
  • NATO

    NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was a military alliance that was formed between the United States, Canada, and ten other countries. This was formed to help one another and if one were to be attacked the other countries would step in and help.
  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    The Chinese cvil war started after Japan was defeated. Mao Zedong and a force of comunist force fought a civil war against nationalist headed by Jiang Jieshi. Mao Zedong's forces had a victory after ragin battle and set up the People's Republic of China. The defeated fled to the island of Taiwan. Then in 1950 he conqueredTibet.Mao Zedong was able to in because of the support he gained from peasants tired of brutal landlords and taxes. Also widespread support allowed the capture of rail lines.
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    Nuclear Arms Race and Detente

    By 1949 the Soviets were cauht up with the United States and both had nuclear weapons. In 1953 both sides had made hydrogen bombs which are more powerful then atomic bombs. iN 1969 the United States and the Soviet Union began stragetic arms limitation talks(SALT) to limit the numbers of nuclear weapons. These thoughts were put into agreements and were signed by both sides in 1972 and 1979.
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    Nuclear Arms Race and Detente 2

    One agreement was about anti-ballistic missles, missles that could shoot down other missles, Then in 1991 they signed a treaty to reduce the number of anti-ballistic missles. In the 1970s the American and Soviet arms agreements lead to an era of detente, relaxtion of tensions. The American strategy was to restrain the Soviet Union through diplomatic agreements instead of military action. The era ended when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
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    Korean Conflict

    After Japan's defeat the U.S. and the Soviet union decided to divide Korea by the 38th parallel. The Soviets joine ally with north Korea and the U.S. joined with south Korea. North Korea attacked the south and the UN security council condemned them. The U.S. created a UN force to help the south but it was made up of mostly Americans and south Koreans. The U.S. troops landed in july and stopped the advancing of the north on the Pusan Perimeter, centered on the port city of Pusan.
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    Korean Conflict 2

    In september, UN troops landed on the beaches behind enemy lines and quickly captured Korea's north-south rail lines and cut off the north's troops from food and ammunition. North Korean troops surrendered and in november the UN forces advanced north to the Yalu River. This alarmed china and Mao sent hundreds of troops to help the north, forcing the U.S. back to the the 38th parallel. From there the war was a stalemate and ended in 1953 when both sides signed an armistice.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance formed by the Soviet Union. It included the Soviet Union and seven satalites in Eastern Europe. This pact cemented the divsion of Europe into eastern and western blocs.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a wall built by the Soviet Union in order to keep east Berlin Germans from moving to the west side of the city. This was set up because Eastern berlin Germans were upset with the low paid work and the communism and decided to move to the west. So the Soviets made a concrete wall with barbed wire at the top and patrol guards on duty.
  • Communist Cuba and Missle Crisis

    Communist Cuba and Missle Crisis
    In 1962 the Soviets were sending nuclear weapons into Cuba. President Kennedy's way of response was a naval blockade around Cuba so no more shipments of nuclear weapons could happen. Kennedy demanded that they remove the nuclear weapons out of Cuba. For days it was tense and finally Soviet Premier Nakita Khrushcev agreed to remove them and war was averted.
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    Vietnam Conflict

    This started as the U.S. sending supplies to help south Vietnam but then sending thousands of troops. The north attacked a U.S. navy destroyer,maddox, which they believed helped the south. Maddox believed they were attacked again but it was not likely true. President Johnson reported this to congress without mentioning raids or doubts about the second attack and they passed the gulf of tonkin resolution on august 7,1964.This allowed the president to take any action to stop agression in the south
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    vietnam conflict 3

    Nixon negotiated the paris peace accord inn january 1973, which established a cease fire. This happened when the U.S. agreed to leave vietnam and the north would not send any more troops in the south.
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    Vietnam conflict 2

    Men were ordered to sign into the war but some left to other countries where they were not.During the conflict Guerrilla war took place with rebels. In 1968 guerrilla forces came out of the jungles and attacked american and south vietnamese troops, which was unexpcted because of its happening during the vietnamese new year. Many people agreed and disagreed as the war went on. As a result the American leaders knew we had to get out and Nixon terminated the involvement.
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    Eastern European Independence

    The soviet Union started to weaken when gorbachev introduced glasnot and perestroika. Eastern europeans decided that they wanted to seek greater freedom in their own homes. As the Soviet Union started to fall reforms were quietly occuring and countries broke away. Gorbachev did not interfere with these reforms and communism fell and as the whole union crumbled everyone gained freedom.
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    Soviets in Afghanistan

    The soviets pulled in the long war in Afghanistan and were trying to modernize the nation. They started fighting muslim religious warriors, mujahedin, in the mountains. In the mid 1800s the americans started smuggling weaponry to the mujhedin which helped a lot and created a problem of morale in their home. In 1985 the energetic new leader, mikhail gorbachev, wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan to bring about new reforms. He signed the arms control treaty with the U.S. and pulled his troops out.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    After 69 years of power the soviet union fell. Shortagesgrew worse, prices soared, factories fell without gov. help, and unemployment grew high. Countries broke away and gained independence over the years. soviet hardliners tried to overthrow gorbachev and restore the old order but it failed although weakening him. At the end of 1991 the reaming soviet republics seperated into 12 nations with addition of the 3 baltic states.