100 Years of Schools and Teachers

By Loukas
  • First Community College

    The Joliet Junior College in Joliet, Illinois, opened and became the first public community college.
  • School Transportation

    Canada has transportation for schools and the U.S. creates laws to fund student transportation for school.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead projectors were mainly used for military training purposes but quickly spread to schools.
  • Photocopier

    Xerographic office photocopying was introduced by Xerox and gradually replaced other copiers.
  • First African American Child To Go To An All Caucasian School

    First grader, Ruby Bridges, was the first African American to attend an all Caucasian school. Parents pulled their children out, leaving Ruby in a one person class.
  • Handheld Calculator

    Calculators began to come into schools but teachers were a little concerned that they would take away basic skills.
  • PC's in Schools

    Computers in schools began to be more common and developed. Many schools bought Apple and Macintosh computers.
  • Whiteboards

    Whiteboards started to replace blackboards mainly because they were easier to clean and didn't give children allergies from any dust.
  • Smart Boards

    The smart board was introduced by SMART technologies.
  • Google

    Google was founded and introduced into schools.