Chapter 10 Lowe

By lowe_s
  • The Hapsburgs

    The hapsburgs were the oldest royal family left in Europle. They had, over the years, gained land in Bohemia, Hungaria, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and parts of Italy.
  • The Ottoman Empire

    Many people set up revolts to become independent states. They became known as "the sick man of Europe' because their land was being divided by revolts of nationalists all wanting to become indepedent states.
  • Nationalists Call For United Italy

    Nationalist revolts started calling for a united nation.
  • Risorgimento

    Leadership of the Italian nationalist movement called the Risorgimento was passed to the kingdom of Sardinia. King Victor Emmanuel II wanted to bring other states together to increase his power.
  • Revolts call for United Italy

    Between 1820 and 1848 nationalist revolts called for a united nation of Italy.
  • Nationalists Revolt

    Nationalists revolt in Austria but the government stops them.
  • Count Camillo Cavour

    King Victor Emmanuel II appointed Count Camillo Cavour as Prime Minister.
  • Alliance with France

    In 1858 Cavour made a secret alliance with France. France would help them if they needed it in a war against Austria.
  • War with Austria

    Cavour provoked a war with Austria. With France's help they won and annexed Lombardy within weeks.
  • King of Italy

    Victor Emmanual II was crowned king of Italy.
  • The Dual Monarchy

    The Dual Monarchy or Austria-Hungary was created in a compromise to create a new political power.