    The Lexographical Center of Zirinzulft contains historical knowledge the Dwemer of Zirinzulft had gathered on the Tamrielic races. The Vanquisher can choose to read some entries. In the early First Era, the Dwemer had predicted that the Ayleids would eventually grow to conquer all of surface Tamriel. They seemed to have extremely low opinions on all non-Elvish sentient life. As human ethnogenesis hadn't occurred yet, Nords are called "Atmorans" and the Imperials are called "Nedes".
  • Mora Archives section

    Mora Archives section
    The Mora Archives section contains information on Zirinzulft's origin. Queen Rhofnyg, the founder of Zirinzulft, had made a pact with Lord Hermaeus Mora. In exchange for receiving divine technical knowledge and Daedric protection from harm, Mora demands brutal tributes from Zirinzulft. Once every twenty years, the inhabitants of Zirinzulft have to sacrifice their babies to Mora as a show of eternal gratitude. This ritual has kept their population from growing to unsustainable rates.
  • Traversing the Archive

    Traversing the Archive
    The sheer amount of information on the Dwemer amazes Arima, who had spent her entire life on studying the elusive race. However, her brain can't comprehend any of it. While she traverses the Archive with the Vanquisher, her memories turn to nothingness. Her mood becomes apathetic and depressive. She still remembers the Vanquisher, but she doesn't even remember Mikael anymore, nor does she remember the Cataclysm. She has entered the tragic final stages of Shining Miles syndrome.
  • Entering the Physical Archive

    Entering the Physical Archive
    The Physical Archive contains old artifacts of the Dwemer. The Vanquisher looks around the Archive while Arima takes a seat. There are numerous Dwemeri swords, odd mechanical contraptions and scrolls of arcane value. The Vanquisher even stumbles across a few Elder Scrolls, kept in mint condition. The Vanquisher's hopes are fueled after they find a reproduction of Nchohld Tchatharz's letter to Queen Valasha Haromir, proving that the Dwemer of Zirinzulft were the ones who created the Latchkey.
  • The Latchkey is gained

    The Latchkey is gained
    While searching a drawer, the Vanquisher comes across an odd-looking key. It's kept on a iron chain and contains numerous gears. A tag identifies it as the "Latchkey". The Vanquisher's overcome with joy, as it's now possible to end the Cataclysm and banish Lord Marius and his minions back to the depths of the Void. The Vanquisher slips the Latchkey over their head and presents it to Arima. Her response is a soft smile as she acknowledges that something good happened.
  • Arima fades away

    Arima fades away
    Arima stands up and congratulates the Vanquisher by name. If the Vanquisher had romanced Arima, they receive one last hug from her. After her final words are spoken, all life drains from Arima. Her eyes turn glassy as she forgets her last memories. She can't form any new memories either, leaving her in a permanent vegetative state. Arima had spent her entire life attempting to locate Zirinzulft, only to lose all of her memories within its walls. The Vanquisher is forced to leave her behind.
  • Returning to the Architect's Bureau

    Returning to the Architect's Bureau
    The Vanquisher leaves the Red Archive and takes a flying machine to the Architect's Bureau. Although Arima lost all of her memories, the Vanquisher didn't lose their memories of her. The return to the Bureau is a sad journey. The Vanquisher reflects upon the deaths of Vikmar, Heir-Shei, Norros, Revolia and Arima. So many have died to help the Vanquisher fulfill the Merid-Nunda Prophecy. So many of them were killed by the League. The Vanquisher has to avenge them by killing Lord Marius.
  • Returning to Kzynchk

    Returning to Kzynchk
    The Vanquisher returns to Mikael and Kzynchk Zhnrarzhirk. The Vanquisher tells Mikael of the good and the bad news. Although heartbroken over Arima's passing, Mikael's glad that the Latchkey was recovered. Kzynchk uses this opportunity to call his subordinates and orders them to harvest Arima's organs. The Vanquisher takes deep offence over Kzynchk's order and demands him to leave Arima alone. Kzynchk offers to seal her into the Archive, a slightly more acceptable option for the Vanquisher.
  • An understanding

    An understanding
    Mikael and Kzynchk had conversed about Tamrielic history. Kzynchk, although still believing that the extermination of the "lower races" would be a good thing, had grown to accept the Vanquisher's actions. He finds the technological advancement of Tamriel to be admirable, although still pitiful compared to Zirinzulft. Kzynchk offers the Vanquisher a selection of advanced Dwemeri weapons. In exchange, he demands the duo to never reveal the location of Zirinzulft to anyone above ground.
  • Leaving Kzynchk

    Leaving Kzynchk
    After the Vanquisher chooses their weapon, Kzynchk gives them a Dwemeri handshake. The Vanquisher now has a chance to inquire further about Zirinzulft's history. Kzynchk, who had learned of the disappearance of all non-Zirinzulft Dwemer, criticizes them for attempting to achieve divinity through Tonal Architecture. Kzynchk credits Hermaeus Mora for protecting Zirinzulft from the disappearance. The Vanquisher can choose to either praise Dwemeri ingenuity or condemn the Dwemer as an evil race.
  • The Rational Gods ends

    The Rational Gods ends
    Mikael and the Vanquisher depart from Zirinzulft. The two reflect upon Arima, the Latchkey and the ending of the Cataclysm. The Vanquisher can express their anxiety over facing Lord Marius. Mikael remains optimistic over the Vanquisher's odds. When asked about Sophi, his ex-wife, Mikael sighs and answers: "She's in Aetherius now". After passing the entrance to Zirinzulft, the duo receive their weapons back. They enter the elevator and ride upwards, back to the surface.
  • Returning to the Imperial City

    Returning to the Imperial City
    After swimming to the surface of Lake Poppad, Mikael uses his arcane powers to teleport himself and the Vanquisher back to the Imperial City. Through short jumps, the duo pass dozens of miles in just a few seconds. They end up on in an unknown district in the outskirts of the Imperial City. A great battle is raging on the streets. The city is being destroyed by the armies of the Cataclysm. With general confusion reigning, Mikael and the Vanquisher begin to look for familiar sights.
  • Spotting a portal

    Spotting a portal
    Shortly after the Vanquisher began their journey towards Zirinzulft, a portal opened above the Imperial City. Millions of Cold Ones appeared on the streets, followed by a shower of meteorites. This intense attack destroyed much of the city and decimated its population. Power lines are broken, water supplies have been tainted and entire city districts have been sealed off. Mikael and the Vanquisher are forced to climb on top of rubble as they make their way towards the White-Gold Tower.
  • Contacting Project Leyawiin

    Contacting Project Leyawiin
    While traversing the city, Mikael comes across an untouched phone booth. He asks the Vanquisher to defend him as he calls Project Leyawiin and informs them of their situation. The Vanquisher has to fight off multiple waves of Cold Ones and Dragon League soldiers. Mikael manages to call the Arcane University. He learns that Vadusa went ahead with her brute force plan and departed from the University along with Julianus Petronax and the Chim-el Adabal. Mikael doesn't take the news well.
  • Life, Life, Life begins

    Life, Life, Life begins
    Mikael learns that Grandmaster Decolian Florianus and the rest of the Vanquisher's companions are holed up inside an abandoned supermarket, close to the White-Gold Tower. They are being protected by the Imperial Legion, who've established a safe haven for civilians. Mikael informs the Vanquisher of the situation and proposes that the duo should meet up with them and discuss the whereabouts of Vadusa and Chim-el Adabal. Thus begins "Life, Life, Life", the last quest of the Vanquisher's saga.
  • Taking a shortcut

    Taking a shortcut
    As the streets of the Imperial City have become extremely dangerous, the duo decide to take a shortcut. They descend into a road tunnel, allowing them to bypass downtown Imperial City and directly reach the safe haven. While walking through the tunnel, Mikael asks the Vanquisher if they're ready to end the Cataclysm. The Vanquisher can choose to express either their confidence or their uncertainty. A smartass Vanquisher can pretend to have lost the Latchkey.
  • Fighting in the tunnel

    Fighting in the tunnel
    In the darkness of the tunnel, the duo can't see their surroundings. Half-way through the tunnel, they are attacked by Cold Ones, who've began to flood the city. Mikael and the Vanquisher are forced to fight their way towards the end. There are numerous abandoned cars in the tunnel, which the Vanquisher can use to take cover. A Vanquisher knowledgeable in engineering can rig the cars to explode. After slaughtering all opposing Cold Ones, the duo successfully traverse the tunnel.
  • Reaching the outpost

    Reaching the outpost
    Mikael and the Vanquisher exit the tunnel and find themselves in the middle of an intense firefight. Although the Empire of Tamriel doesn't exist anymore, the Imperial Legion is making their last stand. Mikael and the Vanquisher run up to a Legion detachment and identify themselves. The legionnaires are amazed to see the Vanquisher. They escort the duo into the abandoned supermarket, where Decolian Florianus and the Vanquisher's companions are waiting.
  • Meeting with Decolian

    Meeting with Decolian
    As soon as the Vanquisher enters the supermarket, they're met by an irate-looking Decolian. He launches into a tirade as he blames Vadusa and Julianus for their dangerous impatience. The Vanquisher shows Decolian the Latchkey. In awe of the old artifact, Decolian asks the Vanquisher if they discovered Zirinzulft. The Vanquisher can choose to either reveal the existence of Zirinzulft or keep their promise to Kzynchk Zhnrarzhirk by suggesting that they found nothing other than ruins.
  • Last goodbyes

    Last goodbyes
    Decolian asks the Vanquisher to wait for a few minutes, as he needs to contact General Frimol Audensis, whose soldiers are defending the White-Gold Tower. The Vanquisher can now meet with their still-living companions and say their last goodbyes. The Vanquisher is rather poignant, as they know that they will have to die soon.
  • Meeting with Marchan

    Meeting with Marchan
    Marchan Botrel had made it out safely from the Arcane University. As he meets with the Vanquisher, he notices the Latchkey. Marchan smiles as he realizes that Arima was telling the truth about Zirinzulft. Marchan gives the Vanquisher a strong handshake and tells them to go out like Mahakh Gorzar, with pride and dignity. The Vanquisher can choose to answer that they're not a Mahakhist. Marchan tells the Vanquisher that it's too late for them to make new enemies.
  • Meeting with Mikael

    Meeting with Mikael
    Mikael greets the Vanquisher warmly. He asks them to say hello to Sophi, if they're ever in Aetherius. Mikael asks the Vanquisher of their religious views. The Vanquisher can choose between the Nine Divines, Daedric Tribunal, the Hist, Khajiiti Pantheon, Yoku Pantheon, Malacath Worship or the Aldmeri Pantheon. Additionally, the Vanquisher can claim to worship the Daedra or be irreligious. Mikael will pray towards the Vanquisher's Gods. If they're irreligious, he will pray towards Lord Meridia.
  • Meeting with Do'zha

    Meeting with Do'zha
    Do'zha is manning a machine gun nest. As the Vanquisher greets her, Do'zha asks them for their Cold Ones body count. The Vanquisher can choose to either make an estimate or to inflate/deflate their tally. In any case, Do'zha reveals that she has killed over 1000 Cold Ones since the Battle of the Imperial City began. The Vanquisher can either act surprised or suggest that Do'zha needs to amp up her game. In any case, Do'zha demands the Vanquisher to do the right thing and slay Lord Marius.
  • Meeting with Fedayan

    Meeting with Fedayan
    As the Vanquisher reaches Fedayan, they notice that he is having a small party with a few legionnaires. He asks the Vanquisher to join him for a small celebration. The Vanquisher can choose to scold Fedayan for his nonchalance or enthusiastically join his activities. If the Vanquisher criticizes Fedayan, he asks the Vanquisher if they'd want to see him cry in the corner instead. If the Vanquisher chooses to join him, they can have a little dance-off with Fedayan and his legionnaire buddies.
  • Meeting with Saramae

    Meeting with Saramae
    Saramae can be found in the furthest corner of the supermarket. She's rewinding a magnetic tape with a pen. The Vanquisher can sit down beside her, but she isn't in a talkative mood and politely tells the Vanquisher that she's busy with an important task. If "We're A Million Miles Away" was successfully completed, Saramae urges the Vanquisher to keep their Varla Stone in their inventory. In either case, the Vanquisher says goodbye to Saramae and walks off.
  • Meeting with Psyria

    Meeting with Psyria
    If she survived the events of "Farewell and Goodnight", Psyria can be found guarding the building's entrance. With poignancy, she expresses her uncertainty over the future of Tamriel. The Vanquisher can choose to share her pessimism or suggest that Tamriel will rebound. Psyria also reflects on her career as a Thalmor Talon. She feels no regret, as she considers her years as an operative to be her best. She gives the Vanquisher her Thalmor pendant and asks them to stuff it down Marius's throat.
  • Time to move

    Time to move
    Decolian informs the Vanquisher that he has successfully contacted General Audensis, who informed him that the road to the White-Gold Tower is clear. He asks to accompany the Vanquisher to the Tower, as he wishes to see the Merid-Nunda Prophecy in action. Additionally, the Vanquisher can choose a companion to follow them into the White-Gold Tower. After the Vanquisher makes their selection, they depart from the outpost and enter the streets of the Imperial City.
  • Fighting on the streets

    Fighting on the streets
    While the Vanquisher advances towards the White-Gold Tower, they are forced to fight with small detachments of Cold Ones. Decolian, with his powerful magical capabilities, proves to be a handy companion in clearing a path towards the Tower. The Vanquisher and their companions reach the Green Emperor Way, a large park surrounding the White-Gold Tower. As they take a few moments for a brief respite, they feel the ground beneath them start to shake. Something massive is heading their way.
  • The Numidium appears

    The Numidium appears
    With a loud roar, the Numidium strikes the ground before the White-Gold Tower. The Vanquisher observes General Audensis and his men flee from the Tower. With impunity, Numidium tosses rubble and munitions at the fleeing legionnaires, killing them en masse. After this scene of violence, the beast starts to walk towards the Vanquisher and their companions. The Vanquisher is forced to retreat into an abandoned building.
  • Escaping from certain death

    Escaping from certain death
    The Vanquisher, their chosen companion and Decolian make their way up the abandoned Imperial Census Bureau. The footsteps of the Numidium seem to grow louder and bolder. After climbing up a spiral staircase, Decolian pulls the Vanquisher aside. He asks them to make their way towards the White-Gold Tower, find Vadusa and stop at nothing. He asks the Vanquisher's companion to protect the champion of Meridia with their life. The Vanquisher's confused by Decolian's sudden agitation.
  • Decolian faces the Numidium

    Decolian faces the Numidium
    The entire building shakes as the Numidium strikes it with his arms, splitting it in two. The Vanquisher observes as Decolian steps into a newly-formed opening and faces the Numidium. The beast roars as it readies itself for a new blow. Completely unfazed, Decolian uses magic to levitate himself into the air. As he chants in an unknown language, he dissolves into a white-colored sphere of magic. This sphere suddenly zaps the Numidium, causing the iron beast to stagger and fall.
  • Running to the White-Gold Tower

    Running to the White-Gold Tower
    As the Numidium seems to be temporarily incapacitated, the Vanquisher and their companion use the opportunity to run out from the Imperial Census Bureau and back into the Green Emperor Way. There is no Imperial Legion presence, as the Numidium had driven them all to flee. Dodging Dragon League soldiers and Cold Ones, the Vanquisher successfully makes their way into the White-Gold Tower.
  • Inside the Tower

    Inside the Tower
    The Vanquisher is forced to locate Vadusa Sarinith and Julianus Petronax, as they have the Chim-el Adabal. The Tower itself is in good shape and has no enemies, as the Dragon League hasn't yet managed to invade it. The Vanquisher and their companion locate a terrified Elder Councillor and ask her about Vadusa's whereabouts. She points towards the dungeon of the Tower. With this information, the Vanquisher breaks down an iron door and gains entrance to the White-Gold Tower's dungeon.
  • The White-Gold Dungeon

    The White-Gold Dungeon
    The White-Gold Dungeon is a scary place. It is used to store soul bomb warheads, meant to be used by the Empire to blow up the Tower as a last resort against a powerful enemy. Although the warheads were deactivated, they began to leak out the souls of the dead. As a result, the Vanquisher and their companion are forced to fight ghosts and wraiths. While the duo traverse the flooded basement and slay their enemies, they observe a man in the distance frantically try to gain their attention.
  • Meeting with Julianus

    Meeting with Julianus
    Julianus Petronax flags the Vanquisher down. He asks them if they gained the Latchkey. The Vanquisher answers positively and produces the Latchkey, hanging around their neck. Julianus is glad to hear the news and asks them to follow him. While traversing the White-Gold Dungeon, he informs the Vanquisher that Vadusa is gravely injured. The two had ventured to the dungeon in order to circumvent the need for the Latchkey, only to be trapped in by wraiths.
  • Reaching Vadusa

    Reaching Vadusa
    The Vanquisher enters a small stony chamber. Vadusa is sitting motionless on the ground. A pool of blood is growing around her. Without turning to face the Vanquisher, Vadusa orders them to insert the Latchkey into a keyhole, located right next to the Vanquisher. By doing this, the Barrel would be activated and the Merid-Nunda Prophecy could proceed. Before the Vanquisher can respond, Vadusa slumps forward and falls silent.
  • Activating the Barrel

    Activating the Barrel
    Acting according to Vadusa's directions, the Vanquisher locates a small keyhole built inside the wall. They insert the Latchkey into the opening and twist it clockwise. The Vanquisher hears a quiet click and takes the Latchkey out. The White-Gold Tower shakes, accompanied by a low-pitched rumble. The Chim-el Adabal, held by the Vanquisher's companion, begins to glow. The Barrel has been successfully activated and can now be used to sever Lord Marius's connection to the Colored Rooms.
  • Heading upstairs

    Heading upstairs
    In order to activate the Merid-Nunda Prophecy, the Vanquisher has to traverse to the roof of the White-Gold Tower and sing Lord Meridia's mantra. This was written in the first Merid-Nunda Tablet. Julianus Petronax follows the Vanquisher out from the White-Gold Dungeon. As he is knowledgeable of the White-Gold Tower's interior, he shows the Vanquisher the way to an elevator, which they could use to reach the roof.
  • Going solo

    Going solo
    The activation of the Merid-Nunda Prophecy will irretrievably kill everything in the White-Gold Tower. Due to this, Julianus Petronax and the Vanquisher's companion cannot accompany them to the roof. With a heavy heart, the Vanquisher is forced to say farewell to their allies. Their companion gives them the Chim-el Adabal. Petronax promises that he will restore the Empire, after finding someone worthy of being the Emperor. The Vanquisher is now left alone, ready to fulfill the Prophecy.
  • Riding to the top

    Riding to the top
    After a long and an uneventful elevator ride, the Vanquisher finds themselves in the upper levels of the White-Gold Tower, pristine and untouched. A low-pitched hum resonates from the walls of the activated Tower. As the Vanquisher climbs the spire, they are surrounded by an eerie silence. There are no Cold Ones nor League soldiers in sight. There are, however, occasional loud footsteps, as if someone's walking around in the empty Tower.
  • A terrible presence

    A terrible presence
    The Vanquisher enters a long dark hallway. At the very end of this hallway is a set of stairs, which lead directly to the roof of the White-Gold Tower. As they traverse the hallway, the Vanquisher hears footsteps. They hear a quiet whistle, coming from the shadows. The Vanquisher calls out for this unseen person to come out and face them. After they yell into the dark, a man's voice states: "You wish to face me?"
  • Facing Lord Marius

    Facing Lord Marius
    The Vanquisher comes face-to-face with Lord Marius, sitting in the corner of the hallway. He seems to be in a state of utter fury. Lord Marius stands up and curses at the Vanquisher, accusing them of dooming humankind. A chivalrous Vanquisher asks Marius to give up. A maverick Vanquisher shoots in his direction. A smartass Vanquisher gloats over the fact that Marius gave them a chance to find the Latchkey. In any case, Marius screams and attacks the Vanquisher.
  • The final battle begins

    The final battle begins
    The Vanquisher is forced to defeat Lord Marius. He is an immortal wizard with godlike powers, powered by the Mantella and hundreds of millions of souls of his victims. Lord Marius employs all schools of magic, uses potions to heal himself and has a vast amount of health points. The Vanquisher is on the defensive as they are forced to dodge Marius's powerful attacks and use their own strengths to slowly deprive Marius of his HP.
  • At 75%

    At 75%
    Once Marius's hit points are down to 75%, he turns himself invisible. While the Vanquisher looks for him, Marius unsheathes himself and physically attacks the Vanquisher. During an intense fight sequence, the Vanquisher has to work to free themselves from his deadly grip. At one point, Marius uses telekinesis to force the Vanquisher down on the ground and generates a sphere to crush their head. The Vanquisher has to quickly dodge this attack. If they succeed, the battle continues.
  • At 50%

    At 50%
    After the Vanquisher successfully lowers Lord Marius's hit points down to 50%, he begins to show first signs of decay. As he staggers, Lord Marius shoots a beam of magic into the roof of the hallway, allowing skylight to enter. Cold Ones begin to flood the hallway and attack the Vanquisher. Lord Marius uses this opportunity to imbibe powerful potions. After the Vanquisher takes out the hordes of Cold Ones, Lord Marius re-engages them.
  • At 25%

    At 25%
    As Lord Marius's health sinks down to 25%, he is visibly distraught. He is driven into a manic frenzy and begins to attack the Vanquisher more frequently and with more power. Although he is now stronger, his anger leads him to concentrate less on defending himself. The Vanquisher is forced to adopt a subtler tactic, using the columns inside the hallway for cover as they defend themselves from Lord Marius's attacks and drain the last of his hit points.
  • Lord Marius defeated

    Lord Marius defeated
    The Vanquisher successfully defeats Lord Marius in combat. After his health reaches zero, his powers considerably weaken. Although he was defeated, Lord Marius is immortal and can't be slain in a conventional battle. Lord Marius, bleeding in the darkness of the hallway, asks the Vanquisher to reconsider their actions. He offers them material wealth, divine omnipotence and a chance to become his prime deputy. The Vanquisher turns down his offers.
  • Flying from the Tower

    Flying from the Tower
    In order to finalize the Prophecy, the Vanquisher has to physically remove Lord Marius from the White-Gold Tower. The Vanquisher can use either a Destruction spell, a grenade or an arcanoemitter device to deliver a killing blow to Marius. The Vanquisher's attack tears a hole into the concrete wall and pushes Marius out from the Tower. He falls to the ground, removing him from active combat, which allows the Vanquisher to finish the Merid-Nunda Prophecy and end the Cataclysm.
  • The end of Antonius Brutus Marius

    The end of Antonius Brutus Marius
    Antonius Brutus Marius has terrorized Tamriel for over 100 years. Ever since he took over the leadership of the Dragon League, he has brought nothing but misery into the world. Hundreds of millions of innocent people have died due to Marius's direct actions. Besides Talos, no single mortal being has had this much of an influence over Tamriel. If he had never been born, Tamriel would currently be entering a golden era. Now, thanks to the Vanquisher's actions, Antonius Brutus Marius is history.
  • One last elevator

    One last elevator
    The Vanquisher reaches a massive dome. They have to ride an elevator in order to reach the roof of the White-Gold Tower. While they ascent to the roof, the Vanquisher takes out the Chim-el Adabal. As it's the Transformer, the activation of the Chim-el Adabal is the first step towards fulfilling the Merid-Nunda Prophecy.
  • Life, Life, Life ends

    Life, Life, Life ends
    The White-Gold Tower is the tallest structure on Nirn. As the Vanquisher walks around on its roof, they see almost the entire province of Cyrodiil, from the Jerall Mountains to the Topal Bay. The Imperial City looms below the Vanquisher, sprawling with death and destruction. The Vanquisher sees the portal to the Colored Rooms above them, still raining occasional meteorites upon Nirn.
  • At the roof of the world

    At the roof of the world
    On top of the White-Gold Tower, the Vanquisher holds the Chim-el Adabal in their hands. They talk to themselves as they ponder over their last moments of life. A chivalrous Vanquisher reminiscences about their companions. A maverick Vanquisher grins as they doom the Dragon League to a defeat. In any case, the Vanquisher launches the Merid-Nunda Prophecy by chanting Lord Meridia's mantra.
  • "From Evil To Good, From Unreal To Real, From Death To Life, Life Life Life Life Life."

    "From Evil To Good, From Unreal To Real, From Death To Life, Life Life Life Life Life."
  • The Fuel exits the Vessel

    The Fuel exits the Vessel
    After the chant is completed, the Chim-el Adabal lights up. Lord Meridia's soul, the Fuel, exits the Vanquisher. It exists as a floating blue sphere of magic, which slowly dissolves the Vanquisher's physical body. This sphere of pure Daedric power starts to seep into the White-Gold Tower, providing fuel for the Barrel to shoot with. As the Fuel enters the Barrel, the White-Gold Tower begins to vaporize.
  • The Merid-Nunda Prophecy activates

    The Merid-Nunda Prophecy activates
    After the Fuel seeped into the walls of the White-Gold Tower, the entire building turns into a massive cloud of magicka. This cloud condenses into a straight beam, glowing with the power of a thousand suns. Nirn shakes and rumbles as Lord Meridia's soul is unleashed and converted into a beam. After a few seconds of idling, the beam shoots up into the sky, breaking apart clouds.
  • The White-Gold Beam

    The White-Gold Beam
    The beam of light grows in power as it envelops the entirety of Tamriel. It shoots out into outer Mundus, vaporizing a few unfortunate Dicere satellites. The armies of Cataclysm are obliterated by this purifying beam. Hundreds of millions of Cold Ones are instantly turned into ashes. Lord Marius disappears. The Numidium collapses into a pile of Dwemeri metal. After purifying Tamriel, the White-Gold Beam travels into the Colored Rooms.
  • The Cataclysm ends

    The Cataclysm ends
    Lord Meridia's soul enters the Mantella. The soul of a Daedra Lord proves to be too much for the Mantella to handle. It explodes, releasing all of its contents. Thanks to the purifying White-Gold Beam, the realm of Colored Rooms is cleansed of Lord Marius's minions and alterations. Lord Meridia herself is freed from her detainment. She takes control over her realm and seals the portals to Tamriel, separating the two dimension from each other. The Cataclysm is over.
  • Battle of the Imperial City ends

    Battle of the Imperial City ends
    After the armies of the Cataclysm disappeared from Tamriel, the Battle of the Imperial City ends. Peace returns to the city. Although many perished, the survivors are glad to be alive. The White-Gold Tower is noticeably absent from the Imperial City, as it was vaporized by the power of Lord Meridia.
  • The Sixth Era

    The Sixth Era
    There was a consensus among the survivors of the Cataclysm that a new era had began. The victory over the League had come at a great cost, as 50% of all Tamrielians were dead. There were no sovereign states left to govern people. All cities, both major and minor, were demolished. Wells had been poisoned and farmlands were burned down. The future of Tamriel is uncertain. However, as long as there are people on Nirn willing to rebuild and be good to each other, things are going to be alright.
  • The Vanquisher's fate

    The Vanquisher's fate
    After the Vanquisher activated the Merid-Nunda Prophecy, their soul was lost. It fused into the White-Gold Beam, which allowed Lord Meridia to end the Cataclysm and restore herself to the Colored Rooms. As sad as it might be, the Vanquisher is irretrievably dead. They aren't in Aetherius, they are in the Void. Their actions, however, will be remembered. Thanks to the Vanquisher's selfless sacrifice, Nirn was saved. It's a legacy to be proud of.
  • An alternative ending

    An alternative ending
    If the Vanquisher completed "We're A Million Miles Away" and carried Saramae's Varla Stone to the White-Gold Tower, an alternative ending unlocks. The Vanquisher wakes up inside a misty forest. A sweet-smelling pleasant scent permeates the air. There are a few birds and squirrels running around, but there seems to be no sentient presence in the Mistral Forest. After making sure that they're alone, the Vanquisher walks forwards into the refreshing fog.
  • A long time now

    A long time now
    The Vanquisher stumbles across a house. They enter it and find it to be fully furbished. A magnetic tape is waiting for the Vanquisher, recorded by Saramae. The Vanquisher listens to the tape. Saramae informs the Vanquisher that she'll be joining them in a few months, as she has some unfinished business to attend to. The Vanquisher sits down and grabs a book. After all, it's going to be a while until she comes. In the background, a phonograph plays gentle Altmeri music, soothing the Vanquisher.
  • To the credits

    To the credits