10 Medical Advancements

  • Blood Transfusions

    Blood Transfusions
    Replacing lost blood is a super important thing in a lot of medical procedures.
  • Vaccines

    1796 is around the time when vaccines first started to be used for smallpox. Ever since they have been used to fight very deadly diseases.
  • Anesthetic

    This development has allowed so many more surgeries and operations to happen and more lives to be saved. Ether was first used, but anaesthetics have greatly improved since.
  • Germ Theory

    Germ Theory
    Louis Pasteur made a discovery about germs that has since completely changed how cleanliness was viewed and how diseases were controlled and treated.
  • X-Ray/Medical Imaging

    X-Ray/Medical Imaging
    This technology has been super helpful in detecting things we can't always from the outside.
  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics began with the creation of penicillin.
  • Organ Transplants

    Organ Transplants
    Being able to save lives by transplanting organs has opened so many doors. Currently one 90,000 people are waiting on a transplant in the US.
  • Birth Control

    Birth Control
    This pill has changed women's lives in many ways such as going into the work force and planning a family.
  • Insulin

    Insulin has dramatically increased the lifespan of people with diabetes.
  • Stem Cell Therapy

    Stem Cell Therapy
    These cells were discovered in the late 1970s and have been used to help treat things such as leukemia, blood disorders, and bone marrow transplants.