Chapter 10 Bryant

  • congess of vienna

    At the Congress of Vienna the Confederation of Germany was formed
  • Italy unites

    Unity is called for by Nationalists in Italy
  • control is taken

    Victor Emmanuel II takes over the Nationalist movement in Sardania
  • march to sardania

    Nationalists make their way to Sardania to set up shop
  • new prime minister

    Count Camillo Cavour is appointed Prime Minister of Italy
  • alliance

    Cavour makes a secret alliance with France so they can back him up in a war he was ready to provoke
  • war

    Cavour starts a war with Austria without them knowing of his alliance with France
  • end of cavour

    Emmanuel II is crowned the King of Italy
  • otto von bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck is appointed the Prime Minister by King William I.
  • war on denmark

    Bismarck forms an alliance between Prussia and Austria.
  • stabbing austria in back

    Bismarck goes against his treaty with Austria and attacks. Prussia wins and takes Holstein.
  • dual monarchy with Austria

    After seeking thier own independence from Austria, Hungary must settle for a dual monarchy with Austria. They were separated by capitals and constitutions but they were both ruled over by Francis Joseph.
  • franco-prussia war

    Bismarck edited the "Ems dispatch" making it look like William I insulted France. France then declared war on Prussia. Within a few weeks France was defeated, proving Germany was Europe's dominant power.
  • germany is born

    Germany is officially united as the 2nd Reich, meaning the 2nd empire.
  • kulturkampf

    Bismarck declares a political war on the Catholic Church because he wanted every German's focus to be on Germany and on nothing else.
  • Iron chancellor

    Bismarck is appointed Chancellor of Germany by Kaiser William I
  • end of kulturkampf

    Peace is made with the Catholic Church after Bismarck realizes that the war he began only sparked a rise in faith.
  • kasier william II

    William II takes over as the new Kaiser following in his Grandpa's footsteps
  • end of kasier william II

    Kaiser William I dies
  • goodbye bismarck

    Bismarck is asked to resign by William II becuase he doesn't want to live in anyones shadow